Alderfer's hierarchical ERC model: a theory of motivation
Everyone knows the famous pyramid of Maslow, the one in which several levels are placed in a hierarchical way, each of them representing a series of needs from more to less basic.
Despite its popularity, this theory has not been without controversy and has been reformulated several times, one of the most famous new proposals being that of the Alderfer's hierarchical ERC modelbased on empirical evidence.
In this article we are going to learn more about what is new about this model with respect to Maslow's pyramid, We will see the three levels that are proposed as a counterproposal to the five of the classical model and what use it has in the world labor.
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Alderfer's hierarchical ERC model
Alderfer's hierarchical ERC model, also called ERC motivation theory It is a reformulation of the classic theory of the pyramid of needs originally proposed by Abraham Maslow.
This proposal was raised by the American psychologist Clayton Paul Alderfer during the 60's
. This model is based on empirical research carried out by this psychologist in a factory located in Easton, Pennsylvania, United States.Although famous, Maslow's pyramid has never been without controversy, as it is considered little demonstrable at a scientific level and is based more on a theoretical vision than an empirical one. Since it was proposed, revisions to this theory have been elaborated, with Alderfer's ERC hierarchical model probably being the most scientific proposal to the original model.
One of the differences that this model presents in comparison with Maslow's is that it condenses the original five levels into only three, referring to the needs of Existence, Relationship and Growth, which is why this theory has been called a model CKD. However, just as Maslow's pyramid does, in Alderfer's hierarchical ERC model these levels represent need with a variable degree of priority.
Categories of this theory of motivation
The three levels or categories that make up Alderfer's ERC hierarchical model are described in greater depth below.
1. necessities of existence
The needs of existence ('existence needs' in English) correspond to what Maslow originally called physiological needs and security needs.
This level encompasses all the needs that the human body has which, if satisfied guarantee its correct organic functioning in addition to not endangering its integrity physical.
This level is the highest priority of the three, since if not satisfied, it may imply the death of the individual. People need food, sleep, shelter and clothing in order to continue living.
It should be said that, although most of these needs exposed here can be easily satisfied materially, the The need to feel protected implies a whole series of factors to take into account that, for political reasons, can be difficult. warranty.
Economic and health stability are also considered an existential need.
2. relationship needs
The level of relationship needs (‘relatedness needs’) would correspond to that of affiliation in the Maslow model. People need to relate to other individuals, having friendship, family and intimate relationships.
It is a need considered universal, although it is true that there are people who have some traits of rather introverted personality and who prefer to keep their distance and not be closely affiliated with the rest.
3. growth needs
Finally, there are the growth needs ('growth needs'), which would be related to the person's desire to prosper as an individual, improving their self-esteem in addition to wanting to acquire new experiences.
This level corresponds to the last two of Maslow's pyramid, namely recognition and self-actualization.
How is it different from Maslow's pyramid?
As has been suggested throughout this article, the differences between the ERC hierarchical model of Alderfer and Maslow's pyramid are not limited solely to the fact that one has three levels while the other he has five.
In the case of Maslow's pyramid, it is argued that it is not possible to satisfy a higher level without first having adequately satisfied a lower level. For example, according to this theory, if the third level, which corresponds to affiliation, is not satisfied, it would not be possible to move on to the next, which is recognition.
This is not entirely so in the case of Alderfer's proposal. Although it is suggested that existential needs come first, followed by relational needs and, lastly, growth needs, the model raises the possibility of satisfying several aspects of several levels simultaneously. There is not as much rigidity compared to the classic Maslow pyramid.
In addition, another aspect to highlight of the Alderfer model is that, although these three levels are universal, individuals can prioritize certain needs very differently. That is, this model admits individual differences, having, for example, some people who choose to prioritize their personal growth and others choose to give more attention to their relationships interpersonal.
Last but not least, it should be noted that Alderfer's proposal raises something new with respect to Maslow's pyramid, and it is the frustration-regression principle. According to this, if a higher need is not satisfied, the person becomes frustrated and chooses to satisfy needs lower in the hierarchy.
- You may be interested in: "Maslow's pyramid: the hierarchy of human needs"
Application of the model in the field of organizations
As we were already commenting at the beginning of the article, this model is based on empirical data obtained through research in the workplace, finding its origins in a study on how workers in a factory in Pennsylvania worked and were motivated.
This model, if taken into account in the field of organizations, allows to increase the motivation of employees, especially if one takes into account the hierarchical order of the needs proposed by Alderfer. As we have already commented, people do not have to prioritize the same thing; however, it is true that not having lower needs correctly satisfied affects the achievement of higher needs.
For example, an employee who does not have such basic needs as having access to decent housing, being able to eat correctly or not feeling safe, it will negatively affect your motivation and, as a side effect, you will carry out a job deficient.
Also, going to the level of relational needs, if the employee does not have a good relationship with his peers, subordinates and bosses, you will also not feel comfortable in the workplace, negatively affecting your performance. If, in the worst case, there are hostilities with the rest of the employees, the entire structure and productivity of the organization can be jeopardized.
In the case of development needs, and presenting it in a more positive key, the employee's motivation will increase if he sees that his Your efforts in the workplace have paid off, either in the form of recognition from your bosses or in the form of an increase in your salary. Also, if working you have acquired new knowledge that allows you to enrich your curriculum and your life in In general, the person will appreciate everything they have learned while in the company and will talk pleasantly about it. she.
Nowadays, most companies try to take these aspects into account, since neither is interested in having demotivated employees who do not carry out their work satisfactorily. If employees are not stimulated to expand their knowledge, they are not comfortable working in the company or, they are simply in poor health because of the organization, the company is doomed to fail.
Bibliographic references:
- Aldfer, C. Q. (1969). An Empirical Test of a New Theory of Human Needs; Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 4(2), 142–175.
- Aldfer, C. Q. (1972) Existence, Relatedness, and Growth; Human Needs in Organizational Settings, New York: Free Press.