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Livro A Viuvinha, by José de Alencar: summary and analysis of the work

Published for the first time in 1860, or briefly To Viuvinha, by José de Alencar, is an urban romance ignited in Rio de Janeiro in the nineteenth century.

In history I had as the protagonist or born Jorge who, after being orphaned, gives the end of fortune deixada hair pai e, founded on dívidas, não vê outra saída além de simulating or own suicide.

Summary of the work

The protagonist of the narrative is Jorge, a raptor born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, filho de boa family, who com a premature death of his father wounded enormous fortune. He who tells his story gives his life through a letter, addressed to his cousin.

Taking financially comfortably, Jorge spent three years continuing to die in the country doing all the sadness that he could. His daily life was marked by courting women, spending fortunes on parties, eating food and drinks, and being in the company of friends who were also fortunate.

After this period of Esbórnia, Jorge received a sinal of destiny:

Get up on the day of a night of insônia, in which all the memories of your unregraded life, all the images women who have been seduced perpassaram as ghosts peel their imagination of him, pulling-lhe um sorriso de zombaria e de derision.

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He opened janela to breathe in or to be pure and fresh from manhã, which has been breaking.
Daí a little or else da igrejinha da Glória começou to chime happily; That Argentine touch, that voice prazenteira do sino, caused uma impressão agradável.
Vieram-lhe temptations to go to missa.

At the unexpected insomnia, it occurred that Jorge ouvisse or else gave missa and felt immediately summoned to the church, in search of a new life. A ida à igreja rendeu-lhe immense bem bem, it was like a soul estivesse appeased inordinate days of outrora.

In this manhã, during the missa, that a rapacious barnacle in the presence of a fifteen-year-old girl named Carolina, with a soft and delicate profile, long lines and tranças. Foi paixão at first sight. Garota was accompanied by da mãe, D. Maria.

O love fez like o raptor moves water for o wine during that brief period that happens his year or found a igreja. Jorge abandoned frugal life from time to time and showed himself each time more humble and modest in our habits, living barely from his work and ignoring farta herança that he had received.

Two months after I met by chance na igreja and visits to Carolina's house, or even home. A festa is a simple celebration, with few friends and a modest celebration.

Either marriage happens five years after the death or death of the country. We are two first years of orphaned, fortunately for the administration of Senhor Almeida, or long-term family friend tutor. Assim that Jorge completed a seniority, however, he became responsible for his own hair.

Shortly before the marriage, or senhor Almeida, or former tutor, Jorge may have visited a visit and, during or found, an unexpected revelation:

-Your serious ravings of three years will ruin his fortune.
- Eu or sei.
- As suas applications voaram umas após outras e foram consumed em jantares, prazeres e games.
- Subtract me, porém, a minha commercial house.
- Resta-lhe, continuou or velho, carrying on this word, to your commercial house, but three years of more administration deviam naturally I have been influenced by not being at home. (...) O senhor is poor!

He imagines or frightens the raptor, who would marry shortly with Carolina and wish to leave life behind, then he hoped that herança had conferred some conjugal comfort.

Desperate with his recent condition of failing and knowing what to do on a day of marriage, Jorge chooses to uncheck the event so as not to disgrace his future life. Contudo, the barnacle that left her before going up to the altar would be very bad for the reputation of the young.

Enquanto writes a letter to D.Maria, mother of Carolina, or a rapacious item that he decides to carry out and that he promises to solve or his future sem macular in honor of honor.

Chega, enfim, or marriage. O event brings together four people além two noivos: mr. Almeida, D.Maria, a respectable priest and a charming girl. Or casamento transcorre as it was supposed, embora or husband runs sad feições during all or day.

Na noite de núpcias, Jorge offers Carolina a drink and immediately lulls her to sleep. Enquanto a moça mergulha nos braços de Morfeu, Jorge leaves a letter for a loved one and runs away from home, quatro da manhã, rumo to her tragic fate. He is going to the center of Rio de Janeiro, to the temple of suicide, a place called Obras da Misericórdia, where Diverse people draw their own life with a shot leaving just a letter or a ticket for someone Dear.

