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Summary of ALTAZOR by Vicente Huidobro and analysis

Altazor by Vicente Huidobro: summary and analysis

Altazoror also known as Altazor or the parachute trip, is the most important work of the Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro and was published in Madrid in 1931. In this work, the author exposes a language that breaks the classic schemes and for that reason it is considered the beginning of the avant-garde movement of creationism, which developed in the first third of the century xx.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to make you a summary of Altazor by Vicente Huidobro and analysis so that you can learn more about this important work in the Spanish literature scene.

Altazorit's a epic and surreal poem written by the Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro. It was published in 1931, as we have mentioned before, and it consists of seven songs, which tell the story of an imaginary journey of the protagonist, Altazor, through different levels of consciousness.

The poem begins with birth of Altazor in space and its subsequent fall to earth. From there, the protagonist begins his journey through different worlds and realities, often defying the laws of physics and logic.

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Throughout the work, Huidobro uses a variety of literary techniques, such as rhyme, free verse, and collage, to create a surreal and dreamlike atmosphere. It also makes reference to various artistic and literary currents of his time, such as cubism and futurism.

Altazor is considered one of the more important works Chilean and Latin American poetry of the 20th century, and has influenced many other poets and artists. It is a complex work and rich in meanings, which lends itself to multiple interpretations.

Taking into account the summary of the work, we are going to give you some possible readings of its meaning:

exploration of consciousness

Altazor can be read as an exploration of the different levels of human consciousness, from everyday reality to the transcendental dimension. Throughout the poem, the protagonist discovers and experiences these different worlds, and his journey becomes a search for the ultimate truth of existence.

Criticism of the modern world

Huidobro was an avant-garde poet who rejected the traditional forms of literature and art. In Altazor, you can read a implicit critique of the modern world and its limitations, and a search for new forms of expression and meaning.

The surrealism

Altazor falls within the surreal movement What was I looking for? explore the subconscious and the irrational forces of the mind. The poem presents a dreamlike and fantastic world, in which apparently unconnected elements are mixed and the laws of logic and physics are violated.

The influence of cubism

Huidobro was one of the founders of the cubist movement in poetry, which sought break with narrative linearity and thematic coherence. Altazor It presents a fragmented and disordered structure, in which different voices and perspectives are mixed.

Social and political criticism

Although it is not the main theme of the work, Altazor contains some criticism of the society and politics of the time. For example, canto II presents a parody of political speeches and canto III criticizes repression and state violence.

Altazor by Vicente Huidobro: summary and analysis - Summary of Altazor by Vicente Huidobro

Altazor presents a wide variety of literary techniques and devices which make it considered a very complex work, in addition to contributing to create a surreal and experimental atmosphere. Below we present a brief analysis of Vicente Huidobro's Altazor, at a more technical level.

  • Structure:Altazor consists of seven songs, each of which has its own structure. Cantos I and VII are written in blank verse, without rhyme or measure, while cantos II to VI have an internal rhyme and a more regular structure.
  • Verses: Huidobro uses a wide variety of types of verses in Altazor. For example, he plays with the measure and rhyme of the verses, often using free verses or irregular. It also uses the alliteration, assonance and other sound resources to create rhythmic and musical effects.
  • Collage: One of the most characteristic techniques of Altazor is the collage, which consists of the union of apparently unconnected elements. Huidobro uses this technique to create a surreal and dreamlike atmosphere, in which elements of everyday reality are mixed with fantastic and symbolic images.
  • Images and symbols:Altazor this full of suggestive images and symbols, which contribute to creating his poetic universe. Some of these symbols include the sea, night, fire, sun, angel, and snake. These images are often used ambiguously, allowing for multiple interpretations.
  • Language games: Huidobro frequently uses language games in Altazor, as the paronomasia or the antithesis. These resources are used to create surprising and bewildering effects, which contribute to the surreal atmosphere of the work.
Altazor by Vicente Huidobro: summary and analysis - Analysis of Altazor by Vicente Huidobro

Image: Slideplayer

We present you a fragment of canto VII of Altazor, so that you can see the richness and complexity of the work.

"The tree is taller than the man

The wind is stronger than the tree

The storm is stronger than the wind

The lightning is stronger than the storm

Fire is stronger than lightning

death is stronger than fire

The man is taller than the tree

Man is stronger than the wind

Man is stronger than the storm

Man is stronger than lightning

man is stronger than fire

Man is stronger than death

The tree grows towards the sun

The wind blows to the sea

The storm breaks out in the sky

Lightning illuminates the night

fire consumes wood

Death comes like a thief

The man finds his way

Man seeks his destiny

The man seeks the light

The man seeks the truth

man looking for love

Man seeks immortality"

Now that we have explained the summary and analysis of Altazor by Vicente Huidobro, do you dare to read it? If you are interested in knowing more works like this and understanding the meaning to which the authors referred, do not hesitate. in consulting our reading section, where we will accompany you through the most important works of literature Spanish.

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