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Cidade de Deus: summary, detailed analysis and meaning of the film

Cidade de Deus É um Brazilian film de ação, created from the homonymous book by Paulo Lins (1997). Com roteiro by Bráulio Mantovani and directed by Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund, or film was released in Brazil in August 2002.

Cidade de Deus (City of God) - Trailer Português

With a great international impact, or long ago it became a framework not for Brazilian cinema, I have been indicated to Oscar in the categories of melhor diretor, melhor roteiro adapted, melhor photography and melhor edição.

O successso does not reside only in its visual, technical and aesthetic aspects, but also in the social message that it transmits. Cidade de Deus It shows a Brazil that we all know and little want to enxergar and, by isso mesmo, is an imperdível film.

As Zuenir Ventura, famous Brazilian journalist and writer, stated:

Assist Cidade de Deus é um civic dever.


Na Cidade de Deus, life is difficult and perigious, between organized crime and police rape. Or film, narrated by Buscapé, tells the tragic stories of various inhabitants of the community, also following the efforts of the protagonist to carry out his dream: to be a photographer.

instagram story viewer

Atenção: starting daqui, this artigo contém spoilers!

I summarize


Or a film that accompanies the lives of several people who live in the Cidade de Deus, not Rio de Janeiro. Buscapé, or narrator-protagonist, tells the history of the community from second to his perspective, from the time of childhood.

Enquanto or protagonist fugia da violence, garotos gives his life of him as Dadinho and Bené accompany us the assailants of the região nos serious crimes. Dadinho became Zé Pequeno, a perigosy bandit who took all the "mouths" of traffic and virou or dono da região.


His violence and the seat of power were extreme as the death of companion Bené, which would help to maintain peace between criminals. Lonely and desperate, Pequeno tempts to seduce a woman, companion of Mané Galinha, more and more rejected.

Zé Pequeno raises a woman in front of Mané Galinha and, immediately afterwards, throws her at her house. Galinha has been the first shooter of the army and starts his fight, killing 12 homeless gangsters. To protect himself, he ended up joining Cenoura, another trafficker from the region, and began a war between factions.

During more of a year, homens, youngsters and children are armed and dragged for or confronted, sleeping on the streets of the Cidade de Deus. Buscapé, or protagonist, struggles to survive through chaos, working as a delivery person and dreaming as a photographer's career.

When Mané Galinha was imprisoned and interviewed on television, Zé Pequeno also wanted to make a famous girl Buscapé to photograph his gang displaying weapons. O protagonist takes the photos to reveal non-wage but they end up being published in the layer. Or young man finds his chance: he will get more photos of the bandit, he is hired to work non-wage.


Or a group of Pequeno vai diminuindo as tempo e o trafficker ends up recruiting children each time more novas to fight his side of him. Sem dinheiro, he rouba or seu arms dealer, Uncle Sam, who works for a corrupt policeman. Mané Galinha died as a shot of a child that was ferida and fallen no chão.

A policeman enters the community in search of dinheiro, Zé Pequeno pays his eager and Buscapé manages to photograph the moment. Or the drug dealer ends up being dead in his own gangue, which he occupies at "boca de fumo."

While the history of violence is perpetuated, Buscapé fears escorts: expor corruption of the police or sell the photo of the dead bandit for pay. He ends up escorting a second choice and conquering a career in photography.

Personagens principais

Buscapé (Alexandre Rodrigues)


Buscapé cresceu does not give me violence, as I wish for a better and more peaceful life. Dweller of the Cidade de Deus, he finds a war between facções an opportunity to realize his dream of being a photographer.

Zé Pequeno (Leandro Firmino)

Zé Pequeno

Dadinho was a child with a family, who admired bandits and learned how they were, dreaming of a day being or donated by Cidade de Deus. When he becomes an adult, Dadinho turns Zé Pequeno, a violent criminal who is capable of everything to win.

