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6 poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade about amizade

Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 - 1987) is considered one of the two greatest Brazilian poets of all times. Integrating to the second generation of modernism, his poetry reproduces the political and social questions of the time, I will never lose or not an individual focus on his experiences with the world.

Assim, or author wrote several compositions that focus on human ties It is of its importance for our personal and collective costume.

1. Amizade

Certas amizades commit to idéia de amizade.
Or friend who becomes incomprehensible inimigo fica;
or inimigo who becomes a friend and an open chest.
A close friend - of himself.
It is necessary to water the flowers on the jaguars of extinct friends.
Like the plants, the amizade must not be watered too much.
Thanks to this, we isolate ourselves from humanity by cultivating some people.

The poem was published in the work O Avesso das Coisas (1987), which brings together definitions of many concepts, presented as entries in a dictionary. Through him, or subject, he dedicates himself to a timeless theme: as human relations and

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ties that we are forming long year of the road.

The verses that we should value and treat with respect to the same relationships that will end, honoring what was lived but not passed. In order for them to survive and prosper, we need to take care of them, as plants do. We have to find a certain measure, so that we don't suffer, we allow friends to remain.

Or last verse draws a conclusion cheia de sabedoria: even when we are isolated, when we don't want more nothing like the rest of the world, we need two of our friends to survive.

2. Sad treat

My friend, let's go sofrer,
let's drink, let's go to the day,
let's say that life is ruim,
My friend, let's go sofrer.
Let's go fazer um poem
ou qualquer outra besteira.
Fitar, for example, a star
for a lot of time, a lot of time
and give a deep sigh
ou qualquer outra besteira.
Let's drink uísque, let's go
drink cheap beer,
drink, scream and die,
ou, what do you know? hardly drink.
Let's go xingar to mulher,
that is poisoning life
like your olhos e suas mãos
e or body that you fear two signs
e tem um embigo também.
Meu friend, let's go xingar
or body and everything that he gives
and that will never be a soul.
My friend, let's sing,
let's go chorar de mansinho
e ouvir muita vitrola,
depois drunk let's go
drink more other sequestros
(Or obscene olhar and my idiot)
you should vomit and fall
e sleep.

Part of work Brejo das Almas (1934), or poem é, simultaneously, um convite e um desabafo do subjeito poético. As his words show, he shows that he is not looking for the presence and, above all, the company of a friend.

By the way that the face is exactly that, sofrerem togetherInstead of continuing to face all the problems and sozinhos magicians. Nesse moment of conviviality, or alcohol would change the initiation and allow both of them to express themselves with all the social barriers.

Or I found excited serious individual opportunities, which are usually more dated, confess what I'm feeling. That is, finally, two most important aspects of a friend: we are free to talk about any matter, half of july.

3. To bruxa

Nesta city of Rio,
of two thousand inhabitants,
Estou sozinho no quarto,
estou sozinho na America.

Will I be the same sozinho?
Ainda has little noise
He announced life to my side.
Certainly not human life,
more of life. And I feel bruxa
dam in the light zone.

Of two thousand inhabitants!
E nem needed so much ...
I needed a friend,
deep, distant desses,
what a verse from Horácio
more secretly influem
na life, not love, na meat.
This is it, I don't have a friend,
it is at that late hour
how to procure friend?

E nem needed so much.
Precisava by mulher
come in this minute,
receive this love,
saved from annihilation
um minute and um carinho loucos
that I have to offer.

With two thousand inhabitants,
How many women do you provide?
Interrogam-I don't spell
measured or lost tempo
I tied that come to manhã
trazer leite, jornal e calm.
Porém at this empty hour
how to discover mulher?

This city of Rio!
I have so many words for me,
I conheço voices of bugs,
sei os beijos more violent,
voyage, briguei, learned.
I am surrounded by olhos,
of mine, affections, procuras.
But I was tempted to communicate
or what are you doing just a noite
and a dreadful solidão.

Companheiros, escutai-me!
This agitated presence
I want to break noite
not simply a bruxa.
Before confidently
exalando-se de um homem.

Or famous poem expressa a solidão do indivíduo na big city and was published in the work Joseph (1942). During a night, when you can stop and reflect on life, or eu-lyrical and invaded by a devastating feeling of nostalgia.

Nessa hora, he sat in the absence of someone how he could talk and share his confessions, his sweet thoughts and his most secret thoughts. Not so much, or little guy admits that he has no friends and no opportunity to meet new people who have preencher esse vazio.

