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Os Ombros Suportam or World: Meaning of the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Os Ombros Suportam o Mundo é um poem by Carlos Drummond de Andrade published in 1940 not released Sentimento do Mundo. A poetic anthology organized by the author, or poem is found in the chamada part "Na praça de convites", dedicated to poems with a social theme.

A poetry in question is a direct approach to life, love, religion, a necessary task at times that are imposed as extremely real and urgent, times of wars and injustices. A fala poetry gives a resigned position in the world.

Os Ombros Suportam o Mundo

Chega um tempo em que no se said more: meu Deus.
Time of absolute purification.
Tempo em que no se said more: meu amor.
Because or love turned out to be useless.
E os olhos não choram.
E so mãos tecem barely or rude work.
E o coração is dry.

Em vão mulheres batem à porta, you will not open.
Ficaste sozinho, the light turned off,
but in the shadow of your eyes, you shine enormously.
This is all certainty, you don't know how to cook.
And you don't expect anything from your friends.

Little does it matter, come to velhice, what is to velhice?

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Teus ombros suportam o mundo
e eleno weighs more than mão de uma criança.
As wars, as fomes, as discussed in two buildings
Provam just that life goes on
e nem all liberateram ainda.
Some, achando barbarian or show
I would rather (the delicate ones) die.
Chegou um tempo em que he não adianta die.
Chegou um tempo em que a vida é uma order.
Just a life, sem mystification.


The poem was written not in the late 1930s, not in the Second World War. Carlos Drummond was a politicized homem, attentive to various mazelas of society and of human support. Com inclinações à esquerda, or poet chegou to be part of the Communist Party.

The social panorama that was later in this period served as a starting point for Drummond.. Or first verse locates or poem temporarily, "Chega um tempo". Logo depois, and explained to us what tempo is: um tempo sem deus e sem amor.

Chega um tempo em que no se said more: meu Deus.
Time of absolute purification.
Tempo em que no se said more: meu amor.
Because or love turned out to be useless.

Tempo sem Deus because tempo demands a great clarity, a purity that does not allow great materials, great ideas. Tempo sem love because or love was not enough, and because war more once affects humanity.

O tempo that shows itself to the poet and a tempo of work, of olhos that do not want to crash before all the hearts of the world, because the heart is dry, insensitive to evils that torment humanity. The only thing that takes ação é a mão, which, despite everything, continues to exercise or work.

The first verse is composed of several elements, all linked to a tempo theme that appears three times in the first stanzas. What happens to follow is the consequence of the time that is lived, in the absence of God, in the absence of love and in the absence of sensitivity.

No second verse, a prevailing image is a solidão: "ficastes sozinho". Porém a solidão not uncomfortable or undesirable, but simply as a consequence of a maturity, of a process that raises certainties that isolam or poet two others, "it is all certainty, you don't know how to soften".

Em vão mulheres batem à porta, you will not open.
Ficaste sozinho, the light turned off,
but in the shadow of your eyes, you shine enormously.
This is all certainty, you don't know how to cook.
And you don't expect anything from your friends.

As "certainties" that surround people, apart from isola - the two others, also serve as a type of protection against or undergoes. Seja or sauce caused other hair or seja for being nice to or soup alheio. Despite solidity, it does not have a negative charge, it is somewhat dark, "the light turns off."

A third and last stanza is also a longest. É nela that is found or verse that gives or does not give me poetry and the central theme of the: a posição do ser neste mundo en neste tempo. A matter of the poet is a reality, or present time and also a relationship between the "eu" and the world.

Little does it matter, come to velhice, what is to velhice?
Teus ombros suportam o mundo
e eleno weighs more than mão de uma criança.
As wars, as fomes, as discussed in two buildings
Provam just that life goes on
e nem all liberateram ainda.
Some, achando barbarian or show
I would rather (the delicate ones) die.
Chegou um tempo em que he não adianta die.
Chegou um tempo em que a vida é uma order.
Just a life, sem mystification.

A velhice does not bother the weight of the world no greater than a day more of a child. A youth and velhice approach three verses and the element of link between them and the world. Por mais que os tempos sejam ruins, tempos de "maus poemas", as Drummond says em A flower and a nausea, There is always a hope of melhora nas novas gerações.

Even using depreciating figures, such as wars and discussions in buildings, or a poet barnacle that life goes on and the world goes on, pois "nem all liberate themselves ainda". There is no space for sensitivity, this feeling is life-threatening, I would rather (the delicate ones) die.

O tempo é, então, de resignation, to live in a simple and pragmatic way. A life is mystification and a return to the first years of the poem's verses. Assim, or poetic cycle, dates from Drummond's poetry in qual o tempo é matéria essencial.


Or central theme of the poem or present tempo. A poet's sensibility is essential for the moment of "agora" to be able to sketch a deep panorama of two feelings that surround them. Generally, a supply is required to achieve such effect.

Poetry becomes even more emblematic due to the fact that, just as it is feita for a specific present time, it still has abrangência or enough to be read in all the "tempos". I do not need to have lived the years of the Second War to understand or even feel the poetic depth of the poem.

Much of the merit of poetry is getting to see this specific movement for the general, if you lose sight of or its central theme. A feeling that life needs to be lived in a refined way extrapolates any historical moment.

It is possible to draw a parallel with a great theme of classical poetry, or Carpe Diem. That you want to say alive or day, or take advantage or day. A big difference is that or classic and hedonistic theme. A vida e feita to live and throw or maximum of prazer dela. While Drummond's poetry is alive and well to be lived in a practical and pure way.

Os Ombros Suportam o Mundo It is a poetry that also fails us about society. Whenever you are homeless, you will never know that life may be fully lived, it will always be a life of absolute purification.

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  • Livro Sentimento do Mundo by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Poem E agora, José, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • 25 poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Poem As Sem-Razões do Amor, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • The best love poems from Brazilian literature
  • The imperdíveis poems of Portuguese literature
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