Poem Congresso Internacional do Medo, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Carlos Drummond de Andrade, considered one of the two greatest names in national poetry, was an author attentive to his struggles and difficulties.
Posted em Sentimento do Mundo (1940), or poem "Congresso Internacional do Medo" is one of his most famous compositions, symbolizing a sorrowful portrait of the time.
International Congress of the Medo
Provisionally we will not sing or love,
that took refuge more under two subways.
We will sing o medo, that sterilizes you embraces,
We will not sing or hate because that does not exist,
It exists barely or half, nosso pai e nosso companheiro,
or half great, two sertões, two seas, two deserts,
or half two soldiers, or half days more, or half days big,
we will sing or half two ditators, or half two democrats,
We will sing o medo da morte e o medo de depois da morte,
depois we will die from medo
and on our burial mounds, yellow and fearful flowers are born.
Analysis and historical context of the poem
By eating hair from its own title, we can see that a composition fails to have the same sensation that crosses the individuals of the inner world: or middle.
In order to understand the message that these verses must be taken into account, we will see the context of its publication. Or free Sentimento do Mundo I was written in full Second World War, or great international conflict that occurred between 1939 and 1945.
This poem is part of Drummond's lyrical production that reflects on various sociopolitical questions, thinking about the relationships of the subject with what existed to the master.
Provisionally we will not sing or love,
that took refuge more under two subways.
We will sing o medo, that sterilizes you embraces,
We will not sing or hate because that does not exist,
It exists barely or half, nosso pai e nosso companheiro,
From the first verse, we are impressed that everything is in suspense, as you are standing, petrified. As emoções mais fortes, as or love and hate, and tied the daily gestures of carinho foram replaced by that absolute mean, a force that invades all the songs of common life.
Anguish becomes present at all times and accompanies individuals, failing higher than any sentiment or laço, and promoting isolation and disunity.
In this situation, artists and writers faced a moment of crisis, verifying that the power of creation seemed insufficient before a brutal scene of violence, death and iminent perigo.
In this way, or eu-lyrical declares that he will sing or mean, pois ele é tudo or that he exists, and no other theme would be possible without meaning. Isso also evidenced the constant and transversal use of repetitions.
or half great, two sertões, two seas, two deserts,
or half two soldiers, or half days more, or half days big,
we will sing or half two ditators, or half two democrats,
Or dread that consome human beings is backed by all the places: nas paisagens, na natureza, e nos buildings, tied the sacred ones.
A mistrust and or alertness permanent fazem com that each um becomes more solitary, I feared I tied the same those that he loved, and I feared for them too.
Contudo, on top of any other, there are either two soldiers and two leaders, or panic about the bloody battles and also the decisions and political movements that will lead to them.
Perante all isto, we have gerações inteiras de cidadãos que estão paralyzed, like a huge cloud of fifty pairasse at the top of your heads.
We will sing o medo da morte e o medo de depois da morte,
depois we will die from medo
and on our burial mounds, yellow and fearful flowers are born.
Submerged in an atmosphere of generalized despair, they are so much deadly and deadly that there will be além dela, that deixam de viver.
Or I took dysphoric from the poem not disappearing in the last verse with the presence of "yellow flowers", an image that could be interpreted as a solar symbol of renewal.
Contrary hair, elas lembram or fragile and brief character gives life, calling for the idea that all human beings will die and end up "turning flower." And some part of it will be enjoyed or time spent on our planet.
Meaning and importance of the poem
Carrying a strong and heavy critical reflection, the composition is given voice to the lack of hope that invaded individuals during the 1940s and also times that will be followed.
Na verdade, the traumas of the historical period and the mazelas that the deixou us individuals will end up perpetuating through the time and remain na nossa collective history.
Assim, decades later, we continue to be amazed with terror and cruelty of the conflict that abalou or world. More than a poetic composition, it is about challenge of a little subject who needs to survive a period of abrupt and violent changes.
Face to the desolate state of reality, and notorious to its sensation of smallness and insignificance, as there is no possible redemption.
About Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Born in Itabira, Minas Gerais, Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 - 1987) was an inescapable writer who integrated the second generation of Brazilian modernism.
Embora he also had produced stories and chronicles, or the author stood out above all in the field of poetry, marking or definitively marking the history of our literature.
Like many contemporaries, Drummond defended a poetry with limited formais or themes, which used everyday matters, using a simple and accessible language.
Além de assumirem um tom confessional, through which or eu-lyrical he could express his emoções, os His poems also reveal a great awareness of the present moment, in terms of society and politicians.
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