100 fantastic phrases (for inspiration and reflection)
There are a series of famous quotes and fantastic phrases that stir something inside us.. They are thoughts of great philosophers, writers and scientists of all times that, for some reason, touch us closely.
They are not only fanciful phrases (in the sense of alluding to parallel realities), but they are phrases with a great reflective component that we should all apply to our daily lives.
- Related article: "130 wise phrases to reflect on life"
Fantastic phrases with which to reflect
Today we are going to know these fantastic phrases. We hope you like them.
If we have missed a famous quote that is worth including in this list, please use the comments section to let us know.
1. In that other life there is a mixture of something purely fantastic, ardently ideal, and something terribly ordinary. (Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky)
Phrase of the great Russian author.
2. To create the fantastic, we must first understand the real. (walt disney)
Reality inspires us to create parallel projects and stories.
3. Sex between two people is a beautiful thing; out of five is fantastic. (Woody Allen)
Great ironic phrase from the American filmmaker.
4. The fantastic and the unexpected, what changes and is eternally renewed, finds no better example than in real life itself. (Berenice Abbott)
The reality is usually narrow.
5. My God! My God! I would like to be able to find out what has happened to me. But... Will I dare? I will be able to do it? ..It's crazy, so fantastic, so inexplicable and incomprehensible... (Guy DeMaupassant)
Thought of the incredible French writer.
6. The higher beings created by religious fantasy are nothing more than the fantastic reflection of our own essence. (Karl Marx)
The Jewish economist, stressing the great link between fantasy and reality.
7. The ambiguity remains until the end of the adventure: reality or dream? Truth or illusion? In this way we are drawn into the heart of the fantastic. The fantastic occupies the time of this uncertainty. From the moment we choose one or the other, we abandon the fantastic to enter a neighboring genre, the strange or the wonderful. The fantastic is the doubt experienced by a being who only knows natural laws, in the face of an apparently supernatural event. (Tzvetan Todorov)
This is how the Bulgarian writer positioned himself.
8. First of all, we gave a definition of the genre: the fantastic is essentially based on a vacillation of the reader of a reader who identifies with the main character referring to the nature of an event strange. This hesitation can be resolved either by admitting that the event belongs to reality, or by deciding that it is the product of the imagination or the result of an illusion; in other words, it can be decided that the event is or is not. (Tzvetan Todorov)
Following the line of the previous extract.
9. Fantasy is perfectly respectable. What's more: most of the masterpieces of literature could be considered fantasy or have something fantastic about them. (...) People speak of "respectable literature", but there is no reason for such a distinction. I want everything that can fit in a novel, from the beauty of the language to the mystery through some powerful characters and a good story. (Patrick Rothfuss)
An ode to fantastic literature.
10. (...) The crush is the same as at 20 years old. It puts life in technicolor. Everything acquires another relief, everything has another interest. It was fantastic. (Esther Tusquets)
About love and its mystical halo.
11. I wanted to do something fantasy genre for girls. In Japan there have always been many series in the Power Rangers style and I love them, I have watched them since I can remember, I watched each one twenty times and I am fascinated. And it occurred to me to do something like Power Rangers, but for girls. (Nako Takeuchi)
An oriental look at the fantastic genre and science fiction.
12. Fantasy plus fantasy cannot but give something more fantastic. (Antonio Skarmeta)
It just multiplies.
13. For obvious reasons I will have been the first to discover that this book not only doesn't sound like what you want but often sounds like what you don't want, and so the proponents of the reality in literature will find it rather fantastic while those perched on fiction will deplore its deliberate collusion with the history of our days. (Julio Cortazar)
Disparity of ideas.
14. If I have learned anything in all this time, it is that we all want things to go well for us. We do not need anything fantastic, wonderful or extraordinary. If things go well, we are happy. Because, most of the time, that they go well is enough. (David Levitan)
On the simplicity on which happiness rests.
15. I almost always start with the fantasy element, and usually with the ending, and the rest of the story depends on the intersection of the weird and the closing moment. (Kelly Link)
About his creative process.
16. The fantastic thing about literature is its diversity. (Muriel Barbery)
Thousands of authors, and each one with a worldview.
17. I love life. I think it's fantastic. Sometimes it comes to hard stuff, and when it comes to big stuff, you have to take advantage of it. (Sam Taylor-Wood)
A very well summarized philosophy of life.
18. I can't be compared to Pelé. I need to do a lot more to be compared to Pelé. Pele is fantastic. And he is unique. (Neymar)
An ode to a compatriot of Brazilian crack.
19. Chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans have lived hundreds of thousands of years in your forest, living fantastic lives, never overcrowding, never destroying the forest. I would say that they have been more successful than us in being in harmony with the environment. (Jane Goodall)
Phrase about primates.
