Education, study and knowledge

Educated women are less likely to find a partner

During the last decades, women have fought hard for their rights and for equality between the sexes, and various customs and power relations have changed thanks to this effort. Although there are still many things to be done in this regard, according to a study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), women are more educated than men regarding university studies.

This reality, which could be positive, correlates negatively with having a partner: heterosexual women with higher education tend to be less likely to enter into a formal relationship. At least this is what science claims. In this article we will review some studies that deal with this topic.

The relationship between studying and having a partner

As for love, the tastes of each person may vary; However, many individuals seem to be attracted to the appearance of other people's intelligence, it is what is known as sapiosexuality. But being smart and having higher education doesn't seem to be good when it comes to meeting the one we want to have a serious relationship with. The high educational level of women hinders their chances of having a partner.

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Jon Birger, a financial and technology journalist, decided to investigate this phenomenon. Her curiosity arose because a friend of hers, apparently very intelligent and educated, could not find someone compatible with her. This led him to carry out research in the United States with demographic data, and he analyzed heterosexual individuals who had higher education and who were in search of ideal person. With the results, he published a book called Date-onomics: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game in which he explains some of his conclusions.

The cause: shortage of trained men

According to the author, one of the reasons why educated women are not successful in love relationships is the scarcity of men with the same educational level. At least in the United States, the shortage of university men is not only a characteristic phenomenon of the big cities of this country, such as New York City, where there are 4 college women for every 3 men. Of course, except in Silicon Valley, where the country's economy boosts the male job market in research (according to Birger).

Data extracted by Binger shows that in 2015, 35% more women graduated than men, and of these, 33% are still single. As the author concludes, most women do not agree to have a relationship with someone with a lower educational level, which makes the statistics show that relative trend towards being single.

Smart women are more likely to be single.

Binger's study is not the only one that has been carried out in this line of research, and the hypothesis that the most intelligent women are at the same time the most demanding and therefore tend to remain single, is not new. In fact, a study led by John Carney and published in the British publications Daily Mail and Elite Daily, among others, already concluded that this was a more than real possibility.

This statement could be considered classist and full of prejudices, but perhaps this idea is not so far-fetched. The emotional connection has a lot to do with finding a person who mentally seduces us, and at least in In the case of intelligent women with learned cultural resources, it can be difficult to find a man with which to express oneself freely and feel intellectually stimulated. The body can enter us through our eyes, but if there is no mental connection afterwards, that relationship can hardly last (unless it is a toxic relationship).

However, Carney's conclusions have aroused some controversy, since according to him, women less smart people have more free time because they don't spend many hours studying more or working more to earn money. Less intellectually gifted women tend to form relationships with men who are more intelligent than them, who have a higher economic position and a better job position. If you want to go deeper into this study and know its conclusions, you can read this article: “Smart women tend to be single”.

Sapiosexual women?

It seems, therefore, that at least in the case of women there is a certain degree of sapiosexuality with an exclusive meaning. Logically, each person is a world, but these data highlight the fact that many women are attracted to "coconut". Sapiosexuals are those people who say they are attracted to the "interior", that is, by intellectual capacity.

For these individuals, the preliminaries begin in interesting and stimulating conversations (art, politics, philosophy, etc.). The sapiosexual thinks that her partner's intellect is one of the most important traits she possesses.

Men prefer them less reflective

And… what happens in the case of men? Do you prefer intelligent women or not? Well, it seems that they prefer women with fewer intellectual resources. This is what concludes an investigation carried out by the university institutions Lutheran University and the University of Texas. Researchers at these universities state that men are intimidated by intelligent women and they feel a special predilection for unreflective women.

To find out these results, the researchers surveyed a large group of students about what were the actions, body postures, attitudes or personality traits that seemed most attractive. This helped them to extract 88 factors that they used as part of their study, in which they showed a series of photographs with these traits to 76 men.

Subjects were asked what behaviors they associated with them and what was their level of desire towards those factors. Men stated that more vulnerable and less intelligent women were more attractive.

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