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Os 7 melhores poems by Álvares de Azevedo

Álvares de Azevedo (1831 - 1852) was a Brazilian writer who belongs to the second generation of romanticism, also known as an ultraromantic phase or a "bad death".

I have lived just 20 years, or author marcou a nossa historia e o seu gloomy and melancholic literary universe passou to integrate or national canon.

1. Love

Let's love! I want to love
Viver no teu coração!
Sofrer and love essa dor
What a faint of paixão!
Na tu'alma, em your charms
In your paleness
And we have burning prantos
Sigh in languor!

I want your lips to drink
I love you from céu!
I want to die
I do not send do seio teu!
I want to live with hope!
I want to tremble and feel!
Na tua cheirosa trança
I want to sleep and sleep!
Vem, anjo, minha donzela,
Minh'alma, my heart ...
Que noite! Que noite bela!
As é twelve a viração!
And between you sighs do vento,
Da noite ao mole freshness,
I want to live a moment,
Die with you of love!

This is a quite famous poem by the author that illustrates his conduct of exaltation of him and idealization love feeling.

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It is evident that the subject associates or love with suffering, through a vocabulary that refers to fragility and sadness, face or relationship as a only possibility of salvação.

A desire to flee from reality, or "eternal rest" to the side of the beloved seems to be my best way to avoid the other. For isso, or eu-lyrical it does not hide that sonha com a joint morte, ao style of Romeu and Juliet.

2. Meu Desejo

Meu wish? it was to be a luva branca
Que essa tua gentil mãozinha aperta:
To camélia that murcha did not teu seio,
O anjo that to see you do céu desert ...
Meu wish? was to be or sapatinho
That you cuddly but I don't dance encloses ...
To hope that you have no future,
So saudades that tens here na terra ...
Meu wish? was to be or curtain
That it does not tell the mysteries of your leito;
It was made of black silk teu colar
Be a cross like you sleep on or peito.
Meu wish? was to be or teu espelho
That mais bela see you when you slip
Do dance as roupas de escomilha e flores
And look at you lovingly, thank you very much!
Meu wish? was to be desse teu leito
From cambraia or lençol, or travesseiro
Like what candles or lights, where you stand,
Single or hair, or feiticeiro face ...
Meu wish? it was to be a voice da terra
What a star of love!
Being or lover that you are, that you want
Nas enchanted schisms of languor!

We are waiting for a love poem that shows adoration and dedication do subject to mulher that he loves. Over the course of the composition, he has revealed the various institutions that he wanted to be in the presence of.

Just as he fossils in a superficial way, like an object, or eu-lyrical, reveals that he wants to be close to her body. Or eroticism is suggested by a veiled jeito, for example, when the woman wishes to be the language where she deita.

Also visible that a composition brings together contrasting emotions, as your own love: there is a dysphoric vocabulary, also there are references to joy and hope.

Meu desejo - Álvares de Azevedo by José Marcio Castro Alves

3. Passei ontem a noite next to the

Passei ontem a noite next to the.
The cabin to division stood
Just between us - e eu lived
No twelve alento dessa virgem bela ...
So much love, so much fire is revealed
Naqueles olhos black! Só a via!
Music mais do céu, mais harmonia
Aspiring nessa alma de maiden!
As it was twelve, that seio arfando!
We lips that sorriso feiticeiro!
Daquelas hours lembro-me chorando!
More than that it is sad and the world inside
I feel everything or I feel throbbing ...
Cheio of loves! And sleep alone!

Neste sonnet, or little subject confesses that he passedou a noite perto da amada. Pela descrição, we can see that or hear of him fixou nela or tempo all, observing beauty that renders the highest praise.

The verses transmit the desire of the eu-lyrical that seems to echo us olhos da maiden, revealing or fogo da paixão. He is dominated by his "sorriso feiticeiro" and not the next day chega to chorar de saudades. Num took dramatic, the last verses confessam or seu desgosto by love someone so much and stay sozinho.

4. Adeus, meus sonhos!

Adeus, meus sonhos, eu pranteio e morro!
I have not given existence a saudade!
And so much life that meu peito enchia
Morreu na minha triste mocidade!
Terrible! Vote me your poor days
À sina doida de um amor sem fruit,
E minh’alma na treva agora dorme
As um olhar that death involves mourning.
What remains for me, meu Deus? Die with me
A star of my candid loves,
Já não vejo no meu peito morto
A dry spot of murchas flowers!

Here, in total lack of hope, he is present from his own title of the composition. Com a pessimistic sentiment of defeat and defeat, This poetic subject reveals a apathetic state of soul, an impossibility of feeling até saudades.

Surrender to sadness and depression, it reveals that or while you were raising all your joys and chega to question your own existence, abandoning you to death. Either isolation and degradation of the eu-lyrical seems to be or the result of his absolute dedication of him to um unrequited love.

ÁLVARES DE AZEVEDO - Adeus Meus Sonhos (recited poem)

5. Se eu morresse amanhã

Se eu morresse amanhã, viria ao less
Fechar meus olhos minha triste irmã;
Minha mãe from saudades morreria
Se eu morresse amanhã!
Quanta glory pressinto in my future!
What aurora de porvir and what amanhã!
You will lose when those choirs
Se eu morresse amanhã!
What a sun! what a blue sky! that twelve n'alva
According to natureza mais louçã!
It doesn't beat me so much love, I don't peito
Se eu morresse amanhã!
More essa dor gives life that devours
A desire for glory, or painful afã ...
A dor I do not peito will emude a or less
Se eu morresse amanhã!

