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Types of dance: 9 styles more known in Brazil and in the world

A dance is a movement art. There are different rhythms and styles present in the world, and each one transmits cultural values ​​of seu povo and of its time.

Because it is not every day present, this language ends up being one of the most popular and most popular artistic manifestations. democratic in the world, being a powerful ferramenta of creative expression, used professionally or as a form of fun.

1. Contemporary dance

A contemporary dance is a genre that emerged as a breakdown of modern dance. I started for two years 60 we USA and I was looking to trace other senses for a dance that was practiced até então, turning the movements closer to daily life and valuing improvisation.

Also, we can say that contemporary dance is a way of dancing that is related to the questions and reflections present in the atualidade e traz ainda looking for body consciousness and creativity, also being able to ally or theater and a performance in seu repertoire.

An essential figure nesse sense was a German dancer Pina Baush. Pina revolucionou or Cenário da Dança, I propose powerful choreographies that blend together life, dance and theater.

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In 2011 the film Pina was released, a documentary by Wim Wenders, which pays homage to dancers, who died in 2009.

Pina 3D - Legendary Trailer

At present, there are many contemporary dance companies in the world, and each has its own style and different body research.

Uma delas é a Hofesh shechter, a British company directed by Israeli choreographer Shechter. No show Political mother (Mãe Política) os dançarinos exibem energetic and aggressive movements ao som of rock played not local, counting also with projeções digitais no stage.

Hofesh Shechter - Political Mother - Trailer

2. Modern dance

Modern dance is a thermo used to designate a style of dance that arose from the beginning of the 20th century, along with modern art.

This type of dance despontou as a way of questioning classical dance and all its rigidity. Also, modern dancers propose more fluid movements, exploring non-chão gestures, light figurines and the absence of sapatilhas.

A concern for modern dance and investigation of two sentiments, transformed into movement. Important names for the consolidation of this type of dance are Isadora Duncan, Martha Grahan and Rudolf Laban.

Ainda leafed through this style and taught in dance schools. The groups that present or genre, generally mix contemporary references as well, such as this or given case Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, North American company of modern dance founded in 1958.


3. Street dance (Dança de Rua)

TO street dance, ou dança de rua, is a form of dance that originated in the 30's from the USA. It arose as a way of expressing cabaret artists who started working on a count of 29, at which time the New York Stock Exchange went bankrupt. Assim, many will pass to fazer your performances nas ruas.

In the sixties, the musician and dancer James Brown popularizes ainda mais a street dance ao raise a music (or funk) influenced by the movement of the dancers, performing no stage steps of the style.

James Brown performs "Night Train" on the TAMI Show (Live)

Além disso, or hip hop, black movement that emerged in the USA in the 70's, ends up integrating dance from rua in its practices, fazendo emerge other vertentes da street dance. As examples we fear o breaking, locking, popping, social dances e o freestyle.

Another important artist to show visibility for the style was Micheal Jackson, singer and dancer who used many steps from street dance e criou outros that become known, as o moonwalk.

Don't clip it to music Thriller It is possible to appreciate it as your dancers in a performance of street dance.

Michael Jackson - Thriller (Official Video - Shortened Version)

4. Classical dance (Ballet)

Or ballet is a classical dance style that emerged as a symbol of social status in the Renaissance period and was consolidated in the period called Romanticism (19th century).

It is a type of dance that has more rigidity and two gestures standardization, not as dancers executam. many movements using ponta sapatilhas to give the sensation that it is floating, rising-years céus.

This example of erudite dance is inserted in a sentimental and idealized atmosphere, as it was proper to romanticism.

One of the great classical dance companies from the world of the Bolshoi Ballet. Founded in 1773 in Moscow, in Russia, it is still a dance school.

In Brazil there is only one affiliate of the famous academy, the Escola do Teatro Bolshoi no Brasil, located in Joinville, in Santa Catarina.

Bolshoi Brasil - Ballet Les Sylphides

5. Dança de salão

Chamamos de dança de salão different styles and rhythms of dance performed at home. They are also known as social dances, as various vertentes da dance de salão have different origins, depending on from the place where they originate, but we can say that Europe was a fertile ground for the breeding of various of the.

