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37 short love poems: the most beautiful poems commented

Love is a universal experience that moves us all, but sometimes we can't find the right words to express it. Throughout history, poets have known how to say what we all feel in creative and eloquent ways.

Therefore, in this article we will know a selection of thirty-seven short love poems by renowned poets, which can inspire any heart eager to express itself.

1. Burns in your eyesby Antonio Machado

Love did not become a highly developed theme by Antonio Machado, but the poem below is one of those few, but happy occasions when the poet dedicates his creative intention to him. In the poem, the lover shows his passion and anxiety in the face of the mystery of love.

A mystery burns in your eyes, virgin
elusive and companion.
I don't know if the fire is hate or love
inexhaustible of your black aliaba.

With me you will go while I cast a shadow
my body and stay in my sand sandal.
-Are you thirst or water in my way? -
Tell me, elusive virgin and companion.

2. If you love me, love me wholeby Dulce María Loynaz

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Love is not conditioned. Whoever loves must embrace the totality of being, right and wrong. Loving is not admiration and does not make home in good luck. Love is decided or simply given.

If you love me, love me whole
not by areas of light or shadow ...
If you love me, love me black
and white, and gray, and green, and blonde,
and brunette ...

Love me day,
love me night ...
And early in the morning at the open window! ...
If you love me, don't cut me off:
Love me all... Or don't love me.

3. Madrigalby Amado Nervo

The eyes of the loved one are revealed as a source of absolute life for the lover. Another reality does not matter, other than knowing that we are recognized in them, like a mirror that reveals our identity.

For your green eyes I miss it,
Mermaid of those that Ulysses, shrewd,
loved and feared.
For your green eyes I miss it.
For your green eyes in what, fleeting,
to shine usually, sometimes, melancholy;
for your green eyes so full of peace,
mysterious like my hope;
for your green eyes, an effective spell,
I would save myself.

4. Sometimesby Nicolás Guillén

Nicolás Guillén reminds us that love is simple, it is direct, it is sincere. Its strength authorizes us to be corny, to be childish, to know that we are mortal, if love springs from it in the loved one.

Sometimes I feel like being cheesy
to say: I love you madly.
Sometimes I feel like being a fool
to scream: I love her so much!

Sometimes I want to be a child
to cry curled up in her bosom.

Sometimes I feel like I'm dead
to feel,
under the wet earth of my juices,
a flower is growing for me
breaking my chest,
a flower, and say:
This flower, for you.

5. Present Simple (Confidence)by Pedro Salinas

For the poet, full love is only conjugated in the present simple. There is no past, no future, more than the grace of loving action, the loving experience.

Neither memories nor omens:
just present, singing.

No silence, no words:
your voice, only, only, speaking to me.

Neither hands nor lips:
just two bodies,
in the distance, apart.

Neither light nor darkness,
neither eyes nor gaze:
vision, the vision of the soul.

And finally, finally,
neither joy nor pain,
neither heaven nor earth,
neither up nor down,
neither life nor death, nothing
only love, only loving.

6. I offer youby Paul Verlaine

The most concrete expression of love is to give oneself as a gentle and pious offering. That reminds us of the poet Paul Verlaine in this text.

I offer you among bunches, green segments and pinks,
My naive heart that humbles itself to your goodness;
Do not want to destroy your loving hands,
Your eyes rejoice my simple gift.

In the shady garden my tired body
The morning auras covered with dew;
As in the peace of a dream it slides by your side
The fugitive instant I crave to rest.

When the divine storm calms in my temples,
I'll recline, playing with your thick loops
On your nubile bosom my sleepy forehead,
Sound to the rhythm of your last kisses.

7. With youby Luis Cernuda

For the lover, the loved one is the absolute around which everything becomes relative. The loved one is the earth and life, the place of belonging. His absence, on the other hand, is death.

My land?
You are my land.

My people?
My people are you.

Exile and death
for me they are where
don't be you.

And my life?
Tell me "my life,
What is it, if it's not you?

8. As if every kissby Fernando Pessoa

In this poem, the kiss is presented as both accomplishment and lament. Images of possible endings, of feared farewells, and a game of possibilities, almost surreal, the lover begs for the memorable kiss that gives a simple instant the value of eternity.

