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Why seek professional help quickly in case of having an addiction

Addictions are disorders that affect both physically and psychologically in the person who suffers from them, and that with the passage of time and their maintenance exert a true destruction of their health and relationships personal.

However, not everyone is aware of why it is very important. go to therapy as soon as possible when detecting that we have developed an addictive disorder, partly because unfortunately many of these addictions are normalized, and partly due to sheer ignorance.

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Reasons why you should seek professional help quickly when faced with an addiction

Addictions can be both chemical (linked to the consumption of addictive substances) and behavioral (linked to the performance of certain additive activities or actions) and both can be successfully treated by a professional psychologist skilled.

If you have ever thought about seeking professional help to overcome a case of addiction but have not yet been able to take the final step, or if you know someone who suffers from this type of pathological dependency, follow reading. Below we present a series of benefits that we can find by putting our addiction case in the hands of a psychologist specializing in addictive disorders.

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1. Therapy allows breaking the vicious circle

Addictions put the person who suffers from them in a vicious cycle of self-destruction that gets tighter and tighter as time goes by, putting at severe risk both the life of the person and their mental health.

To prevent that from happening or to prevent it from already being too late, putting our addiction case in the hands of a psychologist will allow us to put an end to this vicious circle and start a treatment to overcome our problem.

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2. Helps avoid social isolation

An important aspect that is deteriorating in the lives of people with addictions is their social relationships, since the person ends up generating conflicts with others, and that causes them to isolate themselves.

Psychology professionals will help us overcome our addiction problem and also recover the life we ​​had before, including social relationships, friendships, relationships or families.

3. Allows treatment in a therapeutic context

The detoxification treatment in residences or specialized centers in this field allows the person to spend their process in a environment in which there is constant attention and real-time monitoring, to quickly tackle any problem or unforeseen event that arises

Being able to be in a new context surrounded by professionals will allow us to completely break with previous addictive habits and start from scratch. Or to rehabilitate ourselves and train new behaviors, strategies and techniques to insert ourselves back into society from that "new I".

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4. Allows treatment of other disorders

In addition to treating addictive disorders, a psychology professional is also a specialist in dealing with all kinds of psychological disturbances that may have developed in parallel.

Some people who present with addiction cases may also have disorders such as anxiety, depression, stress or other emotional and psychological imbalances that must be treated with analogous urgency.

5. Allows you to participate in group therapy

Group therapies are a type of intervention widely applied in cases of addictions due to their positive results, scientifically analyzed and studied for years.

A group therapy allows us to have the example of other people who present the same addiction as us, as well as have them as a role model, learn from them and also offer them our own testimony, knowledge or techniques therapeutic.

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6. prevents relapse

Psychology professionals specialized in addictions are experts in relapse prevention, one of the most critical points in any intervention or detoxification process.

In a specialized center there are professional protocols and actions aimed solely at preventing relapses in addictive activity; and these also have state-of-the-art materials, facilities and technologies that allow them to achieve this successfully.

7. Risk factors are identified

During the detoxification or rehabilitation process, the psychologist analyzes our case in detail and dissects each of the characteristics, nature and contingencies of our profile psychological.

The work of the psychologist and psychiatrist also consists of identifying the risk factors that predispose us or that have triggered addictive behavior in us, which also helps us to know ourselves better and understand the nature of our addiction.

8. Prevents family conflicts from escalating

The incorporation into the therapy process of the family of the person with addictions It is essential for the proper functioning of the therapy.

Addicted people highly value having the support of their families during the process, which works as a therapeutic element of great importance. In this sense, addiction treatment centers work to ensure that family members are not only an element that makes the patient feel watched and judged, but also is able to offer the emotional support that he needs in his home.

  • Related article: "How does the family influence the support of the addicted person?"

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