3 contributions of PRESOCRATICS philosophy
The contributions of presocratic philosophy more important are that they created a rational way of understanding the world, laying the foundations for philosophy and science.
How is the origin of all things? How did the universe arise and be generated? These questions that we have all asked ourselves as children are the questions to which the philosopherspresocratics. A search called the cosmological problem and that led these thinkers to propose their own theories. This period of the history of philosophy spans from the sixth century BC. C until the middle of the 5th century BC. C., that is, before the appearance of the philosopher Socrates, and it developed in Ancient Greece.
In this lesson of unPROFESOR.com we review with you what were the contributions of the most important presocratic philosophy, in addition to reviewing what were the basic principles of this philosophy of Ancient Greece.
Between the contributions of the presocratic philosophers the following stand out:
- One of the main contributions of all the pre-Socratic philosophers was provide a rational and systematic way of understanding the world and nature, based on reason and direct observation of reality.
- Your ideas laid the foundations for philosophy and science still relevant today. Superstitions and religious beliefs were no longer the basis for explaining reality.
- The importance of establishing a fundamental principle.
In summary, the contribution of the presocratics was to be the first scientists and to go from a mythological representation of the world to a more rational representation of the world.
On the other hand, and within this heterogeneous group of pre-Socratic philosophers, we find many and varied contributions. Thus, they can be grouped into different schools ranging from the Ionian, the Milesian, the Pythagorean, the Atomistic, the Eleatic or the pluralist, all grouped according to the arche or fundamental principle that they established Each of the main pre-Socratic philosophers contributed the following principles and theories, some of them key to Western culture:
- Thales of Miletus (624-548 BC), the first philosopher in history, affirmed that water was the fundamental principle of all things and established the principle of similarity.
- Anaximander of Miletus (610-547 B.C. C) was the first philosopher who proposed the idea that the universe had an origin and an end, concluding that the fundamental principle of the world was beyond all comprehension, calling it apeiron.
- Anaximenes of Miletus (588-524 BC) affirmed that the fundamental principle of the universe was air, since it was the key to human life. A principle that was infinite and surrounded the earth, considered as flat by him.
- Pythagoras of Samos (570-495 BC) contributed his mathematical theorem, the famous Pythagorean theorem, as well as contributions in philosophy as that all things were interrelated with numbers and the belief in the immortality of the soul human. Without forgetting such relevant contributions as the invention of the multiplication table, the construction of a regular pentagon and the five regular polyhedra, as well as irrational numbers.
- Heraclitus of Ephesus (535-475 BC) pointed out that the entire universe is in a process of constant change and that the only thing that was constant was the change itself. From Heraclitus is the famous principle that "you cannot bathe twice in the same river".
- Parmenides of Elea (515-450 B.C. C) pointed out that change was only an illusion and that the fundamental reality was eternal and unchanging.
- Empedocles of Agrigento (495-435 BC.) He proposed that the universe was made up of four elements: earth, air, fire and water, and that they were all combined and separated by forces such as love and hate.
- leucippus (Miletus, around 460-370 B.C. C.) and his disciple Democritus. They are the representatives of mechanistic atomism. According to mechanistic atomism, reality is made up of both atoms and the void.
In general, all these contributions of the presocratic philosophers they laid the foundations for the further development of Western philosophy, and contributed to the development of science and the theory of knowledge.