As if every kiss
Off farewell,
Chloe mine, let's kiss, loving.
Maybe it will touch us
On the shoulder the hand that calls
To the boat that comes only empty;
And that in the same beam
Tie what we were mutually
And the alien universal sum of life.

See also: Poems by Fernando Pessoa

9. Loveby Salvador Novo

Sometimes the lover is not reciprocated, but if his love is true, he awaits the grace of being looked at by the loved one. The lover waits for his opportunity.

Loving is this shy silence
close to you, without your knowing it,
and remember your voice when you leave
and feel the warmth of your greeting.

To love is to wait for you
as if you were part of the sunset,
neither before nor after, so that we are alone
between games and stories
on the dry land.

10. I don't want to die without knowing about your mouthby Elsa López

The soul in love yearns for the experience of the true encounter that gives meaning to its life. The love realized takes away the power of death, because it becomes a prodigious life itself.

I don't want to die without knowing about your mouth.
I don't want to die with a perplexed soul
knowing you different, lost in other beaches.
I don't want to die with this grief
by the infinite arc of that sad dome
where your dreams live in the midday sun.
I don't want to die without giving you
the golden spheres of my body,
the skin that covers me, the trembling that invades me.
I don't want to die without you loving me.

11. Song of too much loveby Vinicius de Morais

Sometimes the lover loses. But love continues to make its mark as a painful memory that unsettles thought.

I want to cry because I loved you too much
I want to die because you gave me life
oh, my love, can I never have peace?
It will be that everything that is in me
it just means saudade ...
And I don't even know what will become of me
everything tells me that loving will be the end ...
What despair love brings
I did not know what love was,
now I know because I am not happy.

See also: Spanish American heartbreak poems

12. You have me and I am yoursby Ángela Figuera Aymerich

For the soul in love, surrender is total, intimate, but this does not mean that the ultimate mystery of the personal essence can be revealed. Each being is a mystery, but in that mystery, love sets up its tent.

You have me and I am yours. So close to each other
like the meat of the bones.
So close to each other
and often so far! ...
You tell me sometimes that you find me closed
like hard stone, like wrapped in secrets,
impassive, remote... and you would like yours
the key to the mystery ...
If nobody has it... There is no key. Not myself,
I don't even have it myself!

13. Eternal loveby Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

The lover looks at transitory life, while he guesses in love an inexhaustible ember capable of illuminating eternity. Or is it that love is the same eternity?

The sun may cloud forever;
The sea can dry up in an instant;
The axis of the Earth may be broken
Like a weak crystal.

Everything will happen! May death
Cover me with his funereal crepe;
But it can never be turned off in me
The flame of your love.

14. Rhyme Iby Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

The poet longs for the opportunity when, holding the hands of his loved one, he can whisper words of love in her ear.

I know a giant and strange hymn
that announces a dawn in the night of the soul,
and these pages are from that hymn
cadences that the air expands in the shadows.

I would like to write to him, about the man
taming the rebellious, petty language,
with words that were at the same time
sighs and laughs, colors and notes.

But in vain it is to fight, that there is no figure
capable of locking you up; and just, oh, beautiful!
yes, having yours in my hands,
I could, in your ear, sing it to you alone.

15. The poet asks his love to write to himby Federico García Lorca

The soul in love looks forward to a message from its loved one. A word of love written on paper is the breath of life, after the most absolute surrender. The lover suffers silence, and waits for relief.

Love of my guts, long live death,
in vain I wait for your written word
and I think, with the flower that withers,
that if I live without me I want to lose you.

The air is immortal. The inert stone
neither knows the shadow nor avoids it.
Inner heart don't need
the frozen honey that the moon pours.

But I suffered you. I tore my veins
tiger and dove, on your waist
in a duel of bites and lilies.

So fill my madness with words
or let me live in my serene
night of the soul forever dark.

16. When you come to loveby Rubén Darío

For the poet Rubén Darío, love is both a source of life and pain. Therefore, he warns whoever reads it that this will be his destiny, but that, even so, there will be no other way to live than by loving.

When you come to love, if you have not loved,
you will know that in this world
is the greatest and deepest pain
to be both happy and miserable.