20. Whether it's Google or Apple or free software, we have some fantastic competitors and that keeps us on our toes. (Bill Gates)
From the creator of Windows and Microsoft.
21. The admirable thing about the fantastic is that there is no longer anything fantastic: there is only the real. (Andre Breton)
Thought of the French surrealist writer.
22. Fill your eyes with wonder, live like you're dead in ten seconds. See the world. It is more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories. (Ray Bradbury)
23. If life were not fantastic it would be absolutely incomprehensible. (Bertrand Regarder)
I would have neither head nor tail.
24. Even though I'm fantastic, I'm still pretty smart. (Shahrukh Khan)
You can't lose your sanity.
25. Surrealism, then, does not try to subvert realism, as does the fantastic, nor does it try to transcend it. Look for different means to explore reality itself. (Michael Richardson)
A definition of this literary genre.
26. Children seem to need, then, a delicate balance between the realistic and the fantastic in their art; realistic enough to know that the story matters, enough of the fantastic to make what matters wonderful. (Eric S. rabkin)
On the art of educating.
27. The fantastic breaks the crust of appearance... something grabs us by the shoulders to throw us out of ourselves. I always knew that great surprises await us where we have learned not to be surprised by anything, that is, where we are not surprised by breaks in order. (Julio Cortazar)
Of the Argentine genius.
28. The fantastic cannot exist independently of that 'real' world that it seems to find frustratingly finite. (Rosemary Jackson)
A reflection on the limits of the fantasy.
29. But if it's stories of the fantastic that interest you, I must warn you that this kind of story requires more artistry and judgment than is commonly believed. (Charles Nodier)
30. The fantastic is always a break in the recognized order, an irruption of the inadmissible within the immutable daily legality. (Roger Caillois)
Fantastic phrase about the concept itself.
31. It should be especially emphasized that the fantastic is meaningless in a world out of the ordinary. Imagining the fantastic is even impossible. In a world full of wonder, the extraordinary loses its power. (Roger Caillois)
Another parallelism between the real and the imaginary.
32. The fantastic postulates that there are forces in the external world, and in our own natures, that we can neither know nor understand. control, and these forces may even constitute the essence of our existence, beneath the rational surface comforting. The fantastic is also a product of the human imagination, perhaps even an excess of imagination. It arises when the laws that are considered absolute are transcended, on the border between life and death, the animate and the inanimate, the self and the world; it arises when the real becomes the unreal, and the solid presence in vision, dream or hallucination. The fantastic is the unexpected occurrence, the surprising novelty that goes against all our expectations of what is possible. The ego multiplies and divides, time and space are distorted. (Franz Rottensteine)
Thought of the Austrian critic.
33. The fantastic is in complicity with the realistic model, in the affirmations that realism makes to represent the true face of reality. He points out the gaps and inadequacies of realism, but does not question the legitimacy of its claims to represent reality. The concept of "suspension of disbelief", that beloved criterion of positivist criticism that supposedly serves to establish the legitimacy of the fantastic, confirms this hegemony. (Michael Richardson)
Philosophical thinking.
34. This world that we like to believe is sane and real is actually absurd and fantastic. (Graham Swift)
One only has to look around us to see that the arbitrary abounds.
35. Good dreams can be inspirations to bring into reality fantastic enough to share. (Jay Woodman)
Dreaming brings us a lot of fantasy material.
36. I am a character in someone's book whose ending has yet to be written. (M. Barreto County)
Existential thought par excellence.
37. I think gardens are fantastic, and I would love to draw, design and things like that. I love just planting flowers during the summer. There's something very humble about that, and natural and beautiful. (Ed Westwick)
An architectural vision of fantasy.
38. I had a fantastic mother who taught me confidence in myself. (Anna Torv)
On self-esteem and good education.
39. It is a fantastic mirror for us to relate to art, to relate to paintings that deal with tragedy, to go see Shakespearean comedies, to read a Greek play... We have always investigated the clarity and darkness of the human soul, in all these forms aspects. So why not do it on TV? (Holly Hunter)
Art and the fantastic.
40. Einstein's theory of relativity does a fantastic job of explaining great things. Quantum mechanics is great for the other side of the spectrum, for little things. (Brian Greene)
The science of the immense and the minute.
41. Much of my life has been alone. Fantastic, but lonely. (Kim Cattrall)
Loneliness does not have to be experienced as negative.
42. We didn't have any books at home. Not even children's books or fairy tales. The only "fantastic" stories came from religion class. And I took them all literally, that God sees all, and I felt like I was always being watched. Or that the dead people were in the sky over our town. (Hertha Müller)
Essay or novel? Herta Muller explains her personal experience to us.
43. I'm not a writer looking for the fantastic and sensational. I like the world we have. If there is something special and magical, I have to find it in ordinary things. (Graham Swift)
Daily life is full of absolutely amazing things.
