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The 19 classics imperdíveis gives world literature with a complete summary

We oil or challenge the purpose and make a short list of books essentials of universal literature. We escort free melhores from all genre-independent tempos - we include here from romances passing through poetry and writing adventure.

Check out this collection of imperdíveis works, arranged chronologically.

1. Odisseia, seculum 8 a. C. - Homer

Odysseus perhaps seja or classical major in Western literature. It is about an epic poem written in Grécia Antiga, supposedly by Homer, which transcribes the verses of oral tradition. Ainda persists to dúvida is Homer of fato existed. A date of writing is not certain, it is proven that the manuscript had been produced between 8a. C. e 9a. C.

A tragedy tells the story of the protagonist Ulisses, king of Ithaca, and his warlike adventures. Either I also descreve or return the hero to home, with Penelope (his wife) and Telêmaco (or filho), or wait.

Homer bust.

2. A Divina Comédia, 1321 - Dante Alighieri

A divina comédia is two books most representative of the Renascimento and deixou to be a classic Italian to reach or title of classic of universal literature. A work, originally written in Florentine, gradually being translated into more diverse languages.

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Assim like Odisseia, or Dante's classic é um poem. São about 100 songs totaling 140 verses. Ao longo da narração we meet Dante, or storyteller and protagonist of history, who tells his passage of paradise hair, purgatory hair and inferno hair.

Find out more about To divine comedy.

Dante Alighieri
Painting by Dante Alighieri.

3. Decamerão, 1353 - Giovanni Boccaccio

I tell you about the Italian writer Giovanni Boccaccio exaltam or carnal love. Assim like Dante, Boccaccio and a classic Italian Renascimento. History is passed to Tuscany, in the fourteenth century, when the population suffers with the dissemination of the Black Death. Commenced with contaminated serem, young people moved to mountains and, for passarem or tempo, resolved to tell stories.

Adaptação feita pela rede Globo was year no on January 2, 2009 with Jorge Furtado and Guel Arraes directed by Guel Arraes.

Decamerão - A sex comedy - Part 1

4. Romeu e Juliet, 1595 - Shakespeare

The most famous lovers of the history of literature for English-haired servants William Shakespeare. O Cenário da Tragédia Romeu e Julieta, divided into five years, and Verona, in Italy. Or conflict between the Capulet family and the Montecchio family, faced with the fact that Juliet and Romeu sofram together with the impossibility of concretization of love.

Know more about Romeu e Julieta, by William Shakespeare.

First edition of Romeu e Julieta.
First edition of Romeu e Julieta.

5. Os Lusíadas, 1572 - Camões

The epic poem Os Lusíadas, written by the Portuguese Luís Vaz de Camões, exalts força and courage of the Portuguese people. São dez songs that contaminated the history of the voyage of the Vasco da Gama navigator rumo to Indians.

Os Lusíadas
First edition of Os Lusíadas.

6. Dom Quixote de la Mancha, 1605 - Cervantes

O classic Spanish written by Miguel de Cervantes is considered a work of fiction in prose and is divided into two volumes. Let me say that I give a satire to the romances of cavalaria and let me say that it is a greater tribute that could be ugly to the genre. A true incontronável is that the adventures of Dom Quixote and Sancho Pança are part of the imaginary of western culture.

Miguel de Cervantes
Portrait of Miguel de Cervantes.

Trust me too summary and detailed analysis of the Dom Quixote book.

7. Pride and Preconception, 1813 - Jane Austen

Or romance Pride and Preconceito, written by the British Jane Austen, is passed at the beginning of the XIX century. O cenário escolhido é Longbourn, interior of England, and the story told by Elizabeth Bennet and her family.

Through the protagonist we learn about various questões related to social, cultural, financial and educational life of the English aristocratic society.

Pride and prejudice
First edition of Pride and prejudice.

Find out a deep analysis of Livro Orgulho e Preconceito, by Jane Austen.

8. Moby Dick, 1851 - Herman Melville

Você pode não ter lido or classic by Herman Melville, more handsome than that leu or title Moby Dick deparou with an image of a huge baleia.

Quem conta essa history composta American hair and Ismael, a young marinheiro who wants to hunt baleias e tem a special fixation by Moby Dick, a baleia branca that lhe ripped a leg no past.

Herman melville
Herman Melville oil portrait.

9. Crime and punishment, 1866 - Dostoevsky

O romance do russo Fyodor Dostoevsky tells the story of Rodion Ramanovich Raskolnikov, a former student living in Pitsburg. Poor and future prospects, or personagem commits a terrible crime: assassina uma pessoa. Crime and punishment can be considered a philosophical and ethical test on the consequences of human actions.

Portrait of Dostoevsky.

Understand melhor to work Crime and punishment.

10. Dom Casmurro, 1899 - Machado de Assis

Capitu traiu ou não traiu Bentinho? That may be a further question for me to spend two days reading Brazilian literature. The classic Dom Casmurro, written by the famous Machado de Assis in 1899, tells the story of a love triangle made up of home hair Capitu and Bentinho and hair of the friend of his husband, Escobar. Narrated in the first person by Bentinho, or romance is a first work because it is capable of leaving all the dúvidas that permeate history in the open.

