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4 parts of the cell NUCLEUS

Parts of the cell nucleus

The parts of the cell nucleus are the nuclear envelope, the nucleoplasm, the genetic material, and the nucleolus. In unProfesor we will reveal it to you in detail so that you can get to know it better. The cell nucleus is only found as part of eukaryotic cells, is in charge of containing DNA or genetic material, among other functions.

The nucleus is delimited by a double lipid layer, the same as that which makes up the cell membrane. The cell nucleus is made up of several parts that work together to ensure the proper functioning of the cell. In this lesson from a Teacher we will tell you what are the parts of the cell nucleus and their functions.

The cell nucleus is one of the organelles of eukaryotic cells, there we can find the genetic material and the structures necessary for its transcription to occur. DNA never leaves the nucleus, so that its information can be translated, a copy of the DNA is made, this copy or transcription is known as messenger RNA.

Messenger RNA is capable of leaving the cell nucleus to carry its message to the cytoplasm and be translated into In the form of proteins, ribosomes are the ones that act by interpreting the encoded message to synthesize the proteins.

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This organelle has several parts. which we will see in detail below:

  • membrane or nuclear envelope
  • nucleoplasm
  • Genetic material
  • nucleosomes

In unProfesor we discover what is the cell nucleus function.

Parts of the cell nucleus - What is the cell nucleus?

We are going to know here the main parts of the cell nucleus and its functions so that you know better. Here we tell you easily.

nuclear envelope

It is made up of a double phospholipid membrane that separates the nucleoplasm from the cytoplasm. It has an outer and an inner membrane. The outer membrane is connected to the rough endoplasmic reticulum and is in contact with the cytoplasm on the outside of the nucleus. The inner membrane is in contact with the nucleoplasm, inside it has lamellar proteins that make up the nuclear lamina, in charge of maintaining the shape and serving as support in the internal organization of the core.

Between the outer and inner membrane we find the perinuclear space, there we find passages or tunnels through which substances and molecules will circulate from the interior of the nucleus to the cytoplasm or vice versa. On the surface of the membrane you can see the nuclear pores, which are the entrance and exit gate of the inter membrane passages.

Between his functions we can mention the following:

  • Physical barrier, between inside and outside of the core.
  • Regulates the passage of substances.
  • Shape the core.
  • Participate in the organization of core activities.


The nucleoplasm is another part of the cell nucleus; in fact, it is the internal environment of the nucleus in charge of containing the DNA associated with proteins called histones and the nucleolus. It is also known as nuclear cytosol or caryoplasm, it is an aqueous medium in the form of a gel, it is composed of water, ions and proteins.

Genetic material

The genetic material in cells with a nucleus is made up of dna (deoxyribonucleic acid) and proteins. The structure of DNA consists of thousands of nucleotides linked together. Nucleotides are made up of a pentose sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. There is 4 different types of nucleotides that are linked to form DNA, these vary in their nitrogenous bases, there are 2 purine bases: Adenine (A) and Guanine (G), and two pyrimidine bases: Cytosine (C) and Thymine (T).

The sugar that is part of the DNA nucleotides is deoxyribose. Nucleotides are linked to each other through phosphate groups, forming a single linear chain. But, the structure of DNA consists of a double strand, this occurs thanks to the fact that the nitrogenous bases complement each other by forming hydrogen bonds between them. These unions occur between A and T, and, on the other hand, between C and G. In this way, two simple chains of nucleotides are faced and linked. The two chains of nucleotides joined together, take the form of a loop, which is why it is arranged as a double helix. We can compare the structure of DNA to a spiral staircase, where the steps represent the bases. opposing nitrogenous cells, joined by hydrogen bonds, and the handrails make up the sugar and the groups bonded phosphates.

DNA is associated with proteins that are responsible for folding or shaping the entire molecule, thus forming what is known as CHROMATIN. When the chromatin is decondensed, the DNA can be observed under the microscope as an unarmed ball of wool, on the other hand, when the cell has to multiply, the chromatin condenses forming more compact structures with the shapes of X and Y, which we know as CHROMOSOMES. DNA adopts this form for its duplication and better distribution during cell division.


The nucleolus is another part of the cell nucleus. It is observed under the microscope as a spherical mass, usually there is more than one. It is made up of RNA and proteins It is responsible for manufacturing ribosomes, organelles responsible for protein synthesis. It is essential for gene expression and protein production.

In conclusion, the cell nucleus has several parts that work together for its proper functioning. Each of these parts has specific functions and are coordinated to ensure the functioning of cellular activities.

Here is a review of the differences between RNA and DNA.

Parts of the Cell Nucleus - What are the parts of the cell nucleus and their functions?

Megías M., Molist P., Pombal M. TO. (2021) “Atlas of Plant and Animal Histology. The cell. The nucleus." Department of Functional Biology and Health Sciences. Faculty of Biology. University of Vigo, Spain.

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