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10 major poems of amizade from Brazilian and Portuguese literature

Friends from childhood, from work, from vizinhança... For many of us, and inconceivable to pass through life without being accompanied by someone who understands us. We separate some pieces of Brazilian and Portuguese literature to honor your friends, how about partilhar one of them that is always next to you?

1. Sonnet of my friendby Vinicius de Moraes

Enfim, behind so much past mistakes
So many retaliações, so much perigo
Eis that resurge noutro or velho friend
Never lost, always rediscovered.
É bom sit-lo again beside
Com olhos que contêm o olhar antigo
I always eat a little troubled
And as always singular I eat.
A bug equal to me, simple and human
Knowing how to move and how to see
E to disguise as my own deception.
O friend: um be that life does not explain
That he will only see another born
E o espelho de minha alma multiplies ...

OR Sonnet of my friend It is relatively little known compared to other famous sonnets by poetinha such as Sonnet of fidelity e o Sonnet of total love. But it is true that you have fourteen verses written in Los Angeles, in 1946, I am also a victim of the writer's work.

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Os verses falam de uma amizade duradoura I have gone through the years, serving as a kind of annoora for the eu-lyrical that finds no friend or not a kind of coat.

Vinicius de Moraes (1913-1980) stands out as a relationship of friendliness, old, and always recreated and, despite the comings and goings, you end up approaching the end of the year.

O sonnet sublinha também o partilha sentiment, to ideia of identification that or poetic subject will sit or exchange ideias as a friend. Os verses singelos são um deep praise to amizade.

2. Give discriminationby Mario Quintana

Don't open up with your friend
That um another friend tem
E o amigo do teu amigo
Possui friends too ...

O succinct poem by the gaucho writer Mario Quintana (1906-1994) summarizes in just four lines o feeling of mistrust a poetic subject who, before sharing a trust as a friend, thinks about the consequences of his action.

Or eu-lyrical, suspicious, advises us not to divide as a friend the most intimate confissões because, ao partilhar, essa Information can be transmitted to a friend of your friend and then successively, making a matter private to you. public.

3. Message to distant friendsby Cecília Meireles

My beloved companions,
I don't wait for you nem chamo:
because you go to other sides.
But I certainly love you.

I'm always better off
fazem melhor companhia.
Same as sun covered,
everyone knows when is the day.

Vosso hair immense field,
vou cutting meus atalhos.
For you, my love, what do I think?
and I do so much work.

Não condeneis, for enquanto,
rebellious minha maneira.
To free me so much,
Fico vossa prisoner.

No matter how long it seemed,
ides na minha lembrança,
ides na minha cabeça,
Valeis a minha Esperança.

O poem by Cecília Meireles (1901-1964), was composed when the poet has been fifty years old (1951) and It narrates a relationship of amizade with distant friends, like you who are little contato embora nurtra imenso honey.

Or little poetic fala do afeto that keeps hair friends despite the days and days of, many times, not being present. He pede understanding pela his nomadic way of walking by the world, he gives life attention to those he loves so much.

4. Autobiographyby Fernando Pessoa

Ah, my best friend, never again
Na paisagem bury this life
I will find a dear soul
Às coisas that em meu be são as real. [...]
No more, no more, and since you left
This prison dated that é o mundo,
My heart and inert and infertile
E o que sou é um sonho that is sad.
Because ha em nós, no matter how much we get
To be us same to us, we are nostalgic,
Um desire of thermos company -
Or friend like that that we love falar.

Ao longo do extensive poem Autobiography, from the Portuguese master Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), we see a series of themes that occupy an important part of the life of the poetic subject - e um deles é a amizade.

No trechinho selected we see a eu-lyrical hey from a friend That part gives life leaving it not a place in a huge space.

Although we do not know because of death, we read back or despair that I lost a companion and spent two days ago with someone to share the experiences lived.

5. Sad treatby Carlos Drummond de Andrade

My friend, let's go sofrer,
let's drink, let's go to the day's work,
let's say that life is ruim,
My friend, let's go sofrer.

Let's go fazer um poem
ou qualquer outra besteira.
Fitar, for example, a star
for a lot of time, a lot of time
and give a deep sigh
ou qualquer outra besteira.

Let's drink uísque, let's go
drink cheap beer,
drink, scream and die,
ou, what do you know? hardly drink.

Let's go xingar to mulher,
that is poisoning life
like your olhos e suas mãos
e or body that you fear two signs
e tem um embigo também.
Meu friend, let's go xingar
or body and everything that he gives
and that will never be a soul.

My friend, let's sing,
let's go chorar de mansinho
e ouvir muita vitrola,
depois drunk let's go
drink more other sequestros
(or olhar obscene and my idiot)
you should vomit and fall
e sleep.

Drummond (1902-1987) celebrates a long time two verses a friend how he partilha the boas hours (to see stars, for example) and the maus moments (dividing or softening).

The fala of a series of everyday situations As at a bar table, as light conversations, a exchange of ideas about the problems conjugais tão frequent not from day to day and where it is generally going to look for or place a friend.

