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The 80 best phrases and reflections of Rafa Nadal

Rafael Nadal (Manacor, 1986) is a Spanish professional tennis player who is currently considered the world number one according to the ATP ranking.

Rafael Nadal Parera (Rafa Nadal) is possibly one of the best Spanish athletes in history, being a benchmark within sport and outside of it, since his human quality has been proven in countless occasions.

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Unforgettable phrases and reflections of Rafa Nadal

We all know the sporting aspects of this great tennis player, but his private life has always been a unknown to many of us, would you like to know a little more about his way of being and his beginning?

In the 80 best phrases of Rafa Nadal that you will find below you will be able to know a little more about this great figure of international sport.

1. Nobody remembers the victories, only the defeats.

The media and fans can be very cruel when luck is not with us.

2. My worst rival is next.

We must face each rival one by one and giving our best in each situation.

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3. To see what can be improved, what has been done right and wrong, you have to have the necessary attitude and a cool head, open to analyze things and find solutions.

In tennis, technical aspects can decide each match, tipping the balance to one side or the other.

4. I'm only twenty-five years old and it feels like I've been playing for a hundred.

When we compete at the highest level, the physical and mental demands are extremely high.

5. And that's what I need, to play. I need to compete.

Competitive sport is a lifestyle that Rafa Nadal knows very well.

6. After so long without competing, being here is truly more than a dream.

When you recover from an injury, all you want is to get back in the limelight.

7. Achieving what you have dreamed of makes you happy, but above all, it makes you happy to remember the effort you put into achieving it.

Reaching our goals is something we all dream of, including Rafa Nadal.

8. It is a psychological stick to lose three finals in a row, of course, let's not kid ourselves, but in life and in a career there are low and high moments.

Rafa Nadal knows very well that he will not always be able to be at one hundred percent of his physical and mental capacity.

9. All of us who practice sports know that we go out to win or lose. You have to accept both.

Anything can happen when we compete against the best in the world in any discipline.

10. Attitude is essential in life.

The attitude we show towards life can take us a long way.

11. Winning here was one more goal, but in the end it's one more game too.

Even the longest path begins with a single step.

12. What leaves me most satisfied is the evolution, overcoming a difficult situation and being in the semifinals without having played the best tournament.

Our biggest rival will always be ourselves, against us we fight the hardest battles.

13. I have always trained at the highest level, at the highest intensity, and this makes me feel more prepared in the most difficult moments of the matches.

Preparation is essential when we face a difficult challenge.

14. The mental part is very important, because bad times always come in the end and you have to be prepared to accept them and thus overcome them. It's like life, in which you have to accept with the same tranquility the good times and the bad.

Psychology is very important in sportKnowing how to overcome problems is something very complicated on many occasions.

15. I have always had the theory that the most important thing is to be happy, to enjoy what you do and to be mentally fresh.

The search for happiness is something fundamental in the life of all people.

16. I don't know if I'm the best or not, I'm not the right one to say it.

Rafa Nadal has always stood out for being a humble athlete with his feet on the ground.

17. I played a very, very good first set and the sensations are getting better. Win or lose, that's the most important thing.

As a strategist, Rafa Nadal has always known what he had to do at all times.

18. The first moment I felt like I could win was three minutes before the game started.

In order to win, we must first visualize victory, analyze our opponent and go for him.

19. Of course, golf is not a physically demanding sport like tennis.

Other sports such as golf are much more affable with the physique of any person.

20. But I admire the mentality of the sport more than the physical aspect, because physical performance is much easier to practice than mental performance.

Rafa Nadal knows that psychology is a fundamental aspect in any sport, knowing how to focus and practice our best game.

21. I have learned to enjoy suffering.

In order to achieve victory we must first undergo the preparation it needs.

22. I am appreciating more than ever what we are doing. I am very happy after putting in a great effort and very excited to win such a historic title.

Personal fulfillment is something that we all pursue in life, we must fight for our dreams.

23. It's an honor to match the record with someone like Borg. Next year I will try to come here and overcome it, but now it's time to enjoy this trophy, which is not little, which is not easy to achieve. Any comparison with him is an honor.

We must enjoy each victory as if it were the first, because after all they are all unique from each other.

24. I like sports very much. Especially soccer, it's my favorite sport. My uncle played soccer in Barcelona for nine years and played for Spain in three World Cups.

Rafa Nadal's uncle was also an elite athlete and played for a long time at F.C. Barcelona.

25. The basic thing is to believe in yourself and try to give your best every day. I have had bad times and one ends up overcoming them.

Confidence in ourselves is something that we all must possess in order to improve ourselves every day.

