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The 70 most famous phrases of María Félix

María de los Ángeles Félix Güereña, popularly known for Maria Felix, she was a Mexican actress born on April 8, 1914.

This popular actress is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful women of her time and an entire erotic myth of the time, but what What really made this woman great was her strong character, her determined will that always made her stand out throughout her life. life.

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Great phrases by María Félix

María Félix, who passed away in 2002, was a woman with very clear ideas about her role in the world and about the macho system in which she found herself involved in the Mexico of those times.

We are facing a woman with such talent that she deserves to remain forever in our memory, and that is why We have made a selection of the 70 most famous phrases of María Félix, that you will surely like!

1. I don't have a voice but I have a stilt.

The character of María Félix was always something that undoubtedly made her a woman to take up arms.

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2. What still surprises me at this time is that women allow themselves to be beaten. Stupids... I was a very beaten, mistreated woman, thrown from the stairs, pinched... but in the movies. I don't have a punchy face!

She was never intimidated and always showed herself as she was, an example of her attitude towards life.

3. In a man's world like this, I want to warn you to be careful. Here comes the revenge of women. When we are the majority we will rule. And to command you have to be informed, learn and be prepared. That is why it is necessary for women to educate themselves. So abused women.

She has always been a defender of women's rights and equal opportunities between both sexes.

4. I do not justify the murder, the murder of a person is something horrible but in this case (of a rape of the woman) I also grab the gun and thunder it.

She was always a woman who did not allow herself to be trampled on and woe to anyone who dared to miss the great María Félix.

5. I'm not calzonuda, I bring panties.

In those days, having such a strong character could give even a great woman like her more than one headache. One of the phrases of María Félix with more character.

6. You have to assert yourself and more in this country of machos.

Being clear about our ideas and fighting for them is what María Félix preached.

7. It seems to me that Mexico has to be otherwise.

Mexico still had a lot to progress as a country, its culture and the education of the smallest of the house was essential to improve.

8. The first male I met was my father.

With her father, María was already able to see the first abuses of power that women had to endure.

9. We have to be more autonomous, more mistresses and mistresses of our destiny, so we can do more for this country.

She was very aware of the power of women and she knew that a very relevant future awaited them in Mexican society.

10. Without mystery there is no love. The mystery has to be preserved, you can't walk with the slipper dragging in the house. It is necessary that a bit of mystery be preserved, that you be beautiful in the house to preserve love. A man in the house makes me look pretty.

She was a woman aware of the power she exercised over men and she knew how to use her qualities to achieve her objectives in life.

11. The best way to love someone is to love them as they are, with their flaws.

Love is unconditional, you love that person with their virtues and their defects, otherwise it is not true love.

12. The man is unfaithful by nature... well and the woman too.

Infidelity is something practiced by both sexes, María Félix knew very well that it was not something intrinsic to just one gender.

13. From my way of seeing things, we would need a leader with strength, with physique, with lights, with attractiveness, with charisma and with love for the Country.

These are the qualities that María thought she should be attributed to the possible future president of Mexico.

14. I have a mariachi soul.

She was always a woman with a taste for music and dance, she enjoyed both throughout her life.

15. I have always been very lucky. tremendous!

She considered herself a woman who was very lucky throughout her career, at a labor and economic level, she acquired great solvency.

16. Protest, complain, don't give up, get ready, make your life what you want and not what your men allow you to be. Love and be loved. Don't settle for little. This will be from now on a country of women. Now it's our turn.

The fight for women's rights was always something that worried María Félix, she played a relevant role in the empowerment of women in Mexico.

17. I make a vow of faith and reason so that Mexican women no longer remain silent. So that they understand that to have a better place you have to have courage. You have to know that the truth is the only thing that will save us and make us better people.

Maria wanted women to fight for their future and for their complaints to be heard within society.

18. Beauty is in the soles of the feet. Yes, because a pretty sitting down hits but as soon as she gets up, she walks like a chencha and not anymore. There are so many that are not so pretty but walking down the street you look at them.

This great woman knew very well that our attitude is something very important, because with it we can give a much more powerful image of ourselves.

19. I would drive to Mexico with order and with honor.

In this quote he tells us that if they allowed him, he would accept the role of head of state, surely he would have been a lady president.

20. Now having surgery (of the face) is like going up a hem. People criticize out of envy.

The time that she was able to live was a time of great changes in society, but she always knew how to update herself and always remain in vogue.

21. I call on all women to be careful and cautious in bed.

María knew very well that women should have decision-making power in matters of love and that they should take all possible precautions.

22. If you want to leave a man, investigate him but if you don't want to leave him, don't look for him because you will find him.

All men keep their own secrets, just as many women do too.