Após to Jorge's chegada to a local tragic, ouve-se noises of pistol and, when the functionaries give chegam-work, they lay down like a corpse like a face slipped with bullets. A descoberta that it follows is as follows:

Two guards put me in the bag with an overcased bag and a letter, containing some small notes, and a barely folded letter, which I opened and read:

"I wanted to burn my body or face immediately to bury, in order to poupar à minha mulher e aos my friends is this horrible spectacle. For isso achará na minha carteira or dinheiro que possuo. "
Jorge da Silva
September 5, 1844.

A narrative faced an abrupt cut and advanced five years. Ja agora Carolina was known as A Viuvinha, a girl who married on a day and not the following day, I saw her suicide or her own husband. Jorge, supposedly dead, nothing really remains alive and acquires a new identity. The now chama-se Carlos is a foreign businessman.

Or plane of the raptor and to pay in high spirits to then return to the arms of the beloved. Carlos goes on to follow Carolina to find out if he is a former wife, of fato, or amava and verifies that sim, a young man never stopped being faithful to Jorge. Uma das provas é that, despite being young, Carolina jamais deixou to dress cor preta.

Carlos takes courage and reveals his love to Carolina, who remains faithful to her husband, but she feels a little divided with the declaration of the new home that she woos. Finally, Carlos assumes that he is Jorge and shows his plans and last years of life. Carolina immediately or perdoa e o casal joins another time.

Or what makes or frees so interesting?

Several of the characteristics that I summon or read for this work, we list below just some two fathers that will probably also encourage you:

Or humor

José de Alencar is conheated hair with a sense of humor that shows in all his works by him and To viuvinha he did not foge à regra. Two examples can be found when the narrator discloses Carlos's profusion:

Há uma profissão, cujo not me é tão vago, generic tão, that can open everything. Falo da profissão de trader.
When a boy does not want to embrace some professional profession, he says he is a businessman, who is busy dealing with two serious businesses.

Another possible example can be found at a dinner that follows the revelation of Jorge's feat to his fortune in just three years. O narrator, by the way, has an acid and scathing comment on a new condition of rapaz:

For a home, accustomed to comfortable years, gives life, to that existence of rich people, who fear a key of ouro that opens all of them like this. You carry, or talisman that conquers all you impossíveis, that poor word is ungrateful, é more do que a misgraça, é uma fatality.

O fate of the narrator at a time will address the leitor directly

In some passages of romance, or the narrator demonstrates conheciency that he has read another side of the page and goes directly to it:

But it's not a secret romance, I tell the story. A true dispensation to verossimilhança.

As reviravoltas no entanglement

Or protagonist Jorge was initially presented as um bon vivant, a little guy who tora a fortune deixada hair pai em parties, games and women. For a practically inexplicable period, he resolves to change his life and become a bom homem. However, when a definitive move is about to happen, Jorge discovers that he is poor and feels obliged to abandon his plans. Apos to pretend or commit suicide, he reinvents himself as Carlos, a foreign businessman. Carlos achieved about five years of hard work to win back the life that he had and the wife that he wanted so much.

O free face reference to another romance by José de Alencar (Five minutes)

Na last page of To viuvinhaLet's read a paragraph that is not fortuitous:

Carlota is a close friend of Carolina. They both acham a point of semelhança in their life; é a felicidade depois de cruéis e terríveis provanças Thus, our families are visited very frequently; e posso dizer-lhe that we are uns for you outros a unique company.

Carlota, supposedly a vizinha and a close friend of Carolina, is the protagonist of the titled romance Five minutes. Já a first edição de To viuvinha continue Five minutes as a narrative to follow.