Bené (Phellipe Haagensen)


Bené é o melhor friend of Zé Pequeno e também o seu braço direito, responsible for controlling the fúria do parceiro and maintaining peace in the region. Embora he is the personagem most beloved of the Cidade, he is the victim of a stray bullet and dies at his farewell party.

Sandro Cenoura (Matheus Nachtergaele)


Cenoura is the only trafficker who can resist the domination of Zé Pequeno and keep his "smoky mouth". Embora he is less cruel than his rival, he is also a bandit and takes advantage of Mané Galinha's situation to promote a war between factions.

Mané Galinha (Seu Jorge)

Mané Galinha

Mané Galinha is a resident of the Cidade de Deus who works as a bus collector. Former army shooter, he lives an honest life as Zé Pequeno is stubborn peels his companion. Ao seen to be a stupid trafficker, Galinha embarks on a day from Vingança. Embora he repeats that he is not a bandit, at war in the face of Mané Galinha um assassino.

Film analysis

"I run or bug hits, I know or bug eats"

A narrative of Cidade de Deus começa in media res, expressão do latim that means "I don't give you kicks". A literary technique allows us to enter the meta of the history, revealing the events that happened before through memories and flashbacks.

The first seconds of the film show facas being attached to a galinha that tries to escape from the dead, during a churrasco.

Galinha dinner

Or party climate and suddenly interrupted like an animal escape. One side of children began to run behind him, firing shots to or from. São led by Zé Pequeno, who orders me to be sure or bug. Galinha fugindo seems to be uma metaphor for despair two dwellers gives Cidade de Deus, that sentenced to death chegando and tried to escape to everything or custody.

Buscapé from the front like a gangue
Buscapé from the front to galinha and o side of Zé Pequeno.

That is the moment that we meet Buscapé, or narrator-protagonist, facing Galinha and the side of Zé Pequeno. O young man also lives in the City, more foge of the world of crime and fear pela his life from him. With a photographic machine I do not face all the weapons placed at his direction, he reveals the hope of changing his destiny.

A photo could move to my life more, to the Cidade de Deus, to run or bug hits and ficates or bug eats.

History of the Cidade de Deus

I looked for a retrospective face on local history, revealing how the Cidade de Deus emerged. Tudo começou us 60s, when it was built and many families that have been made a house, in a sequence of fires and burns, they were dislocated for the.

With the words of the narrator, the residents chegaram with the "hope of finding a paradise" but the reality was bem different. Or nose não tinha basic conditions such as water, light and asphalt, more or the number of inhabitants is increasing.

A Prefeitura is not imported as a situation, but a Cidade de Deus ficava "very long of the postal card of Rio de Janeiro".

Photograph of the Cidade de Deus - National Archives
Photograph of the Cidade de Deus - National Archives.

Second or government, the construction was intended to shelter public officials, but it had been occupied by former inhabitants of communities in the southern zone, in a sequence of a great enchente.

For two decades, during the 1980s, organized crime grew exponentially and the community became two more dangerous locations in the city.

Crescendo does not give me violence

Buscapé é, então, herdeiro e produto dessa collective history. Depois to narrate the construction of two inhabitants in the Cidade de Deus, he refers to his childhood and the way he grows into violence. We see several men playing ball, one of them is the protagonist, who is accompanied by Dadinho and Bené, garotos that will not future traffickers.

It was during the game that Buscapé and Dadinho met. They will be presented several times a year throughout the narrative; or first always face or second with fear, but and ignored. From childhoods to which two people are in obvious contrast, how their destinies are already defined: um é gives peace, or outro é da war.

At the time, three young bandits attacked the area: Cabeleira, Alicate and Marreco, who together formed Trio Tenderness. A group of costumava carried out small assaults in the Cidade de Deus, many times accompanied by Garoto hairs Bené and Dadinho.

Trio Tenderness, Cidade de Deus
Trio Tenderness: Cabeleira, Alicate e Marreco.