Corollary: love is an abyss
of light and shadow, poetry and prose,
and where the most expensive thing is done
which is to laugh and cry at the same time.
The worst, the most terrible,
is that living without it is impossible.

See also: Poems by Rubén Darío

17. Privacyby Saramago

For the soul in love, intimacy finds its way into the fine details where life is gentle and meaningful. In the smallest, in the most discreet, intimacy between two is built there.

In the heart of the most secret mine,
Inside the most distant fruit,
In the vibration of the most discreet note,
In the spiraling and resonant conch,
In the thickest layer of paint,
In the vein that most probes us in the body,
In the word that says softer,
In the root that goes down the most, hides the most,
In the deepest silence of this pause,
Where life became eternity,
I look for your hand and decipher the cause
Of wanting and not believing, end, intimacy.

18. Loveby Pablo Neruda

For the soul in love, love is hyperbole, an exaggeration, a force that does not fit in common sense, in the normality of things. Loving overflows.

Woman, I would have been your son, for drinking you
the milk of the breasts like a spring,
for looking at you and feeling you by my side and having you
in the golden laugh and the crystal voice.
For feeling in my veins like God in the rivers
and worship you in the sad bones of dust and lime,
because your being will pass without pain by my side
and came out in the stanza -clean of all evil-.
How would I know how to love you, woman, how would I know
love you, love you like no one ever knew!
Die and still
love you more.
And yet
love you more
and more.

See also: 20 love poems and a desperate song by Pablo Neruda

19. Slave of mineby Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda begins this poem by invoking the image of the slave and pleading for her love. In doing so, he is actually showing us the master-slave dialectic, in which the master is the true dependent and dominated. True love reverses the terms or, better yet, cancels them. One is in the other and vice versa.

My slave, fear me. Love me. Slave of mine!
I am with you the vastest sunset in my sky,
and in it my soul stands out like a cold star.
When they move away from you, my steps return to me.
My own lash falls on my life.
You are what is inside me and is far away.
Fleeing like a chorus of pursued mists.
Next to me, but where? Far, which it is far.
And what is far under my feet walks.
The echo of the voice beyond the silence.
And what in my soul grows like moss in ruins.

See also: The best love poems of Pablo Neruda

20. I thought about youby José Martí

When the soul falls in love, thought becomes the place where it reviews its feelings, the images and the sensations that the loved one produces. This is how José Martí lets us see it in the following poem.

I was thinking of you, of your hair
that the shadow world would envy,
and I put a point of my life in them
and I wanted to dream that you were mine.

I walk the earth with my eyes
raised - oh, my eagerness! - to such a height
that in haughty anger or miserable blushes
the human creature lit them.

Live: -Know how to die; that's how it afflicts me
this unfortunate search, this fierce good,
and all the Being in my soul is reflected,
and searching without faith, of faith I die.

21. Days and nights I have searched for youby Vicente Huidobro

Love is sometimes written between tears, and shared tears become balm that soothes and heals wounds.

Days and nights I have searched for you
Without finding the place where you sing
I've searched for you through time up and down the river
You got lost in the tears
Nights and nights I have searched for you
Without finding the place where you cry
Because I know that you're crying
It is enough for me to look in a mirror
To know that you are crying and you have cried for me
Only you save the crying
And dark beggar
You make him king crowned by your hand.

22. Cover me loveby Rafael Alberti

Rafael Alberti evokes the love experience full of sensory and sensual images that spring from the intimate, close encounter between lovers.

Cover me, love, the sky of the mouth
with that extreme foam rapture,
which is jasmine that knows and burns,
sprouted on tip of rock coral.

Cheer me on, love, your salt, crazy
Your lancinating sharp supreme flower,
Doubling his fury in the diadem
of the mordant carnation that unleashes her.

Oh tight flow, love, oh beautiful
snow-tempered gurgling
for such a narrow grotto raw,

to see how your fine neck
it slips on you, love, and it rains on you
of jasmine and saliva stars!

23. We undressby Fabio Morábito

Eroticism is another record of the love experience. And in the intimate moment between lovers, undressing is synonymous with showing oneself completely, opening the soul and building a new sign of love. This poem is part of the set Pompeii Quartet.

We get naked so much
until I lose sex
under the bed,
we get naked so much
that the flies swore
that we had died.