Go to complete analysis of the work Dom Casmurro.

O livro was adapted for the cinema in 1968 and was directed by Paulo Cesar Saraceni.

FILM - Capitu 1968

11. A metamorphose, 1912 - Kafka

Did you think you would remember a normal day and find out that he became a huge insect? Esse é or entangle escolhido hair Austro-Hungarian author Franz Kafka for classical compor or seu. Or romance A metamorphose, written in German, tells the story of traveling caixeiro Gregor, that one beautiful day he agrees to be metamorphosed into a monstrous animal.

To metamorphose
Layer of one of the first editions of A metamorphose.

Read or summarize and analyze the work To metamorphose.

12. In Search of the Lost Tempo, 1913 - Proust

The French writer Marcel Proust has written a unique story in his life, a huge memory of lost times. Or entanglement began to be raised in 1909 and reached seven volumes (three of them just published posthumously). Or the protagonist, Marcel, who was born just two times a year over a thousand thousand pages and through his olhar of him that we know, or his path to become a writer. Whether invoked or passed to tempt capture it, Proust promotes a distinction between voluntary and involuntary memory.

Photograph by Marcel Proust.

13. O estrangeiro, 1942 - Camus

Or French writer Albert Camus escolhe as the protagonist or Mr. Meursault, a pessoa as a normal everyday, a desk officer, who fears his life twisted by an assassination account that he commits for mere impulse. Logo apos to receive news of death from me, which reage with absolute indifference, he is interested in Marie, a colleague from work. One beautiful day, when he was passing by, he had a completely unexpected reaction and killed an Arab for whatever reason.

O livro ganhou uma adaptation for the cinema no year 1967. O longa metragem Italian, entitled I Strange, was directed by Luchino Visconti.

O Estrangeiro (Camus by Visconti) - Legendado / Subtitled

14. O Little Prince, 1943 - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

O livro Le petit prince, originally intended for a children's audience, had as its protagonist the one who tells the story. Chatted because no one understands his illustrations of him, or raptor was aboard a plane that fell on or deserted Saara. The central person finally finds comfort in a little prince that he accidentally knows. A work, illustrated by the writer himself, you are the most sold in the world.

O little prince
Illustration of the little prince retired from the book.

Understand or mean the personages of OR Little prince.

15. Lolita, 1955 - Nabokov

The first work of the modern Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov had as protagonist and narrator Humbert Humbert, a professor of my life. Or professor meets Dolores, a 12-year-old girl with a meter of forty-seven, because she aluga a fourth at Charlotte Hazze's house, to my mother. O nome Lolita is the name given to Dolores by Humbert and I feel seduced by her. Together, you two have a love affair.

Find out more about or free Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov.

16. Ensaio on a cegueira, 1955 - Saramago

The romance of the Nobel Prize José Saramago transcends the walls of Portuguese literature to achieve the status of a classic work of world literature. A history revolves around a variety of white blindfolded that is spread among the inhabitants of a city. Due to extreme circumstances, as a company to be seen from a collapse, we are assisting or not being human.

A romance adaptation by José Saramago for the cinema was made by Fernando Meirelles and was finally released in 2008.

17. O jogo da amarelinha, 1963 - Cortázar

Julio Cortázar is the only representative of Argentina present on the list of great classics. Or your place in the sun is guaranteed by the invention that starts from its raw material: a linguagem. O livro O jogo da amarelinha represents a true revolution in literary terms because of the possibility of leitor escolher to its form of ler or text.

The protagonist or intellectual Horácio Oliveira is a work, which is considered surrealist, allows the reader to realize a kind of game, facing multiple possible breakthroughs.

Photography by the author Julio Cortázar.

18. Cem years of solidão, 1967 - García Márquez

Adding to the list two prodigious Latin Americans is Gabriel García Márquez, Colombian, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. His classic work is an exemplary work of modern literature and tells the history of Macondo, an imaginary city created by José Arcadio Buendia. A narration accompanies several gerações of the Buendia family that are happening.

Or free it is also available in audio format:

19. A hora da estrela, 1977 - Clarice Lispector

Rodrigo S.M. He is the narrator of the debut work written by the Brazilian author Clarice Lispector. A star hour tells the story of Macabéa, a young orfã, a northeastern immigrant, massacred daily hair in the big city. A 19-year-old from Alagoas, who lives in the city of Rio de Janeiro, it seems nothing special, but we are few years absorbed and seduced by a disgraced youth.

Clarice lispector
Portrait of the author Clarice Lispector.

Read the classics in full in pdf

  • Odysseia
  • To divine comedy
  • Romeu and Juliet
  • To metamorphose
  • Os Lusíadas
  • Dom Quixote volume 1 and Dom Quixote volume 2
  • Pride and preconception
  • Moby Dick
  • Crime and punishment
  • Dom Casmurro

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