It seems to be or start of uma "school of crime" that attracted more and more children, throughout the narrative. Bené era or irmão mais novo de Alicate and was learning how; his best friend, Dadinho, who apparently was orfão, was together with the most enthusiastic of all.

Já Buscapé, irmão mais novo de Marreco, escolhia distance himself from these types of activities. Cresceu com half you give bullets e, trying to escape the violence, he declared that he did not want to be "nem policcia, nem Ladão". When the trio resolves roubar a path of gas, Dadinho's agressividade becomes visible for the first time. Levam o dinheiro e deixam que as pessoas da comunidade recolham as jugs of gas, robando two rich to give for the poor, as Robin Hood.

The motorist does not offer resistance and deita no chão during the assault. Dadinho takes advantage of the moment of fragility to attack him with shots. A gratuitous violence and expressão de prazer deixam evident that a predator is rising. Embora seja só um garoto, he smokes maconha, commits small crimes, plans major blows and warns: "eu sou bug solto".

Dadinho pulling and I surrender
Dadinho pulling and surrendering.

É Dadinho who suggests or assault ao motel I was more afraid of being a watchdog because ainda é criança: "I'll check on your time." He is responsible for hitting on a glass and informing the police that he is checking. The bandits are assaulting the guests and fogem when squat or barulho. When a police officer checks, he finds a local cheio de corpos; All who were not motel were assassinated.

More adiante no film we discovered that all of them were burned by Dadinho, who deu um a false alert to deceive you and enter the building, shooting everyone. The words of the narrator-protagonist, naquela noite or garoto "killed vontade to kill", but his story was just beginning.

Dadinho e Bené
Dadinho e Bené counting dinheiro.

Depois do assalto, Dadinho pegou or dinheiro e fugiu da Cidade de Deus. He disappeared, working as a sapatos na rua engraxador, because "he knew how to turn sozinho." He turned some time depois, ready to set up his own bargain with Bené as his braço direito.

In order to be a bandit, it is not enough to have a weapon, he needs an ideia na cabeça and isso or Dadinho tinha.

Or garoto cresceu, "between one shot and another", at the age of 18 he became Zé Pequeno, a two more perigosos criminals from Rio de Janeiro. History seems to repeat itself as Filé, a man who works for the non-business of traffic.

When he confronts the Caixa Baixa moleques, a group of abandoned children who commit roubos in the City of Deus, Little Filé works to give a shot at them.

Filé shoots
Filé and forced to shoot.

Not final he declares: você "entrou p'ra irmandade". At dinner, quite violent and marked, evidence or half and innocence of these crianças that coexist as perigo and to death since nasceram. When Mané Galinha, Pequeno's rival, knows Filé, he or she encourages him to start or crime, declaring that he is still a child.

In response to him, he reveals A world where there is no childhood The garotos are obliged to become adults, and cross over, much earlier than the tempo.

What criança? Eu fumo, eu cheiro, já matei e já roubei. Sou little boy homem!

Organized crime in the "traffic road"

A narrative accompanies the changes that take place in the Cidade de Deus and a check on organized crime, especially drug trafficking. The film shows how the traffic worked, explaining that it was an extremely profitable and attractive "business" for those individuals. Tinha fornecedor, linha de montagem e ate "plane of carreira".

traffic - city of deus

Dadinho was an assailant and I realized that Cenoura, a trafficker in the area, ganhava muito mais dinheiro. He consults or Exu Sete Caldeiras, his spiritual guide, that he gives him a nova identity, beating Zé Pequeno, and prophesies or his succession: "I will be great." Extremely motivated and persistent, no day later he decides to take all the "mouths" of the region.

This is where his destiny crosses as Buscapé's again. The protagonist has gone to buy maconha for Angélica, a menina de quem he gostava, na "mouth" of an old colleague from school. It is interesting to observe the history of Boca dos Apês and how it was passed from geração em geração. Founded by a widow who needed to support her filhas, she was being wounded or taken by new bandits.