I undressed you inside
I unhinged you so deep
that my orgasm was lost.
We get naked so much
that we smelled burning,
that a hundred times lava
he came back to hide us.

24. Loveby Francisco Hernández

For the poet, love moves in a dangerous jungle, and struggles to conquer the traps and wounds that mark it. Love wins.

Love, almost always surrounded by a craving
of oblivion, advance resolutely towards the traps
created to hunt bears with leopard skin
and snakes with condor plumage.
And love survives the wounds and roars,
flying, the envy of the poisonous.

25. Constant love beyond death, Francisco de Quevedo

For Quevedo, love is unbreakable and transcends the very borders of death. This is how he lets us know in the following sonnet.

Close my eyes the last
Shadow that the white day will take me,
And you can unleash this soul of mine
Hora, at his eager flattery;

But not from here on the shore
He will leave the memory, where it burned:
Swimming knows my flame the cold water,
And lose respect for severe law.

Soul, to whom all a prison God has been,
Veins, what a humor to so much fire they have given,
Medules, which have gloriously burned,

Your body will leave, not your care;
They will be ashes, but it will make sense;
They will be dust, more love dust.

26. Two bodiesby Octavio Paz

The images crowd in this poem to present two loving bodies. All the possibilities are: the meeting, the disagreement, the surrender, the separation. Let's see in what words Octavio Paz shows us the mystery of lovers.

Two bodies face to face
they are sometimes two waves
and the night is ocean.

Two bodies face to face
they are sometimes two stones
and the desert night.

Two bodies face to face
they are sometimes roots
in the night linked.

Two bodies face to face
they are sometimes razors
and the lightning night.

Two bodies face to face
they are two stars that fall
In an empty sky

See also: Poems by Octavio Paz

27. You undressby Jaime Sabines

The poet represents loving intimacy with fresh and playful air. The complicity between husband and wife, oblivious to mutual weariness, becomes an opportunity for renewed play, for joyful fictions that give meaning to the lovers' meeting.

You undress the same as if you were alone
and suddenly you discover that you are with me.
How I love you then
between the sheets and the cold!

You start flirting with me like a stranger
and I make you the ceremonial and lukewarm court.
I think i'm your husband
and that you cheat on me.

And how we love each other then in laughter
to find ourselves alone in the forbidden love!
(Later, when it happened, I'm afraid of you
and she felt a chill.)

28. What a cheerful contact !!! by Jaime Sabines

The lover surrenders to the sensations that the loved one produces in him. Imagination is presented as a resource that fuels the flame between two.

What a cheerful contact with your eyes,
light as doves scared to shore
of the water!
How fast the contact of your eyes
with my look!

Who are you? Does matters!
In spite of yourself
there is a brief word in your eyes

I don't want to know. I like you
looking at me from the side, hidden, scared.
So I can think that you run away from something,
of me or of you, you're welcome,
of those temptations that they say they chase
to the married woman.

29. Beautiful feetby Mario Benedetti

Love and eroticism are also expressed in small fetishes that become the way for lovers to meet. This is how this poem by Mario Benedetti seems to express it.

The woman with beautiful feet
she can never be ugly
meek tends to raise the beauty
by totillos calves and thighs
linger on the pubis
that has always been beyond all canon
surround the navel like one of those rings
that if they are pressed, they play for Elisa
vindicate the lubricious waiting nipples
parting your lips without pronouncing saliva
and let yourself be loved by the mirror eyes
the woman who has beautiful feet
she knows how to wander through sadness.

30. What I need from youby Mario Benedetti

Being a lover suffers in the need of the other. He is anxious, expectant. It requires the voice, the image, the word of the loved one so as not to faint. The absence of the loved one is like a death.

You don't know how I need your voice;
I need your looks
those words that always filled me,
I need your inner peace;
I need the light from your lips
!!! I can not anymore... keep it up !!!
...Already... I can not
my mind doesn't want to think
can think of nothing but you.
I need the flower of your hands
that patience of all your acts
with that justice that you inspire me
for what was always my thorn
my source of life has dried up
with the force of oblivion ...
I'm burning;
what I need I have already found
but still!!! I still miss you!!!

