Education, study and knowledge

Laura Gómez: "Boys and girls have complex emotions"

Until relatively recently, when people talked about caring for young children, they usually referred to tasks that were limited to maintaining their good physical health (such as food or protection against immediate danger) or, at most, their education. In a world where until a few decades ago infant mortality was very high, it is not surprising that raising children was seen almost as just another mechanical job.

However, times have changed, and fortunately, nowadays not only the existence of young sons and daughters matters, but also their happiness and emotional well-being. For this reason, nowadays there is much more open talk about issues such as childhood depression. AND This has been accompanied by a progressive growth in specialization in child and adolescent psychotherapy.. We will talk about this with the psychologist Laura Gómez, from Edeca Formación.

Interview with Laura Gómez: the growing demand for psychological care for children's mental health

Laura Gómez is a psychologist and member of the team of Edeca Training

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, a study center specialized in the fields of Psychology and Educational Sciences. In this interview, he talks about the expansion of the world of psychotherapeutic assistance for boys and girls.

Has the belief been widespread that boys and girls generally live a carefree life free of real problems?

Yes, there has been and still is the belief that boys and girls live a carefree life free from real problems. However, this belief is incorrect and dangerous, since boys and girls also experience positive and negative emotions, and live in a social context, with norms, obligations, limits, etc And therefore, they may also have emotional and psychological problems that can affect their well-being and development. The little ones can also experience difficult situations such as the loss of a loved one, family problems, bullying, or other problems...

It is important to recognize that children have complex emotions and that they need the right support and guidance to overcome these situations and develop in a healthy way. It is very important to instill an emotional education from a very young age so that they acquire the necessary tools to manage their emotions.

In addition, it is crucial that the importance of the mental health children and provide the necessary support to children who need it. For this reason, the role of mental health professionals is very important, as they can help infants, both directly and through through parents, to learn emotional and social skills to face life's challenges and develop in a healthy and happy.

What are the main problems that an adult-centric vision of mental health brings with it?

The concept of adult centrism alludes to the predominance of a type of supremacy, an unequal social relationship between adult individuals, who hold authority and become the pattern to follow in terms of perception of the world, and other individuals, commonly belonging to the childhood, adolescence, youth or old age.

This adult-centric vision of mental health that we face can have several problems, the main one being the neglect of the needs of children.

In addition, there is a lack of consideration of cultural differences, and also a lack of attention to behavioral disorders. neurodevelopment, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, which can also be misinterpreted by that adult-centric vision of which We are talking.

There is a stigma towards mental illness at an early age, which makes it difficult both to seek help and access to the necessary treatments in each case, such as the prevention and promotion of mental health from an early age age.

Fortunately, this vision is currently changing, to give way to a more global vision, where it is very important to understand that, at any time in the stage of a person's life, mental health care may be needed, and the necessary resources must be invested so that all ages are covers. Even more so considering that childhood is the first stage of life, and for this reason it is so crucial, because it is where we will be trained to become future adults.

Are you noticing that there are more and more people with a university degree in Psychology who, instead of want to have a generalist profile as psychotherapists, they prefer to specialize in therapy infanto-juvenile?

Completely. There are more and more people with a university degree in Psychology who prefer to specialize in child and adolescent therapy instead of having a generalist profile as psychotherapists. In fact, many of our students enroll in programs that are specialized in therapy with the little ones.

We believe this may be the result of increased awareness of the importance of child and youth mental health, as well as increased demand for mental health services for this population. Fathers and mothers are increasingly aware that it is not a bad thing to take their child to therapy if necessary. Like other specialists, they are part of the normal development and health care.

Child and adolescent therapy can be a challenging and rewarding field, as it requires specific skills and knowledge to work with children and young people. It is important that professionals working in this field have a thorough understanding of child and youth development, as well as as well as the different intervention techniques and strategies that can be effective in addressing the needs of this population.

It is encouraging to see that more people are interested in specializing in child and adolescent therapy, since this it can mean increased availability of mental health services for children and youth who need them. However, it is also important to remember that psychology is a broad and diverse discipline, and that professionals trained in different areas are needed to meet the diverse needs of the society.

In what ways is it being reflected in society that there is a greater awareness of mental health at all ages?

There are several ways in which a greater awareness of mental health at all ages is being reflected in society. One of them is that more resources and services are being implemented to promote mental health, such as awareness campaigns, support groups, help lines, etc.

In addition, we realize that society, especially the new generations, are increasingly open to discuss issues related to mental health and to eliminate the stigma associated with mental disorders. There are more and more young people who go to the consultation when they need it, trying to fight against the prejudices that have always existed.

