Education, study and knowledge

Anecdotal record: what it is and how it is used in psychology and education

Throughout the day, each and every one of us engages in hundreds of different behaviors and actions. Not only us, but also the rest of humanity and even the rest of the animals do it. And many of these behaviors and actions may be of great scientific interest, so it may be necessary to register them in some way.

In this sense, there are many evaluation instruments and methods, both objective and subjective. One of the simplest and yet common is direct observation, through which you can experience and record the occurrence of different events throughout the time in which said observation (or after that).

And within the records that we can use, an example can be found in the anecdotal record, about which we are going to talk throughout this article.

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The anecdotal record: what is it?

It is known as an anecdotal record a type of instrument or methodology for recording behavioral information in which a set of facts, situations or phenomena that have taken place in a period of time in which information has been carried out is described in the most objective way possible.

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As a general rule, the anecdotal record takes the form of a report that accounts for the conduct or behavior, interests, actions and procedures carried out by a subject or group, when they occur spontaneously, surprisingly and unexpected.

It is the product of direct observation, which starts when an unexpected event occurs that must be logged. In other words, as its name indicates, it is the record of an anecdote.

Contrary to other types of recording, anecdotal recording is characterized by being carried out in an unplanned manner. nor prepared but to arise when something has happened that makes it necessary, be it spontaneous or more continuous. Observations are transcribed in an unstructured way, trying to use a clear, precise and unambiguous language. In addition, the record is usually generated a posteriori, since it is not something planned.

One of the most relevant characteristics of the anecdotal record is found in the fact that the data collected in it must be as objective as possible. possible: it must be a description of the situation or phenomenon described, without including subjective elements or interpretations of the acts. This is important, since if the data is objective, it will not be biased by the observer's own beliefs and expectations and can be analyzed by third parties. At least not in the description itself, although a later section can be made with the interpretation given to it.

The description of the situation must be precise and include especially the unforeseen situation, but also has to include context information. This includes the time, place or the presence or absence of other people, among others.

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What is it useful for?

The anecdotal record can have many uses and in many different fields. But One of the contexts in which they are most used is in the educational field.

In this sector, teachers and professionals can register the presence of events, situations or attitudes that are relevant or striking, and that may merit a record for some type of action or intervention later. And not only the teachers, but also the student himself can make a record if necessary.

In addition to that, It can also be used as a basis for a more systematized study. on the attitude or even the personality traits and the psychosocial development of the subject. Other sectors in which it can be useful is in the study of the behavior of a group, or it can even be used in sectors such as the penitentiary.

Main points you must have. Although it does not necessarily have a fixed structure, in general we must take into account that an anecdotal record must incorporate a series of main elements.

Among the different elements to highlight, basic data such as time and date, place, name of the subject, type of activity or situation and the context in which it is carried out should be included. After that it must be incorporated (and this is the main point) an objective, clear description without any kind of interpretation or ambiguity.

Optionally, and especially if there are already several observations that allow us to see a pattern or different perspectives of the same reality, an interpretation section can be incorporated. Finally, recommendations based on interpretations can also be included.

What are the advantages of this type of registration?

The anecdotal record has a number of advantages over other types of record. First of all This is a fairly simple and natural type of registration to do., as long as the person is able to be objective in the description and separate their perspective and opinion from the data they reflect.

It is also advantageous that it allows data to be taken on events, behaviors and phenomena. in the first person and at the hands of a witness to the situation, and even if observations are made later allows for continuity in annotations in such a way that a systematized observation can be generated a posteriori.

In addition, the fact that the registration is carried out a posteriori means that whoever does it does not have to be there at the same time. interrupting the activity to record the data, although on the other hand this can reduce the number of details that we remember about the situation.

The fact that a certain objectivity is required makes it easily interpretable by people outside of observation, so that if it is done well, other experts will be able to draw their own conclusions or even report and record possible events later. All of this makes anecdotal records simple, straightforward and highly useful instruments.

Bibliographic references:

  • Casanova, M. (1998), Educational evaluation. Mexico, SEP/Muralla (Library for the update of the teacher).
  • Secretary of Public Education (2013). Evaluation strategies and instruments from the formative approach. Tools for evaluation in basic education. Mexico. [On-line]. Available in:

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