Rafael Nadal

26. Tank tops give you real freedom of movement and keep you cool at games, but I thought it was time for a change.

Comfort is essential when we practice any sport and much more so in elite sports.

27. I'm lucky because my family is wealthy. My father has his own glass business.

Rafa Nadal's family has a good economic situation, this situation has been able to help Rafa in many aspects of his life.

28. If the knee is going well, what reason is there that it can't? For eight years I have been between the first and second in the world. I dare to think that in seven months I have not forgotten to play tennis.

Rafa Nadal's qualities to play tennis are indisputable, even coming out of an injury, Rafa is a formidable rival.

29. In tennis when you are young it is good to look for a suitable environment, partners who can compete with you and live with you.

Training in tennis, as in many other aspects of life, is essential.

30. I like fishing. Not real fishing. I like the tranquility of being at sea. Is different.

Rafa Nadal has always had a very special relationship with the sea, as it has always lived very close to him and gives him peace of mind.

31. Tennis is a tough sport. There is a lot of competition throughout the year and you play alone.

Tennis is one of the most complete and demanding sports that exist. The technique, precision, speed, and resistance that its practice requires are aspects that are very difficult for anyone to achieve.

32. Privacy is essential and I think that the law in this regard is not well focused, paparazzi harassment should be more controlled. However, I must say that they have always respected me and I have led a very normal life.

We must learn to separate the world of sport with the private life of athletes.

33. I've been learning English on the road since I started when I was 15, so it's a slow process, but making some progress.

When we compete with the elite, the use of English during competitions is essential.

34. My parents' divorce made a major change in my life. It affected me.

The family situations that Rafa Nadal has gone through in his life have affected his way of being.

35. My motivation is tomorrow, just one day at a time, right?

We must go step by step and always giving the best of ourselves.

36. I really appreciate this life, the things that cannot be bought. You only live once. I am happy here and normally avoid anything that is risky.

Happiness is given by the little things in life, it is not necessary to be rich to be able to achieve happiness.

37. He always worked with one goal and that is to improve as a player and as a person. That is the most important thing of all.

Seeking improvement is something that has always motivated Rafa Nadal.

38. I'm not the most courageous person off the track. Being alone in the dark is something I don't like.

Behind the cameras, Rafa Nadal becomes a much calmer and more relaxed person.

39. It's just a tennis match. In the end, that is life. There are much more important things.

Nadal knows very well that the important things in life go far beyond sport.

40. You fight, you do your best, but if you lose, you don't have to break five rackets and punch the locker room. If there was something positive in those things, he would probably do them. But I only see negativity.

Negative attitudes are something that are always visible in the world of tennis, but Rafa Nadal knows very well that they do not bring you anything positive as a player.

41. Losing is not my enemy... the fear of losing is my enemy.

The fight against ourselves is something constant in our lives.

42. It is never time to look for excuses.

We must not take refuge in excuses, we must give one hundred percent and not regret anything.

43. There are many moments during a match when you are tense, fighting with yourself. Tennis is a lesson in self-control.

Strategy in tennis is fundamental and we must always keep a cool mind.

44. When you get older, if you're healthy, there's no problem. If you don't have health, then go home.

The time will come for all of us when our body will tell us enough is enough and we must listen to it.

45. When I'm in the fifth set and I've been playing for many hours, I end up enjoying the feeling of seeing how far I can go.

Physical and mental resistance is something of vital importance in tennis, Rafa Nadal knows it very well.

46. When you want something very badly, no sacrifice is too great.

The desire to achieve our goals is what pushes us to achieve them.

47. I play every point like my life depends on it.

Giving one hundred percent at each point, in each set, is something that sets Rafa Nadal apart from any other tennis player.

48. No matter how great your dedication, you never win anything on your own.

To get a victory, we always depend on a large number of people, our family, trainers, etc.

49. What distinguishes tennis is respect for the opponent, one's conduct on the court.

Tennis should be a gentleman's sport and we should not lose our temper on the court.

50. If you want to be among the best, you need good technique and, perhaps even more important, a good eye. If you see the ball sooner, you have more time to think about how and where to return it.

Even eyesight is put to the test in a tennis match.

51. Either I'm blind or rigging matches for betting doesn't exist. When I go to tournaments I see people who want to win. If there is a problem in this regard, it is in lower level tournaments.

In this quote Rafa Nadal talks about how it is impossible from his point of view to fix a tennis match.

52. I'd rather lose an argument than go into a long argument to win.

Rafa Nadal prefers not to waste time with discussions that will lead to nothing.

53. People have ups and downs and I have been very regular, but the day will come when I will go down and I will not return. I don't know if it will be this time, I hope not.