Written approximately one month before the death of the poet, a composition that is to be read during the night. Nela, or poetic subject ponders or what would happen depois da sua morteQuase how the pros and cons were enumerated.

On the one hand, he thinks that he is not suffering from the family and the future he would lose, revealing that he still feeds hopes and curiosity. Lembra adds to all the natural beauties of this world that you could never see. Contudo, not final, he concluded that it would be a relief, since only then could he appease or be a constant relief from him.

Se Eu Morresse Amanhã by Paulo Autran - HD

6. Minha unhappy

Minha unhappy, don't, don't be a poet,
Nem na terra de amor não ter um eco,
E meu anjo de Deus, or my planet
Treat-me like treat-se um boneco ...
I am not walking from broken preserves,
Ter hard as stone or travesseiro ...
Eu sei... Or world is a lost lodaçal
Cujo sol (quem mo dera!) É o dinheiro ...
Minha desgraça, or candid donzela,
O that face that o meu peito assim blasphemes,
Ether to write all a poem,
E não ter um vintém for a candle.

Logo us first verses, or lyrical subject present your current condition, announcing that he will narrate unhappily that he lives. In the opening stanza, he began to disbelieve himself as a poet who is despised by the woman he loves and treated as "um boneco" after more than one.

The second stanza, or little subject, tells of his poverty, visible through the torn clothes and the total absence of comfort from his daily life.

Extremely pessimistic and disillusioned like the world, that he discovers as a "lost lodaçal", criticizes or the way we live in function of dinheiro, quase as it is fosse a deus or own sun. His misery was metaphorized for the moment that he wanted to write a poem and could not buy a candle to illuminate.

7. Lembranças de morrer

Eu deixo to life as deixa or tédio
Do deserto, or poento caminheiro,
- How many hours of a long time I weigh it
That he disappeared to or dobre de um sineiro;
As or banishment of wandering minh’soul,
Onde fogo fogo to consume:
Só levo uma saudade - é desses tempos
What a loving illusion beautify.
Só levo uma saudade - é dessas shades
That it felt to me to watch nas noites minhas.
From you, or minha mãe, poor coitus,
That by minha sadness you define yourself!
A tear like the papillae floods me,
Sigh sighed us treme ainda,
É pela virgem que sonhei, que never
Aos lips I encostou a cute face!
Só tu à mocidade sonhadora
Do pale poet of these flowers.
It is alive, it was for you! e of hope
From life to enjoy your loves.
Beijarei a verdade santa e nua,
I will see crystallize-se or sonho friend.
Ó minha virgem two wandering dreams,
Filha do céu, eu vou love with you!
Rest me alone
Na floresta dos homens esquecida,
À sombra de uma cruz, e escrevam nela:
Foi poet - sonhou - e amou na vida.

A composition is a kind of farewell to poetic subject that associates his own life with dysphoric images such as "tédio", "deserto" and "pesadelo". Wandering through his memories, he reveals that he will feel lack of love and also two times in which he was happy to nurture love illusions.

O eu-lrico confesses that, tied ali, to a woman like that sonhou and that never was his only source of joy and hope for him. Thinking is not epitaph e na the way I wanted to be planted no future, this little guy is summed up as a poet, dreamer and an eternal dull.

About a second geração do romantismo

O romanticism was an artistic and philosophical movement that was born in Europe, more specifically in Germany, during the 18th century. Nowadays, it lasted for the 19th century and underwent some transformations during this period.

In summary, we can affirm that romantics are characterized by their desire for escape gives reality, many times through sentimentality and idealized love.

Focados na sua subjectivityThey will try to narrate their inner world, giving voice to the deepest feelings, such as to dor, to solidão and desadequação perante or rest of the society.

Na second geração, also known as ultraromantic, or pessimism and even more accentuated, giving rise to recurring themes as a sauce, a saudade e a morte. Marked hair "bad-do-seculo", a forte sadness and melancholy that dominates these little subjects, his poems falavam about tedio, isolation and lack of hope.

Álvares de Azevedo was an avid reader of Lord Byron, being quite influenced by him, and he became the two senior representatives of ultraromantism in Brazil, alongside Casimiro de Abreu.

What was Álvares de Azevedo?

Manoel Antônio Álvares de Azevedo was born on September 12, 1831, in São Paulo, and his family moved to Rio de Janeiro, the city where he was raised. That is why he followed his studies and revealed himself, from always, to be extremely talented and intelligent.

O young man I returned to São Paulo later to study at the Faculdade de Direito do Largo de São Francisco, where I met several figures related to Brazilian romanticism.

During this period, Álvares de Azevedo began in the literary world, as author and translator, I have also founded a magazine Sociedade Ensaio Filosófico Paulistano.

Portrait of Álvares de Azevedo.

A student of languages ​​such as English and French, he has translated works by great authors such as Byron and Shakespeare. At the same time, Álvares de Azevedo dedicated himself to the production of texts of numerous genres, more morreu prematurely, before checking to publish them.

Sofrendo de tuberculose and depois de una cavalo that provoked or the appearance of a tumor, or poet ended up dying on April 25, 1852, with barely 20 years.

So suas Foram works launched posthumously It represents a great succession of bandages during the beginning of the XX century; Álvares de Azevedo also took a place in the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

Among his books of him stood out a poetic anthology Lira dos Vinte Anos (1853), a peça de teatro Macário (1855) e Noite na Taverna (1855), an anthology of contos.

Conheça also:

  • Romanticism: characteristics, historical context and authors
  • The great poems of Castro Alves
  • Poem O Tempo, by Mario Quintana
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