Education, study and knowledge

What is a summary table and how is it used?

On countless occasions we have very complex and dense ideas in our heads that are difficult to explain and/or argue. Develop a theme or a concept through the synoptic table It means using a very useful tool, since it helps to visually clarify complex ideas, which leads to better and easier memorization.

In this article we will see how to use a synoptic table, either to study or to organize complex plans or concepts.

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The synopsis as the main element

The synoptic chart is a synthesis or summary of a specific theme, subcategorizing the themes that form it. It is a way of looking at the "X-ray" of a written explanation and which is often difficult to process. Basically, the synoptic table aims to explain any subject in a simpler way by ordering the ideas following a hierarchy, and in a visual way.

As its name indicates, the synoptic table part of the basis of making a synopsis, that is, a summary of any specific topic, representing similarities and differences within the same topic. For example, to explain the functioning of a parliament, the synoptic table reveals how it is formed, who participates and what it is for, always attending to a hierarchical methodology falling.

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We cannot ignore the visual element. According to neuroscience experts, the human being tends to be an animal whose thinking is based on visualization, so it is prone to process information graphically. In any educational center, from primary school to university, any teacher supports his explanations with a explanatory scheme, offering a dynamic way of publicizing texts, concepts or any type of information useful.

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Characteristics of the synoptic table, and how to use it

the synoptic table is the equivalent of a mind map. It is not for exclusive use in the educational field, as many companies use this same method to develop their production and competitiveness policies. For this tool to be effective, it has to be based on some basic characteristics that we will see below.

1. Main topic

It is essential to order the ideas well and correctly analyze what is intended to be explained. We have to define the main theme well, the basis of the rest of the synoptic table, in a clear and concise manner.

2. subtopics

Secondly, it is necessary to develop the themes derived from the main theme. Do not confuse this task with the inclusion of topics that are not very related to each other or that do not belong to the same hierarchical category. For example, the case that we put in the introduction of the formation of a Parliament, the subtopics would be the Deputies and the Parties, among others, but not the laws.

3. Synthesis of ideas

If the main objective of the synoptic table is the clarification of a theme or ideas, any kind of complex explanation will be avoided. The main characteristic of the table is that it exposes the ideas in a clear and brief way, avoiding entanglements.

4. avoid confusion

This particular point is related to the previous one. The synoptic table is intended to facilitate the understanding of a topic, especially if it is complex in its theory. It includes the essential points and removes any hint of doubt.

5. Structural hierarchy

When we choose a text and try to summarize, we try to order the ideas. The synoptic table will save us this step due to its organizational nature. The order can be from top to bottom (vertical) or from left to right (horizontal), avoiding ambiguities about the meaning that follows its structuring.

6. Support material

Ultimately, the synoptic chart is the most useful tool when it comes to emphasizing or showing any type of idea to the target audience; either at work, at school or any area where audiovisual material is available. Therefore, it can be used to highlight the main ideas that have been exposed through other means, such as speech.

Factors to take into account

Although at first glance it seems easy to make a synoptic table, in practice it is not so simple. Of an extensive and dense theme, You have to know how to select what is most important, without forgetting transcendental themes that complete the graphic scheme.

First of all, you have to study the subject well, identify those crucial points and know how to order them in a way that does not lead to confusion. In addition, although there is a need to include everything that is essential, one must not make the mistake of including too much text or argument.

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