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Manifesto Anthropophagous, by Oswald de Andrade

Manifesto Antropófago (or Manifesto Antropofágico) was written by Oswald de Andrade and published in the first edition of the Revista de Antropofagia, launched in 1928.

O Manifesto and considered to be the days of the page or main text of the motion.

Manifesto Objective

In order to properly understand the objective of the Manifesto, we must learn to go behind and understand a little of the history of our country. Before the movement that originated or manifested, to Brazilian culture it reproduced or that it passed, it did not stranger, isto é, the artists basically faziam copias daquilo that viam no exterior.

Imagem do Manifesto Antropófago written by Oswald de Andrade and published in the Antropofagia Magazine
Imagem do Manifesto Antropófago written by Oswald de Andrade and published in Revista Antropofagia.

The Anthropophagous Manifesto, brilliantly developed by Oswald, claimed years of Brazilian artists for originality and creativity. He pretended celebrate or nosso multiculturalism, to miscigenação.

Either desire was to devour or that vinha de fora, assimilate alheia culture. Do not deny foreign culture, contrary hair: absorb it, swallow it, process it and mix it to give origin to what it is. We can identify nesse cenário um centripetal movement, from

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trazer or outside for inside us.

This process has to be seen as a search for our national identity, as the final objective of promote cultural independence. Through intertextuality and the movement of drinking in various sources, an attempt was made to reach an autonomous own culture.

Publication context

The Anthropophagous Manifesto was written in 1928. It is considered the main text of the movement and has been published in the first edition of the Revista de Antropofagia (launched in 1928).

Or movement of the group of modernist artists was or of mergulhar nas nossas roots, retelling our history, rever or nosso passedado.

Envelope or Manifesto Title

Anthropo vem de Anthropos que quer dizer homem. Fagia, for the time, see me from Phagein, who wanted to tell you to eat.

Ao pé gives a letter to junção das duas palavras means cannibalism, which here has a metaphorical, symbolic sense. Or cannibalism of the Indian tinha aim to incorporate the gifts of the inimigo, the positive characteristics of the victim.

Or what is a Manifesto?

Second definition withdrawn from the dicionário, a manifesto e uma "Public declaration by the head of a nation or a political party, a group of people or a single individual clarifies certain positions or decisions ".

Outra definition possible: "Written declaration veiculated by the diplomacy of one State to another nation".

A written statement of a generally manifested possibility of a speech, charged by a political and ideological view, and clam to persuasion.

Phrases-chave do Manifesto Anthropophago

O Manifesto Antropófago is composed by a series of orações fortes, which invites the reader to reflect on these questions raised by modernist hairs. We see below three dessas categorical statements:

Só a cannibalism unites us. Socially. Economically. Philosophically.

If it was necessary to summarize or manifest in a single stretch, it would probably be difficult. As brief words we synthesize with precision the idea that the manifesto wishes to convey.

No title of the document is found in a variant of the word anthropophagy, a value that serves as a north for the modernist generation. Here the symbolic concept appears expanded for a series of sectors: social, economic, philosophical. Or that brings together these various aspects and a modernist common denominator that teaches us swallow culture do outro and incorporate the na nossa.

Tupi, or not tupi that is the question.

A phrase acima was withdrawn from peça Hamlet, a famous creation of Shakespeare, and distorted to fit the context proposed by Oswald de Andrade.

It is, therefore, a gesture of intertextuality, of a scandalous appropriation of the culture of another for adaptation to local realities. This movement is at the same time a way of paying homage to the original author and an exercise of creativity that is aimed at reinterpreting a classical sentence.

Our independence has not yet been proclaimed.

A stretch over the face of a controversial verdict one time that the country had never proclaimed independence in September 1822. More than a few years after the famous announcement, Oswald provokes Brazilians by suggesting that we had not in the end conquered that lonely autonomy.

O writer here face uma criticism of the fact that we are deeply dependent on the culture that was produced not foreign and intends to invite the reader of the manifesto to reflect on our real independence.

Leia or Manifesto Manifesto na integral

OR Manifesto Manifesto Find-it is available for reading in pdf format.

Ouça or Manifesto Manifesto

LEITURA ROOM - Manifesto Manifesto - Oswald de Andrade

Quem foi Oswald de Andrade (1890-1954)

José Oswald de Sousa Andrade Nogueira, known as great public hair just like Oswald de Andrade, born in São Paulo in January 1890.

Provocative, rebellious and controversial, he was two leaders of modernism alongside Anita Malfatti and Mário de Andrade among other intellectuals.

Directly trained, Oswald never worked in the area, always working as a day laborer and writer.

Portrait of Oswald de Andrade
Portrait of Oswald de Andrade

Upon returning to Europe for a season, Oswald helped promote a true cultural revolution in the country and participated in the Modern Art Week of 1922.

The Anthropophagous Manifesto was provavelmente or his most famous text of him, but he also had written four years before or the founder of Manifesto da Poesia Pau-Brasil (March 1924).

Trust everything about or modernism not Brazil.

Conheça also

  • Modernism: characteristics and historical context
  • Tudo about a Modern Art Week
  • Livro Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade
  • Quadro Abaporu, by Tarsila do Amaral
  • Characteristics of Modernism
Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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