44. Small paintings can be fantastic. But often you can't get a narrative out of a small painting. In any case, museums are big places and you want to take up a bit of space. (Gary Hume)
45. Many of the best fantasy stories begin slowly, in an ordinary setting, with accurate and meticulous descriptions of an ordinary setting, in the style of a "realistic" tale. Then a gradual change becomes apparent, or it can be surprisingly abrupt at times, and the reader begins to realize realize that what is being described is alien to the world to which he is accustomed, that something strange has slipped or jumped into it of the. This strangeness changes the world permanently and fundamentally. (Franz Rottensteiner)
About the fantastic genre and its magic.
46. Theaters are curious places, magician trap boxes where the golden memories of dramatic triumphs linger like ghosts. nostalgic, and where the inexplicable, the fantastic, the tragic, the comic and the absurd are routine events inside and outside the scenery. Murder, mayhem, political intrigue, lucrative deals, secret assignments, and of course, dinner. (EA Bucchianeri)
On dramatic art, by the American writer.
47. You could start on a path that leads nowhere more fantastic than from your own front steps to the sidewalk, and from there you could go... well anywhere. (Stephen King)
The genius of terror also philosophizes about what could happen.
48. The ability alone can't teach or produce a great short story, encapsulating the creature's obsession; is a hallucinatory presence manifest from the first sentence to fascinate the reader, make him lose contact with the boring reality that surrounds him, submerging him in a more intense and convincing. (Julio Cortazar)
About the seductive capacity of short stories.
49. Let us set out instead for the Fields of Dreams and wander those romantic blue hills where stands the abandoned tower of the Supernatural, where fresh mosses clothe the ruins of the Idealism. Let us, in short, enjoy a little fantasy! (Eça de Queirós)
A very lyrical description of an experience.
50. As already noted, fantastic literature developed precisely at the moment when genuine belief in the supernatural was on the wane, and when the sources provided by folklore could be safely used as material literary. It is almost a necessity, both for the writer and for the reader of fantasy literature, that he or she should not believe in the literal truth of the beings and objects described, although the preferred mode of literary expression is realism naive. The authors of fantastic literature are, with some exceptions, not to convert, but to establish a narrative story endowed with consistency and conviction of internal reality only during the time of reading: a game, sometimes a very serious game, with anxiety and fear, horror and terror. (Franz Rottensteiner)
About suspension of disbelief.
51. What if life as you know it could be so much more? (M. Barreto County)
The limits of our possibilities are unknown.
52. The fantastic in literature does not exist as a challenge to what is probable, but only where it can be increased to a challenge to reason. itself: the fantastic in literature consists, when everything has been said, essentially in showing the world as opaque, as inaccessible to reason for principle. This happens when Piranesi in his imagined prisons represents a world populated by other beings other than those for which he was created. (Lars Gustafson)
The description of a world that cannot be traversed by reason.
53. But the recurring ambiguity of the American tale of the supernatural reveals both a fascination with possibility of a luminous experience as a perplexity as to whether there was, in fact, something extraordinary that to experience. Writers often delighted in leading readers into, but not out of, the haunted twilight of the frontier. (Howard Kerr)
A literary reflection.
54. Rejecting what Adorno called 'comfort in the uncomfortable', taken for the fantastic, surrealism seeks to reintegrate man into the universe. (Michael Richardson)
A reflection on surrealism.
55. Let others boast of the pages they have written; I take pride in what I have read. (Jorge Luis Borges)
An ode to lovers of reading.
56. The greatest satisfaction when writing is the unique possibility of living my own adventures. (M. Barreto County)
About creative potential.
57. If it is to give wings to the imagination, count on me. (M. Barreto County)
An invitation to imagine.
58. Peace becomes a fantasy when egos are promoted and facts distorted. (Duop Chak Wuol)
A reflection on peace.
59. Good dreams can be inspirations to bring into reality fantastic enough to share. (Jay Woodman)
About the evocative power of the dream.
60. Fairy tales make rivers run with wine just to remind us, for one wild moment, that they run with water. (GK Chesterton)
About the power of storytelling.
61. Do you want to do something very simple but also very fantastic? So sit in the rain! Soon after, you will abandon yourself and only the rain will remain! (Mehmet Murat ildan)
An invitation to relax and let yourself go.
62. I believe in the magic that we carry in all our actions. (M. Barreto County)
Each action has something else that defines it and that is not seen.
63. I try to avoid saying 'fantastic' too often and 'obviously' is a dangerous word for all broadcasters. (Gary Lineker)
Tips on how to narrate.
64. Planet Earth is a fantastic destination if you can find this surreal feeling of wild release. (Talismanist Giebra)
A travel guide that will never fail you.
65. I think it's great when the young anger their elders. (Henry Rollins)
This is part of the generational change.
