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Chapeuzinho Vermelho: summary, analysis and history of criação do conto

Quem ever ouviu falar na Chapeuzinho Vermelho? In general, we are introduced to personagem when we are still children through infantile histories. A narrative remains not our collective imaginary and at this page we reproduce the story for as novas gerações.

A history gives Chapeuzinho Vermelho, counted by seculums, emerged in the Middle Ida, from the oral tradition of two European Camponese.

How the end of the original story was tragic - or Lobo devoured avó e a neta - I do not know XIX, os irmãos Grimm will alter the narrative and add to the figure of the hunter, who saves everyone and guarantees a happy ending.

chapeuzinho vermelho

History (summary)

A departure I head to home da avó

It was a time (and as all fade stories start with "It was a time", Chapeuzinho Vermelho she does not foge à regra) uma bela and ingênua menina. Garota, who lived with me, was delighted to love her - and she loved her.

Um belo day a avó adoece e a mãe de Chapeuzinho asked if a man cannot take something for a avó to eat. A casa da menina ficava na vila e a da avó no meio da forest, a certain distance.

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A menina was promptly willing to help and deliver a basket of food to me. In the version of Perrault, Chapeuzinho carrega bôla e manteiga, in the version of two Grimm signature são some bolinhos and a carafe of wine.

Or found like wolf

Ainda did not begin to walk or rumored home from Avó, a menina and interrupted Wolf hair, who puxa talks and asks for where the vai. Chapeuzinho, Ingênua, has a conversation with Lobo and says that he is going to carry money for him, who is adored.

O Wolf suggests then that menina follow a certain path.


Esperto, or Lobo is going down a road more curto and chega na casa da avó first.

O wolf at home da avó

When the door is asked, he beats the door, or Lobo is going to pass the menina and the bird, also English, instructs to open the door. Assim that he sees velha, or Wolf promptly devours.

chapeuzinho lobo avó

Matreiro, he places the roupas da avó and goes to bed, waiting for a girl to check out. When Chapeuzinho beats na porta or Lobo responds as he pits himself, deceiving-a. O vilão então theme or famous dialogue com a mocinha when garota estranha as forms da avó:

"Ó avó, que orelhas grandes você tem!"
"É for me to hear you!"
"Ó avó, que olhos grandes você tem!"
"É para melhor enxergar you!"
"Ó avó, what a great você tem!"
"É for me to catch you!"
"Ó avó, what a big mouth, scary, você tem!"
"É for me to eat you!"

Or sad fate da chapeuzinho

Or Lobo finally devours poor menina. Na version of Perrault the history is also enclosed, as birds and men are devoured.

Grimm will sign you, for your time, to deram continuity to narrative and invent the figure of the hunter.

Depois de ter eaten avó e a menina, or Lobo supposedly gets into bed to throw a pig.

To reviravolta

By chance, a caçador passes in front of the house and here is a stranger or barulho do ronco that he sees from the inside. When he enters the house, he stands as a Wolf, with a cheia belly, in bed.

O caçador is afraid to shoot no Wolf with his spit before trying to save what was inside his belly. So skillfully, as a faca, he opens the belly of the Wolf and, a Caesarean-style operation, manages to save menina and avó.

Chapeuzinho Vermelho will be saved by tasting some large stones and together with avó and as caçador, on the belly of the Lobo. When he agrees, or vilão with heavy stones on his belly, he sits down as legs bambearem and fell dead.


A historia da Chapeuzinho places two sides face to face: a protagonist fails and vulnerável, and a great, strong and powerful antagonist. Ao escolher disobey me and continue on a long road, Chapeuzinho, sem to know, places his own life at risk.

As duas faces by chapeuzinho

It is curious that menina had maturity to escort to disobey me (who is a figure in whom she trusts), but at the same time she shows herself to be naïve to prove the words of an unknown person.


As male figures in history

Another important point to stand out is the opposition between the only two male figures in the country.

It is worth noting that the Chapeuzinho family is made up exclusively of women - me and avó. Therefore, as much as it burned condemnation how much it burned to save the representatives of the male sex.

Illustration of chapeuzinho vermelho by Gustave Doré. Dated from 1861.
Ilustração de chapeuzinho vermelho by Gustave Doré Illustration by Gustave Doré (1832-1883) for o livro Contes de Perrault, 1862.

On the one hand, the Wolf is the representation of cruelty, the violence and the jungle instinct, by another or the hunter or representative of altruism, gives protection and generosity.

To justiça

Na versão dos irmãos Grimm, the more we know and what is most liked by the public, we see a final marked for justice. Quem commits or crime and condemned in an exemplary way and, say-se de passagem, com requintes de crueldade.

Either Wolf dies with stones in his belly, after his death, or the hunter takes the animal to fight back home when he eats the bolinhos and wine.

A version of Charles Perrault, apostle or enclosure includes a moral from the history:

You see here that young crianças, especially beautiful girls, bem feitas and gentis, fazem very bad in listening to all or types of people; e que não é coisa estranha that o wolf so many of them eat. I say o wolf, because nem all you wolves are of the same type. Make you of a funny humor, subtis, be happy and angry, that - family members, complacent and twelve - still young people até às their houses, até same aos seus quartos; more ai! Quem does not know that these wolves are delicate, são of all the wolves are most perigosos.

Or a little bit translated into his pedagogical concern of guiding girls, especially beautiful girls, who, English, prove what he wanted me to say.

História da publicação original (Charles Perrault)

In 1697, Charles Perrault published his version of Chapeuzinho Vermelho, not so much history as Very well received hair country, that we will refuse to tell you about a violent narrative and sem final happy.

In a later version, after two Grimm irmãos, for once, a menina is saved when a hunter discovers or has happened and decides to open the belly of Lobo to throw away the two victims of the inside. As a final result he gives operation to both men and women who are saved and the wolf is punished for his cruel posture.

Charles perrault
Portrait of Charles Perrault

O pledge as much of Perrault as much as two Grimm irmãos was erguer a morally edifying story that taught as children on the perigos da vaidade and da naïveté. The original verses transmitted orally by Campesino hairs, have various grotesque, sensual and obscene elements that will end up being suppressed by later narrators.

Several verses of the history have been written over a long period of time, among which stands out, além das versões dos Grimm e de Perrault, The Little Girl and the Wolfby James Thurber, and Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolfby Roald Dahl.

A story was also adapted for cinema and resulted in films such as To company two wolves (1984), by Angela Carter, e a Freeway - Sem saída (1996), by Matthew Bright.

Leia na integral to version of Charles Perrault

Chapeuzinho vermelho It is available for free download in pdf format.

Leia na integral a versão dos irmãos Grimm

A versão dos irmãos Grimm da Chapeuzinho vermelho Find-it is available for free download in pdf format.

Watch adaptation for animated design

Chapeuzinho vermelho - complete history in Portuguese

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