The greater awareness of mental health is also reflected in the media, which we see is paying more attention to mental health issues and are providing more information and resources for those who need aid.

In the same way, it is reflected in governments and organizations, which are investing more in mental health, creating programs and services that can help people of all ages cope with life's challenges and not feel alone.

Even so, much remains to be done in this area, as there are still many prejudices and we must continue to raise awareness and normalizing everything related to mental health, so that in this way coverage can be provided to all people who they need it.

Can it be said that boys and girls have their own cultural dynamics? For example, when they reach certain ages, they stop wanting to be like their parents and prefer to imitate the behavior of children their age, or a little older than them.

Yes it's correct. As they grow and develop, children begin to establish their own identities and find their place in the world. As part of this process, it is common for children to begin to identify more with their parents and to want to imitate their behavior.

The family represents the initial teaching environment to which the child is exposed from the first moments of life. Within it, the little ones receive their first life lessons and learn different values ​​that begin to build their personality. But the family environment is not the only source to which they are exposed, as there is also the school, teachers, friends, and the environment that surrounds them on a social level, current affairs, hobbies, television, networks social etc

In some cases, as they get older, children stop wanting to be like their parents and prefer to imitate the behavior of other children of the same age or a little older, or also of his favorite characters (in which networks play an important role social). This can include the way they dress, talk, or interact with others.

These cultural dynamics can be influenced by factors such as the culture in which the child is growing up, her social and economic environment, as well as her own personality and temperament. It is important to recognize that these cultural dynamics are part of the natural development process of children and can be an important way of establishing their own identity and sense of belonging in the world.

For this reason, it is so important that they have good references, that help them grow and enrich themselves, in a healthy, creative and motivating way. Identifying children's role models is essential to understanding how they impact their growth and development.

What are the recent social changes that are giving rise to psychological problems that affect many minors today and that practically did not exist a few decades ago?

There are several recent social changes that are giving rise to psychological problems that affect many minors. One of the most relevant is the increased use of technology. The excessive use of electronic devices, such as tablets, mobile phones or video games, has led to an increase in anxiety problems, depression, lack of social skills and even social isolation in many minors.

Digital technologies are currently an important part of children's lives. But mismanaged use can lead to behavioral problems and missed opportunities for physical interaction. Therefore, the use of digital technologies must be balanced with the development of other types of activities.

On the other hand, they also affect the changes in the family structure, since the increase in divorces and separations of parents or single-parent families, has led to an increase in social-emotional or behavioral problems for many minors. In these cases it is always important to have a good praxis.

Therefore, in situations of this type, you can count on professional help to know how to deal with the situation with your children. It is important to involve the child in what is happening, explain the situation adjusted to her age and always transmitting security on the part of the parents and making it clear that he or she is not responsible or guilty of the decisions made by the parents. parents.

We can also talk about the prevalence of bullying, which has increased in recent years, causing self-esteem, anxiety and depression problems in many students. It must be taken into account that, although bullying has always existed, currently due to the increasing use of technology, a way of communication between young people, it is easier to suffer this bullying. For this reason, it is very important to invest in prevention, and promote a good education where equality and empathy are reflected.

Finally, we can also highlight the academic pressure and the emphasis on success through academic achievement, which has also increased anxiety and stress problems in young people. It is increasingly notable that educational centers exert considerable pressure on boys and girls, which can cause elevated levels of stress and anxiety in those who are more likely to experience these emotions.

Children begin to experience tension and stress from a very early age and are more susceptible than adults, since they have not yet acquired effective skills to deal with certain circumstances. Therefore, it is important that children have time for their obligations and homework, but also to play. We emphasize the importance of working in the direction that academic subjects are a source of motivation and not frustration.

From your point of view, what are the main characteristics that a post-university specialization program in child mental health must have in 2023 to be recommendable?

As specialists in postgraduate training in psychology, from our point of view, a Master's or postgraduate, specializing in child mental health, today would have to be, mainly updated.

This means that it must include an exhaustive and up-to-date review of the latest developments in the field of children's mental health, from neuroscience, to the treatments based on the evidence.

The program must train you in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood mental disorders, so It should be practice-oriented, so that students can apply what they have learned in a learning environment. job.

In addition, it must also include training in social skills and competencies to work with children, parents and families, as well as training in culture and diversity, to Appropriately address the needs of children of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds or other cultural particularities that may influence mental health childish.

Finally, of course, it must be a program fully adapted to the digital age. This means that it must also give the student skills in digital technologies oriented to use in clinical practice and mental health research.

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