23. I don't count with the past. New things always come.

We must always think about the future and be ambitious, this great woman was always a very positive person.

24. I am against the exploitation of Mexican women. Much of the good that Mexico has had since the beginning of time is due to women. The woman has been a valuarte and conservation in the house and outside the house. It is largely men who have killed each other in wars and turned the country upside down in politics.

María was fully aware of the relevant role that women play within any society and how they should have power in decision-making to a greater extent.

25. The worst of the evils that makes us losers is machismo.

Machismo is something that has been present in almost all societies since time immemorial and that must be eradicated.

26. Mexicans learn from failure.

Mexicans, like all societies, learn by the method of error or success, in the end they solve their own problems.

27. It is necessary that the woman be strong, that she be firm, that she be autonomous as far as possible, that she seek to have an independent life, of course with the role of her mother, with the role of her wife. That's ok. I have been a mother and wife and I have been thoroughly but I have forged myself and I have made a life of my own.

Women should be free to lead the life that suits them best, regardless of what the rest of society thinks.

28. With so many men... cry for one?

She knew very well that love relationships could not end well and that this was not the end of the world.

29. There are husbands who use physical violence with their wives. I make a vow: that justice be more severe for these domestic executioners.

The gender violence that women have always suffered, María Félix was a great activist who advocated that the law be as severe as possible with these monsters that practiced it.

30. Doña, are you a lesbian? asked an Argentine journalist

-If all men were like you, but immediately.

María suffered comments as unfortunate as this on several occasions, because there were men who did not understand a character as strong as hers and felt intimidated by her.

31. Don't feel bad if someone rejects you, people usually reject the expensive because they can't afford it.

A very inspiring phrase that encourages us to value ourselves, and that has a typical way of seeing the life of María Félix.

32. It is better to envy than pity.

This great actress was much envied throughout her career, but she always knew how to overcome the problems that those who were envious of her could cause her.

33. It's not hard to be pretty, the hard thing is knowing how to be!

Being a pretty woman is not just a matter of physique, but also of the attitude you should adopt.

34. An original woman is not one that does not imitate anyone, but one that no one can imitate.

Being someone unique is something that is very difficult in this society, but María Félix knew how to be.

35. I find it a bit difficult to talk about myself; speaking of me is very severe because I am much better than I seem.

The self-esteem of this actress was always something that characterized her throughout her life, she knew very well that she should not let anyone step on her. One of the most recognized phrases of María Félix.

36. I do not believe the divine heron: I am the divine heron.

A very famous quote from María Félix where she made it clear that she was very aware of her own worth and that she was going to make herself noticed within society.

37. Money is not happiness, but it is always better to cry in a Ferrari...

This may be her most famous quote. Who has not used it at some time when referring to possible personal wealth? One of the most international phrases by María Félix, although few people know that it was she who uttered it for the first time.

38. I fight for a man? No! They do for me; but not for them […] I have never cried for a man because the moment he doesn't love me, I no longer love him”

The world is very big and we can always find another person to start a new relationship, María Félix knew that very well.

39. You have to cry for a man for three days... And on the fourth, you put on heels and new clothes.

A way in the purest María Félix style to overcome a love relationship. Always with attitude!

40. If all men were as ugly as you, of course she would be a lesbian, she responded to a reporter in Argentina who questioned her sexual preferences.

At this appointment, María Félix also had to stop a reporter who hinted at what her sexual preferences could be and even called him ugly.

41. (I represent) the successful Mexican who does not give up. I am not a slob. I never was.

María always saw herself as a successful, fighting and empowered woman.

42. There are some (men) who didn't suit me, some because they were ugly, others because they were very poor and I don't like asking for stockings.

She always knew very well what she was looking for in a man and she never hid it from anyone.

43. A journalist once asked me with a very bad mood: You like to talk about yourself a lot, right?, and I answered: I prefer to speak well of myself to speak badly of others.

María was always a woman who did not speak ill of anyone behind her back, she focused her life on her own well-being and on her professional career, something that we all should do.

44. I will be for you one more woman in your life, but you will be one less man in mine.

When a man didn't suit her, she knew very well that it was time to start something new in her life.

45. In Mexico, when they want to insult one of her, they tell her that she is old.

In Mexico they have a somewhat peculiar way of insulting and María was told that she was old as if she were going to care.

46. Since the beginning of time, men have gotten the best of the cake. I have the heart of a man and that is why she has done so well for me.

She was always a woman with ambitions and she knew that no one, neither society nor men were going to be able to break her.

47. If one is handsome on the inside, it naturally reflects and beautifies the outside.

Maria knew that our personality is what makes us look attractive inside and out.

48. I am liberal because I always do what I want.

She was a woman who did whatever she wanted throughout her life, an example of an empowered woman.

