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9 characteristics of Neolithic ART

Characteristics of Neolithic art

The characteristics of Neolithic art They are a great diversity in styles, the importance of natural elements, the utilitarian use of objects, megalithic constructions or cave paintings. In unProfesor we tell you in detail!

He Neolithic It was a historic moment that spanned between the years 10,200 and 4,500 a. c. This era marked a significant change in the history of humanity due to the technological and cultural advances that took place in this period. A historical epoch that marks the end of Prehistory and whose meaning is literally “new stone” in reference to the novel techniques for manufacturing and carving stone tools that characterize the production of tools from this period.

In this lesson of we tell you what are the main characteristics of Neolithic art so that you know how to recognize what the art of these centuries was like and its relevance.

He neolithic art It is the art produced during the last stage of the Stone Age, approximately 10,000 years ago. A revolutionary and transcendental historical moment

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since it was in those years when the development of economic activities such as agriculture, the domestication of animals took place, in addition to the the use of stone tools, the development of pottery, the domestication of plants, the construction of houses and the appearance of the writing.

Neolithic art covers a period of time that is marked by a profound cultural and technological transformation in human history. This era is further characterized by the development of new tools, food production and the emergence of new forms of art.

These advances helped shape the modern way of life, as they allowed people to work less and spend more time developing artistic, intellectual and social.

In unProfesor we discover the main characteristics of prehistoric art.

Characteristics of Neolithic art - What is Neolithic art?

Between the main characteristics of Neolithic art stand out:

  • Within the characteristics of Neolithic art we have to mention that there was a great diversity and variety of styles. Among these are wood carving, ceramics, stone painting, sculpture, carved stones and woven baskets.
  • Neolithic art also reflects the importance Neolithic artists attached to natural elements such as water, earth and fire, in addition to using many natural materialssuch as stone, wood and bone. These elements are reflected in Neolithic art through abstract motifs, geometric figures and animal symbols.
  • Many of the objects made during this period were utility, such as tools or weapons, but some decorative objects were also made, such as necklaces and amulets..
  • The sculptures were generally made in wood or clay and decorated with paintings or carvings.
  • Another characteristic of Neolithic art is that Neolithic artists also created stone and ceramic paintings, as well as signs of incised writing on tools and objects. These works reveal an artistic sophistication that reflects the development of a more organized society.
  • The paintings They dealt with a greater variety of themes, using a greater number of elements when organizing scenes. The human figure is gaining more importance compared to those of animals, becoming these more stylized and schematized. Thus, the representations become more symbolic than naturalistic.
  • Pottery is linked to basketry since the mud was used to waterproof the wicker containers. From there they would go on to model the containers with clay based on a wicker skeleton.
  • The pottery was also decorated with simple shapes, geometric motifs and figures, wavy lines, spirals, circles, etc.
  • Pottery spread rapidly, becoming a technological revolution that allowed the container manufacturing to transport and store food and water.
  • Regarding the characteristics of Neolithic art within the architecture, the megalithic monuments They are the most characteristic elements of Neolithic art. He megalithism It is a phenomenon that has spread throughout Europe and consists of large stone constructions without making it clear what their meaning or function is, thinking that they can be astronomical observatories since their orientation coincides with the summer and winter solstices and/or also have use funeral.

In unProfesor we present you the rock art in spain, as well as the most famous cave paintings.

Characteristics of Neolithic art - What are the characteristics of Neolithic art
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