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8 truths about love that we should know as soon as possible

Love is one of the most intense feelings that we can come to experience, and perhaps that is why, before him, our rationality lowers its defenses.

This is good in many ways, as thinking too rigidly can make tags with that we classify reality prevent us from fully enjoying the experience that a relationship offers us affective

However, this fact is a double-edged sword. Just as we abandon ourselves to the feeling of love, we also forget our ability to live experiences with simplicity. The waves of emotions that shake our brain often lead us to live in a fiction full of epic and idealization that does not correspond to reality.

  • Related article: "The 4 types of love: what different kinds of love are there?"

Truths about love to live relationships with simplicity

This is a selection of some reflections and philosophy of life guidelines that can help you live love relationships simply and without unnecessary drama.

There are some truths about love whose power is simply based on simplicity.

1. Telepathy does not exist, not even in love

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There is a certain idealization of relationships that can lead us to think that the ultimate lovers They understand each other perfectly without the need to speak. This may be true in some cases, but on almost all occasions, it is not so much the result of perfect chemistry between the two people, but of coexistence and the passage of time.

Sometimes certain coincidences can lead one to think that there is something similar to telepathy between the members of a couple, but this has to do with the biased vision that one has of the other. In everyday life, it often happens that a person reacts anticipating our wishes, but We do not attach importance to them because, based on statistics, we estimate that it is normal for it to happen from time to time. when. When it is the couple who does it, on the other hand, we look for explanations that serve to reinforce our certainty that the foundations of that affective bond are solid.

2. Asking "what's wrong" is not a crime

This is a derivative of the above. The problem with believing that love consists in understanding each other without the need to speak is that this is almost never interpreted as a simple description of what a relationship is, rather it is used as an explanation of what must be.

This can lead to penalize the other person when she asks questions and takes an interest in our statusor, as if it were bad to do that. Maintaining this attitude is not compatible with believing that there should be communication in a couple. Through the use of this, the degree of rapport and empathy increases, reaching a point where, this time, there are times when words are not necessary.

  • You may be interested in: "55 intimate questions to get to know your partner better"

3. Dependence is not an option

Create asymmetries in a relationship it almost always ends up having a negative impact. Assuming that one of the partners must make many more sacrifices than the other generates discomfort, frustration and resentment if this does not lead to a "special reward".

Lovers need to be equally free and autonomous within a relationship.

4. making mistakes together is good

Making decisions that time reveals to be wrong is not necessarily bad, if the decision has been made between the two of you. to err just is also a way to make the relationship evolve, taking root in our memory and in the way in which we begin to interpret our lives. In turn, if we are never wrong, it is likely that we have reached a stage of stagnation.

5. A relationship is also a project

That means It's not just about being together. If we don't make the relationship evolve, it won't evolve by itself. It is necessary to get involved and strive to create a framework in which lovers feel safe and have the room to express themselves freely.

6. You have to go on adventures

In love, it is very positive do everything possible to change scenery. Traveling together, starting common projects, introducing new habits... They are ways of knowing facets of the other person's personality that until now we had only seen in the same light.

Of course, introducing adventures and new emotions does not necessarily mean traveling to fashionable places nor fit into the stereotypes of "ideal couple plans". You just have to do what is most meaningful to both of you, not what allows you to take the best selfies.

7. You have to deeply accept yourself.

Accepting each other also consists of knowing the lights and shadows of each one. Else, the balance of this supposed acceptance will be very precarious and it will end up creating conflicts and disruptive situations.

8. Be wary of social media

Social networks and the media bombard us every day with prototypes of the perfect couple. Many people become obsessed with the idea of ​​achieving such a lifestyle, and they get frustrated because they don't get it.

And the reason why they don't get it is that these couples don't exist, or at least they don't exist as they are sold to us. In fact, if this kind of content goes viral or achieves diffusion, it is precisely because of this. fact of being corporate or personal marketing products and, therefore, being false and prefabricated. Blaming our partner or ourselves for not fitting in with that prototype of a loving relationship is unfair and completely unfounded.

  • Related article: "3 Ways Social Media Destroys Our Relationships"

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