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The 100 best phrases (and reflections) of J.K. Rowling

Joanne Rowling, known under the pseudonym Ella J.K. Rowling, She is a British writer, screenwriter and producer, who became world famous thanks to her Harry Potter book saga., which became great cinematographic works, as well as the story of 'Fantastic Beasts', where we see the magical world in a time past the adventures of Harry Potter.

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Best quotes from J.K. Rowling

She not only became a star of literature, but also an example of overcoming, where despite the dark moments, we can find the light. For this reason, we bring a compilation with the best phrases and reflections of J.K. Rowling about his success, personal life and his books.

1. If you want to know what a man is like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.

The way a person treats others who are not of the same class or condition as hers speaks highly of her.

2. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that it is as if you have not lived at all, in which case you fail by default.

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We all make mistakes at some point, that's life.

3. To the well-organized mind, death is just the next big adventure.

Death does not have to be seen as the end, but as another path.

4. Greatness inspires envy, envy breeds rancor, rancor produces lies.

Do not give room to envy, because it is like a cancer that consumes everything.

5. It is important to remember that we all have magic within us.

We all have within us the ability to make every dream possible.

6. The stories we love the most live in us forever.

We are an example of the experiences we live.

7. Failure involved getting rid of everything unnecessary.

Don't be afraid of failure, he comes to teach us.

8. Not everything consists of signing books and publicity photos. If you want to be famous, you have to be willing to work hard.

Fame doesn't just come by luck, it's the result of hard work and tenacity.

9. Anything is possible if you have enough courage.

Nothing is impossible for those who believe in themselves.

10. Those best suited to power are those who have never sought it.

Do not set your eyes on the goal, but on the path that leads you to it.

11. In my opinion, words are our greatest source of magic and are capable of harming and healing someone.

Take care of your words as they can hurt or praise.

12. We don't need magic to change the world because we already have that power within us: we have the power to imagine a better world.

Each person has magic within themselves, which gives them the ability to transform everything.

13. Don't pity death, Harry. Have pity on life, especially those who live without love.

A life without love is meaningless.

14. People find it easier to forgive others for being wrong than for being right.

Forgiving is sometimes not as easy as it seems.

15. We have to choose between what is right and what is easy.

What is easy is not always the right thing.

16. Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.

Live every pain, only then can you truly heal.

17. Perhaps those who are best suited to have power are those who never sought it.

When you want something, don't put all your effort into it, give time to time to put everything in its place.

18. The only thing that scares us when we face death and darkness is the unknown.

What we don't know is always what makes us fear.

19. I value courage more than anything else.

The courage to do things is what is really important.

20. Suffering a modicum of failure in life is inevitable.

You always suffer a failure, but make sure you don't stay in it.

21. Wit without measure is a man's greatest treasure.

Do not waste your intuition, it is a very valuable treasure.

22. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times.

In difficulties there is also happiness.

23. It is our decisions that show what we can become. Much more than our own abilities.

Making the right decisions is what makes the difference.

24. Indifference and carelessness often do much more harm than outright dislike.

Ignoring an injustice can cause irreparable damage.

25. Time does not slow down when something unpleasant awaits us.

Life has good things and others not so much.

26. I'll keep going until I succeed, or die. Don't think I don't know how this could end. I've known it for years.

Keep going, don't stop.

27. What you are most afraid of is... from fear.

Fear is something that is given power just by feeling it.

28. Is being fat the worst a human being can be? Is it worse to be fat than to be vindictive, envious, superficial, vain, boring or cruel? Not for me.

Many see obesity as something horrible even above other defects.

29. I have no idea where ideas come from and I hope I never do.

Ideas are born when they are needed.

30. If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right book.

Reading is something fundamental and important for the human being.

31. What is the most important thing in a friendship? tolerance and loyalty.

True friendship demands tolerance, loyalty and mutual respect.

32. The secret to my success, half inspiration and half hard work, as always.

Inspiration is not enough to be successful, since it must be accompanied by hard work.

33. The young cannot know how the old think and feel. But the old are guilty if they forget what it was like to be young.

Youth is a stage that is never forgotten.

34. Differences in habits and language are nothing at all if our goals are identical and our hearts are open.

Each person has his customs and habits.

35. Human beings have the ability to choose precisely those things that are worst for them.

We are experts at going the wrong way.

36. I just write what I wanted to write. I write what amuses me. It is totally for me.

We must do what pleases us.

37. Surely there will always be someone who crosses the line, but that's the way it is with everything.

We are always going to find abusive people.

38. As is a story, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.

Always see the positive in life.

39. We are all human, right? Every human life is worth the same and is worth saving.

Helping the needy is one way to preserve the human race.

40. All oppressors sooner or later understand that among their many victims there will be at least one who will one day rise up against them and stand up to them.

Do not allow anyone to bend your will.

41. The books you read when you were young live with you forever.

What you read is always learning that lives within you.

42. And the idea of ​​just going to a cafe with a notebook and writing and seeing where that takes me for a while is just bliss.

The simple things are the ones that are worth it.

43. What comes will come and we will only have to face it when it does.

Don't worry about what the future brings, it's not worth it.

44. You will never really know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both of you have been tested by adversity.

In adversity is that we know our strength.

45. Power was my weakness and my temptation.

Having power in some way is something that captivates, but at the same time it is exhausting.

46. I was released because my greatest fear had come true, and I still had a daughter that I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a great idea.

There are fears that often come true.

47. Poverty brings fear and stress and sometimes depression. He meets with a thousand petty humiliations and hardships.

We are all afraid of poverty and its consequences.

48. It is my belief... that the truth is generally preferable to lies.

The truth always outweighs the lie.

49. Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only by accepting can you recover.

Accepting people as they are is what allows us to recover our human quality.