Currently, there are many schools that teach varied styles of dance, such as, for example:

  • Argentinian tango;
  • Flamenco, of Spanish origin;
  • Samba, of Brazilian origin;
  • Rumba, from Cuba;
  • Forró, originally from the northeast of Brazil;
  • Merengue, emerged in the Dominican Republic;
  • Salsa, with a highlight in Porto Rico

As people try to learn dance hall as a form of entertainment, fun and to exercise or corporate. In the meantime, there are many dancers and professional dancers who are preparing to participate in championships and festivals of dance of salão pelo Brasil e pelo mundo.

Forró de Domingo Festival 2013 - Daiara & Marcio Saturday 2nd Show - Stuttgart, Germany

To find out more, read: Types of dance from salão most practiced in Brazil.

6. African dances

When we dance in African dances, we refer to a group of dances that originate in various countries on the African continent. Being also, there is a vast and diverse universe of African dances, as well as the own African and Afro-Brazilian culture.

In any way, it is possible to relate the part of the manifestations of the corporais Afro to a spiritual context and emotional, especially traditional dances, performed many times a year or some of drums and other instruments played not local.

As an example of traditional African dances we fear or Ahouach (executed not in Africa), Guedra (executed by hairs povos do Saara) e Schikatt (do Marrocos).

Meanwhile, like the rest of the world, Africa is also reinventing itself and developing new ways of dancing for various purposes, such as social interaction and fun.

Assim, there will be dances like a Kizomba, or Zouk e o Kuduro, for example, in Angola we were in the 80's and 90's.

OR Kuduro, no case, it is a dance with a fast and vibrant rhythm that became known in Brazil by volta of 2010. Inspired by Van Damme's hits, he films us, blending electronic music with traditional Angolan elements.

MK Kuduro - éwé éwé (2011)

7. Samba

Not Brazil, one of the most traditional cultural manifestations or samba, which integrates dance and music.

Essa expressão mixes strong African influence with European elements, having some vertentes em What rhythm and way of dancing has its own characteristics, but always keeping alive and happiness.

Assim, we fear as examples or samba de gafieira, or samba de roda, samba carnival and or samba rock.

A number of more complex modalities or samba de gafieira. I need a lot of technical knowledge to perform the pirouettes, além disso, it is necessary to have a great tune as a partner or partner, because that is a home dance.

Marcelo Chocolate and Tamara Santos - Samba de Gafieira

8. Dança do ventre (Bellydance)

A dance do ventre is a style of oriental dance performed by women. It is speculated that it originated from millennial pelvic dances from the Middle East and North Africa. Second to researcher and dancer Wendy Buonaventura, these dances are related to the movements two quadris that women perform in labor, and were practiced in rituals of fertility.

Assim, in Egyptian lands, to dance sofreu modifications and dissemination in other countries of the Arab world.

This type of dance is traditionally feminine and exhibits rounded gestures, movements in two quadris and peito, waves and shimmies (in which to dance treme or ventre) and delicate little clothes two arms. Also, we can use accessories like véus, swords and flares.

Many foram as dancers stood out in dance do ventre during the 60s and 70s, considered the Era de Ouro do style, such as Souhair Zaki (Egito) and Nadia Gamal (Egito), later, outra egípcia também fez successso, Fifi Abdou.

They will contribute so that the style can be seen from the East and will gain many followers in different parts of the world, being also called Bellydance.

At present, dance do ventre continues to be practiced and other vertentes arise, such as Tribal Fusion and ATS (American Tribal Style).


9. Classic Indian dance (Odissi)

Odissi é o nome from a classical Indian dance. Or style emerged or state of Orissa e, second investigators, traces or second century. C. In its earliest times, the Odissi dance was attributed to spiritual events, and the shows were of long duration. Subsequently, it was reworked in chegou até Déli, the capital of India, going on to be recognized in the 1950s.

Nesse type of dance, all gestures have meanings. São used muitos mudras, which are quite symbolic positions of mine.

The body movements executed suggest geometric formats, such as squares and triangles, as well as “s” formats. The figurines are carefully thought out, feitos com um sari (typical clothing), jewels and marked maquiagem. Além disso, your fingers give more and just two feet are painted vermelho, to highlight the mudras e a movimentação two pés.

Not Brazil, a dancer Andrea Albergaria is one of the most outstanding of this type of dance, having carried out her studies in India.

Andrea Albergaria - Classical Indian Dance

You can also be interested:

  • History da dança ao longo do tempo
  • Folkloric dances in Brazil and in the world
  • Most famous African and Afro-Brazilian dances
  • Contemporary dance
  • Melhores dançarinos e dançarinas da historia
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