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Aquarela music: detailed analysis

Aquarela, released at the beginning of two eighty years, it is a music that goes back to the universe of infância. She remembers or offers the need to imagine alternative dining rooms, contemplating beauty that is able to go through our breeding capacity.

Few people know, but the composition was first launched in Italy, with a huge succession, and more Later it was translated and adapted for the Portuguese by Toquinho, who is also a composer of the version. original.

Not our country Aquarela It also has a huge success and more visibility after having been chosen as a soundtrack of an iconic commercial launched in 1984 by the German pencil company Faber-Castell.

Toquinho - Aquarela


Numa folha qualquer eu desenho um sol amarelo
E with five or six challenges and easy to make um castelo
I run or pencil around da mão e me dou uma luva,
E se faço chover, eat two riscos tenho um guarda-chuva
There was a penny of ink that fell on a blue piece of paper,
Num instant I imagine a pretty gaivota to voar no ceu

instagram story viewer

I'm flying around a huge curve north and south,
Vou com ela, traveling, Havaí, Pequim or Istanbul
I paint a white sailing ship, sailing,
É so much céu e mar num beijo azul
Between as nuvens I see arising um cute avião rosa e grená
Tudo em volta colorindo, eat your lights to pick
Just imagine that he is leaving, serene, cute,
I know people love, I will pousar
Numa folha qualquer eu desing a ship of departure
With some good friends drinking from bem with life
From one America to another I get to pass number seconds,
Giro um simples compasso e num circle eu faço o mundo
Um menino walking and walking chega no wall
And ali logo in front, to wait for people, or future is
The future is a spacecraft that we try to pilot,
He has no time, no time, no time to check
Sem ask for a mute license to nossa vida, depois invida a laugh ou chorar
Nessa estrada we cannot know or see or what will see
O fim dela no one knows bem ao certain where I am going to give
Let's all go numa pretty catwalk
Of a watercolor that one day, enfim, it will fade
(that will discolor)
(that will discolor)
(that will discolor)

Análise da Letra

A letter of Aquarela It is extensive and does not have a refrão, or that it could be a point against the song, rather than an impediment to fazer a huge success.

É como se o eu-lrico, here is a long story that touches directly on the memory of ouvinte:

Numa folha qualquer eu desenho um sol amarelo
E with five or six challenges and easy to make um castelo
I run or pencil around da mão e me dou uma luva,
E se faço chover, eat two riscos tenho um guarda-chuva

Ao long two many verses we are summoned to go back for uma children's imagination, capable of erguer images and cenários where at the beginning there was nothing.

No initial stretch, aponted to the top, we see how, with just some traços, a criança breeds a series of you have universes I have more than just basic ironwork such as lines and colored pencils.

Tudo seems slight, sem urgência, and the narrator chooses to jump - also as a constructor - from erguer cenários possíveis ou até same to illustrate simple objects.

Brincadeira é a word-chave to understand the song of Toquinho, which was based on a playful universe and appeals to us. breeder instinct.

There was a penny of ink that fell on a blue piece of paper,
Num instant I imagine a pretty gaivota to voar no ceu

The verses above tell me two unforeseen events that happen in the world of crianças fazendo com que haja uma Ainda major identification on the part of the small person - or the adult who reigns over to his or her own childhood.

How many times is it unharmed or accidentally left or paper to be stained? More or less fact of the development has not been seen as planned face as the imagination is obliged to work and quickly find a solution for the problem.

Logo to follow the letter introduces the amplitude of the world, fazendo as or let you explore your imagination in all its potentiality crossing borders and discovering the four songs of the planet:

I'm flying around a huge curve north and south,
Vou com ela, traveling, Havaí, Pequim or Istanbul
I paint a white sailing ship, sailing,
É so much céu e mar num beijo azul
Between as nuvens I see arising um cute avião rosa e grená

In order to get to make this trip, or eu-lyric, create your own means of transport: first a sailing boat and a plane.

It is also important to underline the importance of the cores in the composition of Toquinho which, at all times, seeks give life to the landscapes that you paint.

Note how the nouns are followed by cores: o sailboat e white, o beige e blue e o avião e pink e grená.

Tudo em volta colorindo, eat your lights to pick
Just imagine that he is leaving, serene, cute,
I know people love, I will pousar

We highlight também or fato dessa I travel to be lonely and involve submitting to the presence of children and their imagination of her.

