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How does cognitive dissonance affect us?

Maintain harmony between desires and actions It is a purpose that is not without obstacles. In fact, difficulties cannot only be external, as occurs when they are part of the context in which a process takes place.

Sometimes the obstacle is mainly internal. For example, self-deception becomes a very recurring trap. In short, it is a form of autoboycott: it is possible experience cognitive dissonance and feel the discomfort it generates.

Characteristics of cognitive dissonance

Numerous contradictions that manifest themselves in human existence are grouped in this concept. For example, a person can know at a theoretical level what is most convenient for him at this moment. However, his actions are moving in the opposite direction. In other cases, the action is not aligned with personal values.

The difficulty often lies in the conflict between two ideas that are not compatible and complementary to each other. Imagine that you had committed to a goal, and yet you did not follow through with the action plan. In short, they are processes that can produce a high level of discomfort. However, they can also be interpreted as an opportunity to boost personal development. That is, every contradiction can be clarified, resolved and overcome. Otherwise, it is possible to continue experiencing similar situations in different contexts.

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Examples of contradictions that cause internal tension in the mind

On occasions, when the human being experiences this type of contradiction, he tries to justify his behavior in order to overcome it. the discomfort he feels for not having acted consistently on his beliefs and values. But a person can position himself in a different way in those moments in which he experiences emotional tension. For example, it is advisable to face the process as a form of learning. That is, the subject can enhance introspection and self-knowledge to perceive those emotions and sensations that he experiences internally.

Personal contradictions are also part of the daily routine. Imagine the case of a person who, although he knows all the benefits of an active lifestyle, usually stays on the sofa at the time he planned to go for a walk. In the same way, imagine the example of someone who, although he knows the importance of maintaining a healthy diet, does not enjoy a truly balanced diet.

We can also refer to the usual case of a smoker who knows the harmful effects of tobacco. Despite this, he has not stopped smoking. These are some of the everyday examples that serve to clarify, through the description of specific situations, what cognitive dissonance is. And in any of the cases mentioned there is a common response.

The person tends to relativize the impact of these inconsistencies. In fact, you can come to justify them with data that is not very objective. And what happens while the person remains on the plane of self-deception and justification? He postpones making a final decision as if the matter could be resolved by itself. That is, it remains stuck at the same point.

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And how does cognitive dissonance affect us in adulthood?

It is true that each case is always specific and, therefore, must be interpreted in its singularity. However, there are some factors that are repeated frequently. Dissonance produces discomfort, discomfort, unpleasant emotions and tension. Although it also generates other long-term negative effects when the opposition is maintained over time.

In this circumstance, the person does not move in the direction that he really wants or needs. Sustained self-deception over months or years prevents you from adopting a conscious lifestyle.

On the other hand, a conflict that is not resolved generates a recurring tension. It can increase the risk of emotional exhaustion and negatively affect self-esteem. Keep in mind that the person invests a large amount of energy in this process. An energy that can be directed towards a more constructive purpose.

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