City of God | 'The Turf' (HD) | 2002

It is also evident that police is involved no scheme, receiving submissions to date the olhos. Or fast growing business that or protagonist affirms that, if legal fosse, Pequeno "serious or Homem do Ano". As he killed those who or disobeyed, there were fewer and fewer shootings in the favela and people abroad felt safe to go to buy cocaine.

This is also the case that Bené is a friend of Tiago, a richer, more addicted teenager who begins to frequent Cidade de Deus and ends up working for Zé Pequeno. Amizade arises when the dealer goes behind the rapacious and offers him a large soma of money to buy similar clothes from him, appearing with a renewed visual and commenting: "Virei playboy!".

Bené and Zé Pequeno
Bené and Zé Pequeno did not command.

Bené, my friend and direct arm of Zé Pequeno from childhood, was either his point of balance, or the only one capable of calming him down and dissuading him and giving him agressividade. For a long time, he was able to avoid the gang war, not allowing his friend to invade Cenoura's "mouth".

Between the partners there is also a great contrast. Little did he work, he only wanted money and power, while Bené was nice, generous, funny, or "bandit mais responsa" da Cidade de Deus.

A visual narrative is that the gostava does not give violence and barely uses traffic as a way to accumulate wealth for sair dali.

Tragic loves and feminine relief

Even so, I am not so dead, or love is also born in the Cidade de Deus. Depois do assault that or Trio Tenderness face to the motel, the bandits separated in flight, saying goodbye with "Fé em Deus!". Pliers turned to religious life, Marreco will work as a country and Cabeleira seeks some place to hide, a tábua de salvação. So he knows Berenice.

Cabeleira and Berenice
Cabeleira tenta seduzir Berenice.

Knowing he gives his life of crime, to a girl or a girl, I repeat that he is not confident because "thug does not love." You two end up wrapping yourself and Berenice convinces you to be in love as you partner and leave to malandragem. Tudo seems calm, Alvorada de Cartola plays like the country house or farmhouse is determined to escape.

Contudo, when the police are invading a favela in search of the Trio, they need to turn a car to try to escape. Cabeleira was afraid that viatura would have to be empurized so that she could start; inside the car, Berenice vê o seu love of her to be shot até à morte.

Morte do Cabeleira - Cidade de Deus

OR tragic fate repeats itself with Angelica, in love with Bené, who manages to convince him to leave the Cidade de Deus and buy a site to live as hippies.

Na farewell party, when it seems that everyone is not walking certain and Ben will be happy for Dali, he ends up being the victim of a stray bullet and dies.

The irony of fate sublimates that nenhum give them homens have a possible escape, as they are all condemned to tragedy and their companionship year.

City of God | 'Getting Out' (HD) | 2002

Or film also show or extremely macho and oppressive climate em that these women lived. A yelling example is related to Paraíba, donor of boat and police informant, with his wife. First, we attended a young woman talking about sex as a woman, most velha and revealing that her intimate life as a husband was not satisfying, that it was elemental and aggressive.

When Paraíba surprences a woman in bed with Marreco, or Irmão de Buscapé, commits an unthinkable crime and buries herself alive, being imprisoned immediately. A second follower is the companion of Mané Galinha, who rejeita thus invested with Zé Pequeno and ends up being stupid by him.

This sinister event that mutes or rumored the narrative and begins the war in the Cidade de Deus, but even more than "off" in history, we do not return to see it.

Being "dono da favela" or "otário life"?

Depois do infme assalto ao motel, or Trio Ternura mudou de conduta. Pliers and Marreco have to pass a night hiding from the police at the top of a tree. Pela manhã, Plier seems to have had an epiphany and decides to turn to igreja:

That life of a bug I let go of Maluco.