31. There are eyes that dreamby Miguel de Unamuno

The lover names the beloved (Teresa), and sees in her eyes a unique sign that acts in him like a true spell, like a ray of life that creates. Let's see how Miguel de Unamuno expresses it.

There are eyes that look, -there are eyes that dream,
there are eyes that call, -there are eyes that wait,
there are eyes that laugh -pleasant laugh,
there are eyes that cry - with tears of sorrow,
some in - others out.

They are like the flowers - that the earth grows.
But your green eyes, -my eternal Teresa,
those who are making -your hand of grass,
they look at me, they dream of me, -they call me, they wait for me,
I laugh laughs -pleasant laugh,
they cry to me tearfully - with tears of sorrow,
from inland, -from outland.

In your eyes I am born, -your eyes create me,
I live in your eyes -the sun of my sphere,
in your eyes I die, -my house and sidewalk,
your eyes my grave, -your eyes my land.

32. Teach meby Rafael Cadenas

For the poet, love is a promise of life, it is the restitution of the essence that the past has blurred. Therefore, love is like a spark that lights the living fire of being.

Teach me,
remake me
revive me
like one who lights a fire.

33. To XXX dedicating these poems to himby José de Espronceda

José de Espronceda portrays in this poem the anguish of the lover who suffers for the loved one, the moment of hopelessness that grows.

Withered and the youthful flowers,
cloudy the sun of my hope,
hour after hour I count and my agony
grow and my anxiety and my pains.

On smooth crystal rich colors
maybe my fantasy looks happy,
when the sad gloomy reality
stains the glass and blurs its gleams.

I turn my eyes on the incessant longing for him,
and the world revolves around indifferently,
and the sky revolves around indifferently.

To you the complaints of my deep evil,
beautiful without luck, I send you:
my verses are your heart and mine

34. You have my heartby Luis de Camoens

The poet uses a great diversity of rhetorical resources to confess his love. Let's see how he does it.

My heart has been stolen from me;
and love, seeing my anger,
He told me: You were taken
for the most beautiful eyes
that I have seen since I live

Supernatural thanks
they have it in prison for you.
And if love is right,
Lady for the signs
you have my heart.

35. My love is in a light outfitby James Joyce

For the poet, love is a vivid image that moves the senses. It evokes textures, colors, aromas, graceful movements loaded with a delicate sensuality that announces the discovery of love.

My love is in a light outfit
Among the apple trees,
Where the boisterous breezes yearn most
Run in company.

There where the jovial breezes dwell to woo
To the early leaves in their wake,
My love goes slowly, leaning
Towards his shadow that lies in the grass.

And where the sky is a cup of clear blue
On the laughing land,
My love walks slowly, lifting
Her dress with graceful hand.

36. Loveby Miguel James

For the poet Miguel James, love tastes like promise... It is an image of the hopeful future that opens forward, summoning the best omens, guiding the meaning of life.

You will come naked with open arms
I will rest my head on your breasts
You will say the words that I hope
I will sing sweet dirges
You will promise seas and valleys and mountain tops
I will be the father of your children
You will shine like lightning
I will become a star
You will be my girlfriend, prettier than all the girlfriends
I will sing Jorge Ben songs
You will have long hair
I will braid mine
You will want a house in the country
I will build a cabin by the river
You will dress sometimes with all the colors of the Iris
I will always love you
You will want flowers
I a horse, a guitar
And we will never, never, never work.

37. I love youby Julia de Burgos

Julia de Burgos presents us with a poem in which she exposes all the registers in which her love expands and expresses itself. Thus, the poet says:

I love you...
and you move me the time of my life without hours.

I love you
in the pale streams that travel in the night,
and never ends driving stars to sea.

I love you
on that morning detached from the flight of centuries
that his white ship fled to the waveless water
where they swam sad, your voice and my song.

I love you
in the pain without crying that so much night has taken sleep
in the sky inverted in my pupils to look at you cosmic,
In the voice undermined from my noise of centuries collapsing.

I love you
(white night cry ...)
in reflective insomnia
from where my spirit has returned in birds.

I love you...
My love escapes slightly from expressions and routes,
and is breaking shadows and reaching your image
from the innocent point where I am grass and trill.

See also: Latin American love poems

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