Nadal knows very well that the time will come for all of us to retire from elite sport, it is the law of life.

54. For me, the experience of an Olympic Games is unique: what is lived, what is shared.

The Olympic Games was something that undoubtedly enchanted Rafa Nadal, without a doubt one of the most important competitions in the world.

55. It doesn't matter to me being number one. There is no comparison between winning a tournament and being number one.

Rafa Nadal likes the pleasure of feeling the victory of a tournament or a Grand Slam, being number one is only a consequence of your previous victories.

56. I don't live in a bubble, I live in Manacor. When I come back from tournaments, I go back to the real world.

The place where Rafa Nadal resides is undoubtedly a privileged place and possibly one of the most beautiful in all of Spain.

57. I have had to go to hospitals all over the world and I assure you that our healthcare is better than other countries that we consider far superior to us.

Health is something that all Spaniards can be proud of, one of the best in the world.

58. Money does not buy happiness and I am happy living in Mallorca.

Money is something that can be very useful to us, but it will not bring us happiness by itself.

59. I am aware that I need to improve my tennis, but I am confident that I will go further.

Nadal has always been very aware of his limitations and has struggled to improve them day by day.

60. Yes, there are times when you momentarily stop believing. Sometimes you lose trust and faith. And whoever says otherwise is lying.

We all suffer ups and downs in our morale, but we must know how to recover and keep fighting.

61. Paying taxes in another country I would have earned twice the money, but residing in Spain I have earned twice the happiness.

Money does not buy happiness and Rafa Nadal knows it very well.

62. When a politician is in charge and does something well, the others should say that it has been done well. You cannot always be in a state of general tension.

We must recognize the positive aspects of others, a negative attitude makes any situation worse.

63. I'm not worried about personal motivation because I want to be up there longer, and I work for it.

Nadal has always known that motivation is a fundamental aspect in sport and he has always known how to give it the importance it should have.

64. Nothing is wrong with me, I just played worse, that's the only thing that happens. It's sport, it's simple. There is no need to complicate.

We all have worse days and better days, life goes on.

65. Now I have to be as calm as possible because my race is already done, all that comes is to win.

Rafa Nadal's career has been super prolific and from now on everything that comes will be positive.

66. Anyone could become a star, but we all need to be human.

We must keep our feet on the ground, Rafa Nadal is very clear about that.

67. Madrid is my team and of course I would like to be president of Real Madrid. But talking about it is a utopia.

Nada has always been a big fan of Real Madrid, without a doubt he would be a great president of this football club.

68. I keep trying to remove some more mania, but we are not going to solve the pants thing.

In tennis and in many other sports, hobbies are something that accompany athletes throughout their careers.

69. Of course I think about having children. I would like to have a family. I am educated like this, I like it a lot and I have always had a very special bond with children, and I would like to have several.

At 33 years old, Rafa Nadal still has no children, but it is something that he will know how to solve.

70. Let's not pretend that success is a norm because it is an exception.

People get used to victories, but they won't always be there.

71. I wish the Band-Aids thing was also a hobby, but it's not. It's for the skin.

Tennis punishes the hands of tennis players a lot, Rafa Nadal always uses bandages to cover them.

72. He plays well or he plays badly, I have to play aggressive. I must play aggressively.

Nadal has always been a very aggressive tennis player on the court, it is a trademark of Nadal's house.

73. For me there is no problem. The man was really nice. He told me: I love you, and then he kissed me.

Fans have always adored Rafa Nadal, as a tennis player and as a person.

74. I have this way of living the sport. I like nerves as a player or as a spectator. My passion will never change.

Nadal has always felt sport very viscerally, in this appointment he makes it very clear to us.

75. I already have enough hobbies, but we are improving things and I no longer touch my socks.

Journalists have always pursued Nadal's hobbies and he has gradually corrected them.

76. I have no idols, heroes, nothing.

Not at all, his only ambition is self-improvement, he does not seek to imitate anyone.

77. Nobody is perfect, everyone does stupid things.

Indeed, as Nadal says in this quote, nobody is perfect.

78. The only way to find a solution is to fight, move, run and control that pressure.

We must give our best version, put all the meat on the grill and go out to win.

79. I love the beach, I love the sea. All my life I have lived facing the sea.

Rafa Nadal's relationship with the sea has always been very close. In Manacor, where she lives, she can enjoy this environment a lot.

80. If someone says that I'm better than Roger, I think he doesn't know anything about tennis.

The rivalry between Rafa Nadal and Roger Federer has always been enormous, but both players are very different and at the same time great examples of what a tennis player should be.

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