Marreco was obliged to work as a country and Buscapé had to go together, understanding from here on out that you are "irmão bandido e a maior furada". O Garoto promises to be more veiled that he will never touch a weapon and always with his word. When Cabeleira was assassinated as a police officer, or the protagonist saw a photographic machine for the first time and discovered his vocation.

Angelica and Buscapé
Buscapé na praia com Angelica.

Ja adolescent, or garoto avoid conflicts da Cidade de Deus and tem a group of friends "cocotas", who do not live in the periphery. Among them is Angelica, a menina de quem el gosta; When he goes to dance for a dance, he meets Bené and paixão at first sight. This is just two moments in which the protagonist is losing for the bandits and he wonders if he will be eternal desvantagem.

Enquanto Zé Pequeno, who "always wanted to be or donated to the Cidade de Deus", was carrying out all his objectives, working in a supermarket to try to buy a machine and turn a photographer.

When you moleques da Caixa Baixa you want to rob or your local of work, or protagonist and demitted. For the moment, he thinks he will leave "another life" and enter no crime, planning possible hits.

It is linked to, mané, honesty does not compensate!

No ônibus vazio, cogita assault or collector but is condemned by him. It's about Mané Galinha, resident of the Cidade de Deus and former army shooter. Do not dance with Bené, Zé Pequeno is rejetado pela companheira le e resolve humilha-lo in public.

mané galinha
Mané Galinha working as a collector.

Hey what Começa a rivalidade that ends up killing you. Small stupid woman from Galinha on his forehead and depois sent machine guns to his house, killing either his irmão and his uncle. The old shooter advanced to the top of the gangue, shooting and killing 12 homens.

No next day, everyone knows the news and davam os parabéns ao collector, faking that the "matou bem".

A Cidade de Deus tin has found a heroi.

Faction warfare, police corruption and death

Mané Galinha wanted vingança He was determined to kill or kill himself; It is "why I make a revolution plus Deus tinha other plans". From the attack, he was hiding in the "mouth" of Cenoura and perceived that he needed an army of bandits to protect himself.

Mané Galinha shooting
Mané Galinha shooting.

This was the moment that "vingança was transformed into war". Mané aceitou made assaults as a group to support Batalha and, first he had resisted, logo got used to life of crime.

TO Cidade ficou divided into two: every time more people join forces in the war tinha virado "excuse me for you." I do not get rid of so much gratuitous violence, the police face all the inhabitants as marginalized.

Life in the favela was never a purgatory and a virou um inferno.

TO conduct two police officers é, during all or film, corrupt and imoral. Na noite do assault ao motel, two conversed briefly and showed their true intentions: um wanted to ficar as dinheiro do roubo, or another just wanted to kill the criminals.

When he fica sem dinheiro to buy arms, Pequeno resolves to be a dealer or his dealer, Uncle Sam, who works for a policeman. Ou seja, the same authority that fought violence in the Estava community supplying weapons for or trafficking.

Zé Pequeno
Zé Pequeno and his soldiers.

Quase not the end of the narrative, when he confronts Zé and his army of armed children, a police force. Galinha takes advantage of the moment and face an ambush, demolishing several inimigos. When he sees a child shot, he tries to help her know that she is before the assassin of the country and kills home to the coasts.

Hidden, Buscapé photographs the police invading the Cidade de Deus and hitting the counts as Pequeno, taking his last money and the valuable belongings that we restore as suborno.

Na ruin, or criminal repents of the war that begins and warns the gangue that you are going to carry out robberies to support or "business".

Soviet attack

Nessa height, all of your soldiers have died and barely restored the Caixa Baixa moleques, who will refuse to obey. Contrary hair, take "mouth" and metralham Zé Pequeno, to say the least that Filé killed in command of the trafficker: "my hair is my friend."

Or protagonist, photograph, or corpse of Pequeno, knowing that this image will guarantee a non-wage undertaking for him.

Embora had provas of police corruption, she escorted him, hides them and handed them over just as he showed the dead bandit. Perante um wicked system, which feeds violence that supposedly condemns, Buscapé escolhe or only possible path: that which will lead to fora da Cidade de Deus.