Personagens principais


Filho de um senhor respeitável da company that dies, leaving for the sole filho a boa herança. When he loses or pai, Jorge is 16 years old and he takes care of his fortune as he is or mr. Almeida, tutor and former friend of the family. From the moment he reached seniority, Jorge carried out a vast amount of money working with women, games and festivals. A mute life apos a lampejo de responsabilidade, when or raptor decides to go to missa and find his great paixão of him, Menina Carolina.

Jorge is a typical representative of Romanticism: a solitary little subject, mergulhado with his own subjectivities and suppressed by Carolina, a highly idealized girl. Jorge is one of the most vital of pure, eternal romantic love that overcomes all barriers and difficulties.

Mr. Almeida

Jorge's former tutor, friend of his deceased father. Faz is a strong critic of Jorge's social behavior, who, before meeting Carolina, ended up seeing that he had spent hard years of work.


A 15-year-old girl, the fruit of a humble family, filha de D.Maria. Jorge meets a girl during a morning mass and a logo engages a relationship that leads to marriage. Carolina is clearly a personagem belonging to Romanticism: she is young and idealized both for her angelic and pure beauty and for her fidelity. Carolina stay true to Jorge mesmo na viuvez. When she discovers that her husband is still alive, she immediately loses-or immediately showing that love surpasses all and anyone else.

D. Maria

Mãe zelosa de Carolina, she trusts that Jorge will not be a party to the future of life. Protetora, D.Maria remains by the side of the filha nos bons e nos maus moments.

Historical context: o Romantismo no Brasil

Or Romanticism mobilized Europe between the 18th and 19th centuries.

Not Brazil, or movement has three phases: a first (Nationalism), a second (Geração o mal do século) and a third (Condoreirismo). During the nationalist phase there is a valuation of national culture, a need to free oneself from Portugal to acquire independence, an autonomous identity of its own. This phase was marked by Indianism.

The second phase of Brazilian Romanticism dates back to 1850, when the eu-lyrical turned to its own interior and the intimate and subjective questions gained prominence. This period is marked by pessimism, melancholy and solidity. This geração is also known by writings with a high degree of idealization of love.

In the third phase of Romanticism, for the time being, I found the French poet Victor Hugo as the greatest inspiration. A political concern turned to be face to literature and romantic writers tried to defend libertarian ideologies.

José de Alencar was one of two great names for Brazilian Romanticism. He was the author of Indianist titles, but also focused on his non-urban romance prose. To Viuvinha It is a title that fits into the last category.

To viuvinha e o Romanticism: main characteristics

No Brasil or Romantismo teve as a framework for two launches by Gonçalves de Magalhães, both dating from 1836 Niterói Magazine e anthology of poems Poetic sighs and saudades).

Or Romantismo tinha as some characteristics central to idealization da mulher, it is enough to note as José de Alencar escolhe compor to her protagonist: Carolina is pure, caste, beautiful, young and faithful to the same love após a suposta morte do husband.

Romantic romances were also characterized by presenting flat, predictable people with little psychological complexity. Carolina is an example of that type of personagem, always devoted to love and husband, firm us your ideas of her.

The literary movement fostered an exacerbated sentimentality, from this point of view. To viuvinha também é um classic exemplar romantico. A linguagem chosen by José de Alencar was also simple and straightforward, as pregavam os romanticos da su geração de him.

Another ponto chave é for the followers of the movement and in the presence of a notável grau of egocentrism. Jorge is a clearly romantic personage, notice how his serious dramas turn into narrative.

Publication of To viuvinha

A history of To viuvinha It was initially made public through passages published in folhetins from January to February 1857 in the Diário do Rio de Janeiro.

A edition in a book format that brings together To viuvinha and Five minutes It was published some three years later, in 1860, in Rio de Janeiro, by Typ. do Correio Mercantil. Five minutes, for your time, já é uma second edition.

Or work counted 157 pages. To original edition of To viuvinha and Five minutes Find-it is available for free download in PDF format.

Prefere ouvir A viuvinha?

Or audiobook of the romance of José de Alencar is available:

Audiolivro: "A Viuvinha", by José de Alencar

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Or free To viuvinha It is available for download in PDF format.

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