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Emergence of social classes

Emergence of social classes

There are 2 theories about the emergence of social classes: that were born with the first primitive societies or that emerged with the liberal revolutions. We tell you!

Since human beings began to live in society, they began to emerge mechanisms to divide the population for various reasons, whether economic or hereditary, these being the so-called social classes. This division has been key to human history, and that is why in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about it.The emergence of social classes to understand why they appeared.

The social classes are the divisions in which you can differentiate people of a society. These divisions can vary greatly depending on the basis of the social class system of the area, and may be economic, social or productive reasons, but always being necessary a division that can differentiate them by something specific.

Generally, social classes They are open groups, so people They can move from one class to another, as long as you can meet the necessary conditions to pass between them. Even so, in each society the division between classes can be greater or lesser, and therefore in some it is very difficult to move between social classes. In this sense we must understand that there is a tendency to differentiate between

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estates and social classes, the former being much more closed to change than the social classes.

We must understand that social classes They are something inherent to the human being, since from our beginnings we have lived in society, and we have always tried to differentiate ourselves between us depending on the tasks we performed, thus giving rise to something similar to classes social.

As a general rule, we tend to use the definitions of Marx and Weber to talk about social classes, being the ones who created the first studies necessary to differentiate the different social classes that had existed until that moment. Even so, we must understand that the thoughts of Marx and Weber are thoughts from centuries ago, and although in Much of it is still valid, more theories have been generated about the emergence of classes social.

Here we discover what the rise of the working class.

Emergence of social classes - What are social classes?

When talking about the emergence of social classes we must understand that There are two ways to look at this phenomenon., depending on the sense in which we speak of social classes. We can consider that social classes are the divisions of any society since the appearance of civilization, and in this we could say that social classes appear with the birth of classes social.

But the other way of looking at it is to consider that social classes are only the different classes that emerged after the liberal revolutions, since before these we should talk about estates, being another kind of class social. Therefore we must say that the two possible emergences of social classes are the following:

  • The origin of social classes can be traced back to first primitive societies, when they were born productive activities and people were divided by the activities they carried out in their social groups. Already from this moment, even before the birth of the great civilizations, people were divided by what they contribute to society, from that moment the first divisions were born social. In general, it is thought that With private property the first social differences arise, although they changed depending on the system that surrounded it. This kind of thinking regarding social classes comes from Marx's thoughts and his socioeconomic theories.
  • The other theory about the emergence of social classes is the one that says that these They were born from the liberal revolutions, This was when the freest divisions of the social strata emerged, ending the closed social classes of feudalism. For some scholars it was with the surgency of the capitalist social classes when true social classes were born, since people could change between them, not being closed circles as in previous systems. That is why, depending on the source we consult, it may be that these are the only social classes, or they are a part of them.
Emergence of social classes - How do social classes arise?

To continue with this lesson on the emergence of social classes we must listr the 3 great class systems that have existed during the history of humanity, serving to know what type of social classes have existed. For this reason, the three class societies have been the following:

  • Slavery: It is considered that from the moment private property appears, social differences arise, the first of which is that of slavery. In general, this system differentiates free people and slaves, the former being known as mistresses, and the latter being enslaved. In this first system, two large social classes appear, differentiated by the level of freedom they had.
  • Feudalism: With the beginning of the Middle Ages, and less and less slavery, the second system began to emerge, known as feudalism. With this system, fiefs appear, which are owned by the lords, who hire serfs to work for them. For this reason, two large social classes emerge, those who have land and those who do not own land.
  • Capitalism: With the arrival of the liberal revolutions, the third system of social classes emerges, being the one that differentiates people according to their economic capacity. As time went by, the difference changed between the employer and the worker, creating increasingly greater social differences.

Here we leave you a summary of Karl Marx's thoughts where you can better understand all this about social classes.

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