Cidade de Deus é, sem dúvida, an inescapable film. For some residents of the community, a perpetual narrative in the image that all are aggressive and are involved not organized crime.

So let's analyze the film, let's see that the try to report various alarming social problems: Poverty, lack of resources, options and opportunities that many Brazilians face.

Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund will be able to show esse to the world cycle of death and violence do qual é quase impossível fugir. Not limiting themselves to presenting the world of crime, the directors explained to us the past of criminals and their motivations.

All of us eat as children who are often not at school with families present, they are abandoned to their own lot. As we encourage, we see perspectives, we live with violence daily and normalize.

Moleques da caixa baixa
Meninos da Caixa Baixa provide weapons for the police.

Seus idols end up being bandits, those who have dinheiro and who many times are at their only "assistência". Assim, or crime and or traffic begin to be faced as a possibility of "career", a good idea of ​​survival in the community and ganhar dinheiro.

Embora sejam barely children, they are treated as homens, and expected that mathematics and morram do not give me their faction, like little soldiers who are fighting and we know why.

In an extremely sensitive way, Cidade de Deus don't think that those are Crianças para quem o crime foi a only saída. This is confirmed in the last seconds of the film, when the Caixa Baixa garot said that he wanted to make a list of his enemies but we don't know how to write it down.

Mesmo Zé Pequeno, or greatest bandit of the region começou being Dadinho, a lonely and poor boy who followed or Trio Tenderness and sonhava with dinheiro and power.

Aquilo what Cidade de Deus seems to bet são os accomplices of tudo isso: indifferent do governo, to corruption gives police, to morbid curiosity da midia.

Based on real data

Embora is a fiction narrative, or a fake film of some real characters and episodes. José Eduardo Barreto Conceição, more known as Zé Pequeno, was a Rio bandit who became known between the 70s and 80s.

Sua rixa com Mané Galinha e to war that the gerou also são reais. Manoel Machado Rocha made some changes during his youth, but he entered the army for 18 years, serving an infantry.

He turned to crime to finance the weapons and ended up being assassinated by a rival gangue at home, in front of two countries and two minor firms. His family of him processou or responsible for the film for the representation that made up of Manoel, but lost or case in 2010.

interview mané galinha city of deus

Bené I also existed and was the same childhood friend of Pequeno. Trabalhava in a padaria and fazia assaltos as companheiro, depois joined the non-traffic. The stories tell you that he was a known homem for generosity and sympathy that, despite being a criminal, he was not a victim of violence and was not armed.

Or friend of Pequeno Morreu during a carnival party, with a shot that was directed to or comparsa. What confirms some desses given? Ailton Batata, or only surviving historical day. Portrayed as Sandro Cenoura, he discovered the existence of the film when it was in prison and released in 2017, entitled Cidade de Deus - A History of Ailton Batata, or survivor.

Finally, the protagonist was inspired by Jose Wilson dos Santos, a photographer who morava na Cidade de Deus and coexisted as "donos da favela". Buscapé was born of a combination between the stories of his life and the imagination of Paulo Lins, author of the book.

About a produção

Fernando Meirelles won the gift of a friend, Heitor Dhalia, who suggested that a film adaptation be made. Embora he felt quite devastated because of the reality, or the director was interested in the project and sought out Paulo Lins to buy the directives of the film.

For a representation questão, and because I wanted to work with people who pass through authenticity and know that world of Perto, I set up a theater office to jovens da periphery. Among hundreds of students who have studied and lent provas, Meirelles e Lund escolheram or cast of the film.

Technical sheet and poster

Address Fernando Meirelles, Kátia Lund
Duration 130 minutes
Country of origin Brazil
Launching 2002
Gender Drama, Police
Classification Not recommended for children under 16 years of age
Roteiro Bráulio Mantovani
Film poster Cidade de Deus

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