Or eu-lyrical contains a series of good circumstances, as we all manage to identify ourselves, where the presence of the friend reveals itself to be essential.

6. Friendby Florbela Espanca

Let me be your friend, Love;
To your friend only, what do you want?
What hair your love seja to melhor
To the saddest of all women.

That só, from you, I come to magoa e dor
Or what does it matter to me?! Or what do you want
É always um sonho bom! Seja or what for
Blessed are you saying to me!

Beija-me as mãos, Love, devagarinho ...
As you two were born, let's go,
Birds singing, ao sol, no mesmo ninho ...

Beija-mas bem!... What a fantasy louca
Save as well, dated mine,
You beijos that sonhei p’ra minha boca! ...

A Portuguese poet Florbela Espanca (1894-1930) wrote a sonnet about a love affair that you have fim, but a woman from the family resolves to provide you two fossem capable of re-signify relationship transforming-a numa amizade.

Hairs verses we perceive that he foi ele to give up the relationship to two. Ela, not so, I prefer te-lo por perto, even if it is just as a friend, I do not want to lose or contact from time to time.

In spite of the English proposal, a little bit of a beloved, let us quickly see that, in truth, her intention is Ter de volta a relação amorosa, but, as ainda não e viável, a amizade seems to be the only path possível.

7. Friendby Alexandre O'Neill

Badly we understand each other
We inaugurate a word friend!
Friend, um sorriso
From mouth to mouth
Um olhar bem limpo
A house, very modest, that is offered.
Um heart soon to press
Na nossa mão!
Friend (remember, you are there,
Scrupulous debris?)
Friend or contrary to inimigo!
Friend, I was wrong,
Não or error pursued, explored.
It is a true partilhada, practiced.
Friend is solidão defeated!
Friend is a great task,
Um work sem fim,
A useful space, a fertile time,
Friend is going to be, is there a big party!

O Portuguese surrealist poet Alexandre O'Neill (1924-1986) tentou, ao long two verses of Friend,define or what is a relationship of amizade.

To achieve such a façanha, begin by unbelieving the gestures linked to amizade (or sorriso), depois partiu for uma metaphor with architecture (at the end of my friend and house) and I have tried to define what I amizade thinking about what is not é.

O belo exercício poético - which ends up being a great tribute to friends - ficou registered in the work No kingdom of Denmark (1958).

8. Friendby Cora Coralina

Let's talk
Like two velhos that will be found
I do not walk.
Foi o mesmo nosso starting frame.
We palmilhamos together on the same road.

Eu was a girl.
I felt I knew
seu cheiro de terra,
seu cheiro de mato,
seu cheiro de pastagens.

What was inside of me,
I do not fund obscure de meu ser
ancestral living and atavism:
fazendas, latifúndios,
engenhos e currais.

More... ai de mim!
She was a girl from the city.
She wrote verses and was sophisticated.
Você teve medo. Or I mean that everything homem
da mulher lawyer.

No pressentiu, no guess
what or wait
same before birth.

did you take teu caminho
by different road.
Long time or wait
na encruzilhada,
depois... depois ...
carreguei sozinha
to pedra do my destiny.

Hoje, not late gives life,
a soft and lost relembrança.

Com um intimate tom, typical of the Goiana poet Cora Coralina (1889-1985), Friend It is a poem that seems like a relaxed conversation. A teacher who began to publish just 76 years old demonstrates profound experience with us verses or failing the principle of a relationship.

A long two verses, we do not perceive whether or not a poetic subject refers to a pure relationship between friends or a friend of the poem and a euphemism, a more discreet form of chamar or partner.

In any case, or eu-lyrical, it tries to go back to your first tempos, longing, from when you do conheceram, and how or what could have been a beautiful found it ended by not happening by receio on the side give him. Friend It is a sad and delicate statement of what could have been, but finally it was not.

9. Amizadeby Paulo Leminski

My friends
when you give it to me
semper deixam
other coisa
lembrança, heat
my friends
when you give me deixam na minha
to your mão

O curitibano Leminski (1944-1989) uses short and quick verses to celebrate amizade, to exchange, or exchange between people who establish a laço estito de companheirismo e partilha.

Or a poem that begins and ends up failing a physical gesture (or giving to me), it addresses precisely this intertwining: or that we receive two friends and keep within us the part that we leave as friends.

10. You friendsby Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen

Voltar ali onde
A green rebentação da vaga
To foam or nevoeiro or horizon to praia
Keep intact to impetuous
Antiga Youth -
More like we are friends
Sem a partilha or abraço a comunhão
Breathe or cheiro alga da maresia
E colher a star of the sea in minha mão

O mar é uma constant nos poems by the Portuguese writer Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (1919-2004) and em You friends The escort of pano from the fund was not different.

To address the theme of amizade, the poet permeates the verses with a landscape of praia. The poem deals with the eu-lyrical relationship with oneself, as a space that or surrounds and also with those who are not yet missing: friends.

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