Education, study and knowledge

The 6 best Masters in Clinical Psychology in Barcelona

Specializing in the field of clinical and health psychology is an exciting educational path, but it is not always easy to know which options to choose. There are many ways to top off the training and learning gained throughout your college career. (undergraduate or degree) in Psychology, and if you do not want to waste time, money and effort, it is important to hit the right shot

In this article we will see a selection of clinical and health psychology masters in Barcelona, one of the Spanish cities with the greatest university and post-university offer.

  • Related article: "Types of psychological therapies"

The most prestigious Masters in Clinical and Health Psychology in Barcelona

The capital of Catalonia is not only one of the most vibrant urban centers in the Mediterranean; In addition, every year thousands of people choose this city to train, something essential to be able to practice professionally in psychotherapy. It is true that each person has their own preferences and needs when it comes to continuing learning

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, but this city is large enough to host a very varied and complete training offer.

In the following lines you will find several recommended options for master's degrees in clinical psychology in Barcelona. Among them there is not one that is objectively better than the rest, since the most appropriate choice depends on the trajectory professional that you want to learn (and the educational background you have), so in each particular case the right option will vary. In any case, it must be remembered that one thing is the scope of what has traditionally been considered the branch of clinical and health psychology, and another is the legally recognized professional category that allows one to practice as a psychologist clinical.

The latter, since the implementation of the Psychology degree in Spain, is only accessible through the PIR path (in Spanish territory), and not by simply completing a master. Therefore, the masters that we will see below are dedicated to this branch of psychology, but today they do not allow obtaining the specific title of clinical psychologist, but instead complement the training necessary to engage in psychological and psychoeducational intervention in patients in general.

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