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7 characteristics of the CONTINENTAL philosophy

Characteristics of continental philosophy

The characteristics of continental philosophy They are subjectivism, hermeneutics, the value of the arts, it is socially committed, etc. In a Teacher we tell you.

Heidegger, Hegel, Sartre, Foucault or Nietzsche are some of the great names of universal philosophy, being among the most influential and prominent in the continental philosophy. A type of philosophy that is opposed to analytics, the geographical label being somewhat misleading by only encompassing the philosophers of the European continent and define themselves more by style, their concerns and their commitments than by others items.

In this lesson of we review what are the characteristics of continental philosophy to differentiate this way of doing philosophy from analytical philosophy. Take note and review with us what is continental philosophy and what are its main particularities!

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  1. What is continental philosophy?
  2. What are the main characteristics of continental philosophy?
  3. instagram story viewer
  4. What are analytical philosophy and continental philosophy? differences

What is continental philosophy?

The continental philosophy is defined as the philosophical tradition that arose in continental Europe and that developed mainly throughout the 20th century. A philosophical tradition that is based on subjective experience, the hermeneutics, the importance of the arts and literature, critical thinking and political and social commitment.

Thus, continental philosophy is concerned above all with the understanding of human beings as historical and social beings, focusing on the interpretation and comprehension of speeches and texts. The human condition and experience can be understood through literature, the arts and culture in general, with a humanistic and cultural approach. In addition, continental philosophy has historically been engaged with political and social issues, especially in relation to democracy, human rights, and social justice.

The fundamental figure of continental philosophy is Hegel, although several post-Kantian German idealist philosophers such as Schopenhauer, Marx, Nietzche, Marcuse, Foucault, Fitche, Schelling, Kierkegaard, Heidegger or Sartre, among other great figures of philosophy universal.

In unProfesor we discover the current philosophical currents.

Characteristics of continental philosophy - What is continental philosophy?

What are the main characteristics of continental philosophy?

along with this continental philosophy definition It is also necessary to delve further into its characteristics to learn more about this current or way of doing philosophy of a group of German and French philosophers of the 19th centuries and xx. Between the main characteristics of continental philosophy stand out:

  1. continental philosophy focuses on subjective experience and human life instead of in science and logic as analytic philosophy does. It is about understanding the human being with historical and social beings.
  2. The hermeneutics is one of the foundations of continental philosophy, focusing on a critical approach that discovers the ultimate meaning of the texts and speeches, understands them and evidences the intention that exists behind the words.
  3. continental philosophy places great value on literature, arts and culture in general as a way of understanding the human being and his condition.
  4. This philosophy historically engaged with social and political issues, especially everything that has to do with social justice, human rights and democracy.
  5. Along with hermeneutics, continental philosophy also emphasizes the critical thinkingand philosophical reflection, especially in relation to the underlying assumptions of human experience and culture in general.
  6. continental philosophy seeks to work in an interdisciplinary way, taking elements from other disciplines such as literature, sociology, psychoanalysis, among many others, to build his thinking.
  7. Finally, continental philosophy is a complex and highly diverse philosophical tradition It has a large number of representatives.
Characteristics of continental philosophy - What are the main characteristics of continental philosophy?

What are analytical philosophy and continental philosophy? differences.

One of the burning points when talking about continental philosophy is its difference with respect to the analytical Philosophy, another of the philosophical traditions of the 20th century.

  • The philosophy continental It is thus defined as a current with a broader and more humanistic approach in the human experience and culture.
  • While the philosophy analytics is more concerned about the linguistic and logical problems.

In addition, continental philosophy presents a more literary and less analytical style and is more self-aware of the relationship of philosophy with the historical moment in which it develops.

If you want to read more articles similar to Characteristics of continental philosophy, we recommend that you enter our category of Philosophy.


  • COPLESTON, Frederick Charles; DE LA MORA, José Manuel García; SACRISTAN, Manuel. History of Philosophy. 1982.
  • LORIO, Natalia; TORRANO, Andrea. Philosophy, critique and practice of the self: between Wittgenstein and Foucault. Topics, 2017, no 34, p. 48-74.

PLEASANCE, Louis. Considerations on the distinction between "analytical philosophy" and "continental philosophy". Mutatis Mutandis: International Review of Philosophy, 2017, vol. 1, no 9, p. 7-14.
RAMIREZ, Mario Teodoro (ed.). The new realism: the philosophy of the 21st century. Madrid: Twenty-first Century Publishers, 2016.
SÁEZ RUEDA, Luis, et al. The conflict between continentals and analytics: two philosophical traditions. Criticism, 2002.
SERRANO ESCALLON, Gonzalo. Analytical and continental: local perspective of a problematic distinction. Saga-Magazine of Philosophy Students.
TAYLOR, Charles. Hegel and modern society. Economic Culture Fund, 2014.

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