Elena Tecglen: "There are tools to eliminate negative thoughts"
There are many ways of interpreting what the human mind is, and many of them have given rise to intervention paradigms in the fields of therapy, education, work, etc.
Among them, the visions that understand the psyche as a computer are highly sought after, given the clarity with which they portray mental processes. In this case we will focus on one of them, NLP, through the experience of coach Elena Tecglen.
- Related article: "Computational Theory of Mind: What is it?"
Interview with Elena Tecglen: what is NLP?
Elena Tecglen is a Life Coach with a practice in Palma, and NLP is part of the elements with which she works on a daily basis. In this interview, she briefly explains what it consists of.
What is NLP, explained to someone who has never heard of it?
NLP is the acronym for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is a science of personal excellence that provides us with techniques, tools and abilities for interpersonal communication and in our daily life teaches us to act, think and feel effectively and positive.
How did the concept of NLP come about?
Neurolinguistic Programming emerged in the 1970s when two American researchers, John Grinder (linguist) and Richard Bandler (mathematician, psychotherapist, and computer programmer) set out to find out what was the reason why 3 young psychologists (Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir and Fritz Pearls) had more success with their patients than the rest.
After a thorough investigation, they found that their success was centered on the use of patterns and specific communication techniques. They came to the conclusion that if they got to know in detail those patterns and successful techniques They could make it known and so anyone could put it into practice and get the same results. results. In this way they became “behavior modelers”.
Does the term "programming" imply that from this perspective the human mind is understood as a computer?
Indeed, the term "Programming" refers to the organization processes of the established mental programs that govern our thought and behavior, which we can program in a similar way to how a computer would be programmed to do certain things. functions. So it is very interesting and fascinating to think that we can reprogram our mind.
Why did you become interested in this concept before delving into it?
For my work as a coach, it is essential to know the techniques that NLP brings you, since they are part of the tools that I use daily with my coachees in my therapies.
What kind of problems do you usually address through forms and intervention based on NLP?
With NLP techniques, you can address phobias, fears, bad habits... There are several tools to eliminate negative thoughts, to anchor empowering habits such as security, trust... the mind can be reprogrammed to act effectively and positively. In short, NLP can transform your life and make it complete.