Or taking sad composition leads us to question the way we live and to think about the quantity of people that are absolutely sozinhas among the multitudes.

Check out the poem reading:

to bruxa | carlos drummond de andrade

4. Sociedade

Or homem disse for or friend:
- Brief I will go to your house
e levarei minha mulher.

Or friend enfeitou home
e quando o homem chegou com a mulher,
soltou a duzia of foguetes.

O homem comeu e bebeu.
A mulher bebeu e cantou.
You do dance.
O friend was very satisfied.

When it was time to go
or friend disse para o homem:
- Briefly I will go to your house.
And she opened me two dois.

No way or homem resmunga:
- Ora essa, was or was missing.
E a mulher ajunta: - What an idiot.

- A casa é um ninho de fleas.
- Did you fix or burnt steak?
Or piano ruim e a little food.

And all the fifth-fair
They will return to my friend's house
that I still can't pay back to visit.

Posted em Alguma Poetry (1930), a composition a strong theory of social criticism, satirizing the way we relate to the superficial parameters that we use to value other people. Many times, a society teaches us ruthlessly swear the others, the same as those we consider friends.

Isso ends up leading the people to a natural distance and also a boa dose of hypocrisy, because they go to live with serem julgadas in the same way. Or poem seems to sublimate that esses poisonous behaviors True and must be avoided at all custody.

5. A um absent

I am right to feel saudade,
I am right to accuse you.
Houve an implicit pact that you broke
e sem you say goodbye foste embora.
You detonated or pact.
You detonated general life, common acquiescence
of viver and explore the rumors of obscuridade
sem prazo sem consultation sem provoção
Attach or limit the number of fallen leaves at the time of falling.
You went ahead of time.
Teu ponteiro enlouqueceu, enlouquecendo nossas hours.
That you could be feito de mais grave
do que o ato sem continução, o ato em si,
o ato that we do not use nem we know how to use
Why don't you give it up?
I have reason to feel saudade from you,
of our coexistence in falas comrades,
simple opening of mine, nem isso, voice
modulating conhecid syllables and banais
that it was always certainty and sureness.
Sim, I have saudades.
Sim, I accuse you because you celebrate
or not provided for in the nature and amizade
nem, you let us dry or direct to inquire
because or celebrate, because I foste you.

This is uma exciting farewell What a poetic subject he dedicates to a great friend who has left this world. The verses deixam to reveal to mágoa, to raiva, to saudade and or feeling of impotência from homem that lost, suddenly and prematurely, an old companion.

As painful words explicitly, how much amizade is fundamental in our life: the mere existence of somebody who we are intimidated from all face to difference, not our daily life. By isso, a death of a great friend It could be a brutal and unjust blow that deeply bows us down.

Or poem was published in Farewelll (1996), a posthumous work that Drummond deixou prepared before his death. I know that A um absent It was written in homage to a poet from Mineiro Pedro Nava, who committed suicide in 1984.

6. Consolo na praia

Come on, no chores.
As a child she is lost.
A mocidade is lost.
But life was not lost.

Or first love passou.
Or second love passou.
Or third love passou.
More or heart continues.

Perdeste or melhor friend.
You did not try any trip.
There is no car, ship, or land.
More tens um cão.

Some harsh words
in a meek voice, it will hit you.
Never, never scar.
More, e or humor?

An injustice is not resolved.
In the shadow of the wrong world
you mumbled a shy protest.
More virão outros.

Tudo somado, devias
rush you, from time to time, to waters.
You are nu na areia, I do not vento ...
Sleep, meu filho.

Or famous poem, published not free To Rosa do Povo (1945), assume um tom quite dysphoric. It is important to note that its production occurs in a painful and distressing time of international history: the Second World War.

Through a confessional tom, we find a surrendered poetic subject, sem Esperanza, which lists the reasons for this generalized distress. Uma delas, mentioned before, lack of love, it is lost do seu melhor friend.

This partnership and comrade, or eu-lyrical is shown more sozinho do than ever, I barely have a puppy companion to occupy the days. This melancholic vision leads us to think I do not value two friends and not how much they manage to brighten our lives with hundreds of small gestures.

Escute or recited poem by author:

16 - Consolo Na Praia, Drummond - Poetic Anthology (1977) (Disc 1)

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