It is the one that governs the entire universe, the teacher of the song and, at the last instância, da brincadeira: or plane can leave or use, it only depends on the orders given by breeder hair.

I will not continue, Toquinho introduced some important learning for the future adult:

Numa folha qualquer eu desing a ship of departure
With some good friends drinking from bem with life
From one America to another I get to pass a second,
Giro um simples compasso e num circle eu faço o mundo

Verses in me that life is full of games and games e what tudo and transitory and provisional.

With imagination able to take everyone from one place to another in a very short time, thanks to this inventive capacity of human beings, we can create a series of possible dinners.

I do not stretch or eu-lyrical also emphasizes that or that it is worth the same to be in comunhão as you face bem. Here he or she met among friends and was presented in a playful and relaxed way, as a source of rest and practice in the face of a troubled adult everyday.

Na passagem to follow the letter aponta for what will see:

Um menino walking and walking chega no wall
And ali logo in front, to wait for people, or future is
The future is a spacecraft that we try to pilot,
He has no time, no time, no time to check
Sem ask for a mute license to nossa vida, depois invida a laugh ou chorar

Pela for the first time has a menção in the future, which is associated with the idea of ​​uncontrolled and incapable of being tamed.

Já aqui o menino he learns that muito do that or will happen he will run away from him and that or your destiny is not the consequence of what you want.

It is outrora, to undo, to create everything or control two parallel universes, to unfold it, it will realize that very little will be with more of it:

Nessa estrada we cannot know or see or what will see
O fim dela no one knows bem ao certain where I am going to give
Let's all go numa pretty catwalk
Of a watercolor that one day, enfim, it will fade

Or fim - the last instância to die - it is treated with extreme delicacy, being understood as an essential part of life.

Do not cover two final verses, we see or burst from despair, to smallness from home due to destiny. unknown, but at the same time we are presented to a beautiful image of a passarela de aquarela, cheia de cor e vida.

A timeless song Aquarela immediately provokes uma identification as reader that takes up his first years of life and begins to eat nostalgia Give them moments that I will not voltam more.

Apart from being a beautiful passeio for childhood, to music and also a reflection on life and on a temporary tempo.

Music history

Aquarela It is the result of a partnership between a Brazilian - Toquinho - and an Italian - Maurizio Fabrizio.

You came when Maurizio Fabrizio saw Brazil working with Toquinho and, during two meetings, he showed a piece of music that he had created.

The Brazilian composer was surprendered to perceive how his child was similar to a job that he had raised some time before as a partner Vinicius de Moraes.

On the occasion of the coincidence, Toquinho and Maurizio decided to join together the two compositions, one brought up by each musician in their country of origin.

A letter was developed on occasion, in Italian, and a breeding happened to be called Acquarello. It was first launched in Italy, where the logo is on the market.

Confira or audio of Toquinho singing to Italian version of music:

Toquinho - Acquarello

Tempos later, depois de Acquarello It will be very well known in Italy, Toquinho has a translation and adaptation and dissemination to the Brazilian market.

Toquinho teve dúvidas initially he should release a song in Brazil because he makes music difficult to hit with his lyrics long and sem refrão. But, fato is that, when it was launched not our country, Aquarela Also fez a huge success.

Além de ter infected naturally or publicly, the song was propelled by two external factors: Aquarela It was the subject of a Globo novel where Dina Sfat is treated (it is worth sublining that this is the occasion for a song). another letter) and was the commercial theme of Faber-Castell, which I also helped to disseminate even more to music.

Or comercial da Faber-Castell

A song of Toquinho was used in a commercial by the Faber-Castell pencil company, which was famous in the year 1984.

A long commercial year we see the cenários imagined in song ganharem with life not paper. O traço do desenho accompany the verses of music:

Faber Castell - Aquarela (1983) "Versão Original"

In 2018, the German brand recently invited Toquinho to work on the dissemination of the brand and adapt it to the song.

The composer changed the lyrics and on the occasion it was launched a new commercial, once again promoting racial diversity in Brazil.

Faber-Castell Faces and Cores.

Conheça also

  • The melhores poems of Leminski
  • Os melhores poems by Vinicius de Moraes
  • The best love poems from Brazilian literature
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