66. On the scale of the cosmic, only the fantastic has a chance of being true. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)
A reflection on the complexity of reality.
67. I only know one thing: deep down no one is too fantastic, I have the impression that everyone spends most of their lives annoying others. (Ken Kessey)
Unfortunately, bad feelings abound and do not allow us to prosper.
68. There is a part of each person entertained by the idealistic, the fantastic. (Aisha Tyler)
We all have this facet.
69. Men are fantastic, as a concept. (JoBrand)
As a concept, but when we see them in real life, it's another story.
70. The fantastic lies precisely in the apprehensible, in the everyday, in appreciating it and finding magic in it. (Bertrand Regarder)
About our ability to appreciate the mundane.
71. May the wind under your wings hold you there where the sun sails and the moon walks. (J.R.R. Tolkien)
A great phrase from the author of The Lord of the Rings.
72. The cinema should make you forget that you are sitting in an armchair. (Roman Polanski)
Phrase to fly, by the great Polish director.
73. Sex without love is an empty experience. But of all the empty experiences that exist, but as an empty experience it is one of the best. (Woody Allen)
This iconic New York filmmaker helped shape much of the popular culture of the second half of the 20th century.
74. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. (American Beauty)
We can start a new life every new day that begins.
75. Do it, or do not, but do not try. (Yoda teacher)
Only by putting all our effort and believing in ourselves will we achieve great things.
76. We are here to take a bite out of the Universe. If not, why else can we be here? (Steve Jobs)
Life is only worth living when you live it intensely.
77. The individual has always struggled not to be absorbed by the tribe. But no price is too high for the privilege of being yourself. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Being honest and faithful to our ideals is the way to achieve great things in life.
78. Every time I see a movie in the theater it's magical, no matter what its plot is. (Steven Spielberg)
A great movie lover like him knows how to truly appreciate any film.
79. If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. (Spanish saying)
Sometimes it is useless to plan in life since many things come to us unexpectedly.
80. Everything you can imagine is real. (Pablo Picasso)
If we can imagine it, it can certainly become a reality.
81. For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, “If today were the last day of my life, what would I do? Would you like to do what I am going to do today? And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. (Steve Jobs)
A phrase that can help us get the best out of ourselves.
82. Only a generation of readers will beget a generation of writers.
A phrase loaded with inspiration and motivation, especially for the youngest.
83. Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying that we have done something wonderful… that is what matters to me. (Steve Jobs)
An idea that excites us and invites us to be better every day.
84. Do not confuse the truth with the opinion of the majority. (Jean Cocteau)
It is convenient to flee from the great prefabricated consensuses.
85. 90% of success is based simply on insisting. (Woody Allen)
A phrase that can provide us with a large dose of motivation in our lives.
86. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. (Arthur C. Clarke)
A phrase that haunts us and that defines our present as technology advances.
87. I am the master of my destiny, I am the captain of my soul. (Nelson Mandela)
This great politician and activist managed to make a decisive contribution to achieving a better country in South Africa.
88. The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to venture a little beyond them, towards the impossible. (Arthur C. Clarke)
This great author was always a specialist in presenting ideal, futuristic and science fiction scenarios.
89. My ambition has always been to make dreams come true. (Bill Gates)
There are people who are capable of making the impossible possible.
90. Until we educate all children in a fantastic way, until every center of the city is cleaned, there will be no shortage of things to do. (Bill Gates)
This philanthropist aims to make a better world for everyone.
91. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't get trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. (Steve Jobs)
Living life with the innocence and purity of a child will help us make the most of each day.
92. He who has a why to live can face all the "hows". (Friedrich Nietzsche)
A maxim that is still valid today.
93. My model for the business is The Beatles: there were four guys who kept each other's negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the whole was greater than the sum of the parts. (Steve Jobs)
A great band that went down in history and continues to inspire millions of people.
94. Admire the world. It is more fantastic than any dream. (Ray Bradbury)
The world around us must be valued for the wonder that it is.
95. I want to be the Cecille B. Demille of fiction. (Steven Spielberg)
This great filmmaker managed to make the impossible possible in his career.
96. When they asked me about a weapon capable of counteracting the power of the atomic bomb, I suggested the best of all: peace. (Albert Einstein)
Einstein was always on the side of peace, and his contributions to science have been unmatched.
97. Things don't have to change the world to be important. (Steve Jobs)
Everything that is significant to us should be valued positively even if it does not have a global reach.
98. The admirable thing about the fantastic is that there is no longer anything fantastic: there is only the real. (Andre Breton)
The real world can contain many fantastic elements.
99. Fantasy is the only canvas big enough to paint on. (Terry Brooks)
It is one of the genres with the most possibilities that exist.
100. My favorite things in life don't cost money. It is clear to me that the most valuable resource we all have is time. (Steve Jobs)
The possibilities are endless if we have enough time to achieve them.