49. Flowers! I hate flowers! They last a day and you have to be thankful for your whole life.

The flowers are a gift that she saw as banal and meaningless, since they do not last over time.

50. I am not afraid of gray hair or wrinkles, but of a lack of interest in life. I'm not afraid of the years falling on me, but of falling myself.

Losing the illusion of living is what really makes us old, as long as we have ambitions and desire to discover things our mind will remain young.

51. For a man to know what the woman in her house is like, he needs to try others. She also the woman. The thing must be even.

A quote that tells us about infidelity and how it can be a thing for both of us within a couple.

52. I am an extremely antisocial woman, I would rather have the attention of a single brilliant man than a horde of jerks.

María, she knew how to surround herself very well with those people who really contributed something positive to her life.

53. Don't give me advice, I can make mistakes alone.

We learn from our mistakes and she knew it, so she didn't need anyone's advice other than her own mistakes.

54. Of course I have a soul, just because a blind man like you can't see it doesn't mean he doesn't have it.

She suffered many unfortunate comments throughout her life, said by men she did not understand her temper.

55. Nobody impresses me with the price, but with the results.

In our life our achievements are what define us as individuals within society.

56. A man has to be a sculpture to satisfy, a woman to satisfy just smiles.

Maria liked well-built men, she had a very personal taste in choosing who would be her partner.

57. Diva is something invented, but I was not manufactured. Life did me and possibly did me very well.

She knew that all the credit for what she got was for herself, not for the intervention of any third party.

58. I think I knew how to direct my life and I directed my career well, because there are people who direct her work well but do not direct her life well. Clearly I have directed my life well, because first of all I have had a fabulous time.

She enjoyed herself very much throughout her career and throughout her personal life, she was a woman who knew how to get everything she wanted.

59. Beauty gives you everything, but it is not everything.

She knew how to use her beauty, but she also knew that her intelligence is what allowed her to use a greater range of qualities to achieve her goals.

60. I'm up to the top of the heads of the assholes and, above all, of those who want to continue seeing our faces. And since some men don't wear their pants, today we are going to wear them.

A phrase that describes very well the strong and determined character of this celebrity of Mexican cinema from the 40s and 50s.

61. People without ambition never get out of the hole.

Ambition led María Félix to be the iconic woman we all know, the same one who reached the top of the Mexican film firmament.

62. My enemies are many and they are bad; my few and good friends.

True friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand and that was well known to this great woman. Another of the great phrases of María Félix.

63. I don't know her, my work had no rivals. I don't know, everything has always gone so well for me. I think I never had real competition.

There were people who want to attribute certain rivals to her during her time as an actress, but she always saw them as mere companions doing her own work.

64. There was a Zapata, Pancho Villa himself, an adventurer, he was a man, you saw the guy's sizes. There are no longer men like those of before; It is a product that has been lost, the quality is lost. Look even at the physique of the new men and you will see that they do not have those wingspans.

María longed for the days when men were made of a different material than her contemporaries.

65. The best way to love someone is to accept them as they are, that's what I do with Antoine, it's not easy, but just loving assholes is easy.

True love can be difficult to find, and it can even be difficult for us to sustain over time, but if we find it, we must fight for it.

66. I have no troubles. Many women that I know are sad because they are no longer 20, 25 years old. I do not care. I am the age that I am.

Maria was always happy with whatever age she lived, the important thing is how we live each year, not how many years we live.

67. In life I consider success to be less than celebrity. Success can be achieved by many people, the celebrity touches you and is with you for a lifetime.

When you achieve celebrity status, it will stay with you for a lifetime.

68. Leave the dead alone, if those who are inside can't get out and those of us who are outside don't want to go in.

We must be respectful with our deceased and let them rest in peace, the time will come for all of us.

69. The perfume of incest does not have another love.

Recent studies suggest that María's first love was her brother two years older than her, without a doubt something that has raised a lot of controversy in this regard.

70. Investigate me or say a word to me, the other day a journalist from his great prestige told me: "I would like to give you a biography" and it seemed fine to me; They have given me so many flat biographies and so many that I have not allowed and well, we had appointments, we had recordings, we had visits, we found ourselves in this history of the biography so that at a given moment this person tells me "I can't do your biography anymore because I was already your friend and I feel like your friend I don't want to investigate you anymore" and the word it filled me: why are you going to investigate me if I'm not Porfirio Díaz or Emiliano Zapata why are you going to investigate me those are investigated, an actress is invented, an actress it's dream.

A great quote that speaks highly of the humility of María Félix, who was undoubtedly a woman of character strong but she was always honest with herself and for that reason she is loved by thousands of people from all over the world. world.

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