50. The scars can be useful. I have one on my left knee which is a perfect diagram of the London Underground.

Our scars tell the experiences we have had.

51. Sometimes you have to think about more than your own safety, sometimes you have to think about the greater good.

Many times we think only of ourselves and not of the common good.

52. All the money and life one could wish for! The two things most human beings would choose! The problem is that humans have the gift of choosing precisely the things that are worst for them.

Money is not everything in life.

53. Getting out of poverty by your own efforts is something you take pride in, but poverty itself is idealized by fools.

Getting ahead by your own means is a source of pride.

54. I don't think there is anything wrong with allowing a child to fantasize. In fact, I think stopping people from fantasizing is a very destructive thing.

Having imagination is one of the talents that we should never lose.

55. The Internet has been both a blessing and a curse for teenagers.

The internet has good things, but it also has negative things.

56. Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you can't expect a genius to look out.

Books are great teachers.

57. There is nothing better when something comes and hits you and you think: 'YES'!

The moment you realize you have achieved something you expected.

58. The last enemy that should be destroyed is death.

Do not see death as an enemy, but as a companion on the way.

59. Not even in my wildest dreams did I expect this popularity

We always get what we have worked for.

60. I don't believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe that something very magical can happen when you read a good book.

Books bring with them some magic.

61. I would like to be remembered as someone who did the best she could with the talent she had.

Use your talents to achieve beneficial things.

62. The fund became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.

On many occasions, hitting rock bottom helps you change your life.

63. I don't know how to describe the emotion I felt to someone who doesn't write regularly. It was a feeling of joy similar to meeting someone you think you may end up falling in love with.

Talking about his excitement creating Harry Potter.

64. When in doubt, go to the library.

Books are good advisers.

65. Never trust anything you think only if you can't figure out where the brain is.

A person who does not know how to think is an inanimate object.

66. Better to die than betray your friends.

True friends do not betray each other.

67. We are as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.

The strength is in the joining.

68. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live with such concern that you could then say that you have not lived at all.

Failure is part of life.

69. We should remember. Many times the most important story of all is the story we are building today.

What you live every day will be part of your story.

70. Keep your imagination alive. You never know when you may need it.

Never lose your capacity for imagination.

71. I don't believe in destiny, but in hard work and luck. The first usually leads to the second.

Luck does not exist, therefore, it is achieved through hard effort.

72. The happiness we feel has a lot to do with understanding that life is not a list of things we must achieve.

Happiness depends on each person.

73. We all have light and darkness within us. What matters is what we take into account when acting: that defines who we really are.

Don't let bad thoughts define you, bet on your inner light.

74. 'Fate' is the word we use to describe decisions we made in the past that had dramatic consequences.

Destiny we forge ourselves.

75. Hope is something that lasts forever.

Never lose hope despite the circumstances.

76. I still haven't forgotten what it's like when you don't know if you're going to have enough money to pay the bills. Not having to think about it is the greatest luxury in the world.

The money, although it is not everything, does help to solve several problems.

77. I stopped pretending to myself that I was something I wasn't and began to devote all my energy to finishing the only job that mattered to me.

Don't pretend to be someone you're not.

78. Never be ashamed! There are some who will reproach you, but they are not worth bothering about.

Don't be ashamed of anything or anything.

79. So when you return to the pages or the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you.

The people who love us will always be present.

80. Truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should be treated with caution.

Even if it hurts, always choose to tell the truth.

81. It doesn't matter what someone is born, but what they become.

You are responsible for what you are in life.

82. It takes a lot of courage to face our enemies, but also to face our friends.

Don't be defeated by what both your friends and enemies say.

83. It's no use stopping in dreams and forgetting to live.

Always dream, but don't let this make you stop living.

84. Your achievements are not your life.

Your life is also full of other things outside of your achievements.

85. The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, though not always in the way we expect.

What was yours will always come back somehow.

86. Hurting is as human as breathing.

We all hurt in some way either intentionally or unintentionally.

87. Just because you have a teaspoon's range of emotions doesn't mean we're all like that.

Not because others are vain, you will be too.

88. There is no gift more beautiful than life.

Life is a wonderful gift.

89. There are many people who love you, there are many things to do, many reasons to fight and live.

Don't be discouraged, life is worth living.

90. Do you think the dead we truly love ever leave us? Do you think we do not remember them more clearly in times of great trouble?

Loved ones who leave will always remain in our minds and hearts.

91. Fame is interesting because I never wanted to be famous, and I never dreamed that I would be famous.

Fame and recognition comes when you least expect it.

92. I have never felt remotely ashamed of having been depressed. Never. What to be ashamed of? I went through a very difficult time and I am quite proud to have come out of it.

Depression is not something to be ashamed of, but something to face.

93. Secretly, we're all a little more absurd than we make ourselves out to be.

We are all somehow irrational.

94. Life is difficult, complicated and beyond anyone's total control, and the humility of knowing this will allow you to survive its vicissitudes.

Life has difficult times and happy times.

95. With all its benefits, and there are many, one of the things I regret about e-books is that they have eliminated the need to scour foreign bookstores or vacation home shelves to find something to read.

There's nothing like reading a physical book instead of an electronic one.

96. The most important thing is to read as much as you can, like I did. It will give you an understanding of what makes good writing and will expand your vocabulary.

Reading brings many benefits.

97. Whatever money you have, self-esteem really lies in figuring out what you do best.

Don't lose your self esteem.

98. I am proud to have done what I have done. Very proud.

You always have to be proud of who you are.

99. Every once in a while I read a poem that doesn't touch something in me, but I never turn to poetry for solace or pleasure the way I do in prose.

There are poems or songs that touch our soul.

100. The people we love never leave completely: it is enough that we do not forget them.

The beings we love who leave always remain if we don't forget them.

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