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The Bible and Genesis: Chapter 1

Genesis: chapter 1- summary

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For many religious, the most important part of the numerous religious texts that make up the Bible is the call Genesis, being the beginning of the work and where the origin of everyone and everything is explained through the vision of Christianity. To know one of the most relevant stages of this part, and thereby understand much of the thought about the origin of the world that we Westerners have had for years, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we will offer a summary of chapter 1 of Genesis.

Before we begin with the summary of chapter 1 of Genesis it is important that we know what text it is. Genesis is the part of the Bible that talks about the origin of the world, that is, it explains how was the process in which the Christian god created the world, to all the species that inhabit it and to the human being.

The Bible is divided into two parts, the Old Testament the one that speaks from the origin to the birth of Jesus and the New Testament that speaks to us of the life of Jesus and of the early years of the Church. For all these reasons, we must understand that Genesis is part of the Old Testament, also being the first of all the books that make up the Bible.

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Regarding its authorship and chronology, we do not have data that fully confirms it since the age of the texts makes it difficult to place it in a specific author. The general thinking is that the authorship of the work was multiple, there are several religious who wrote part of the work, and therefore it is impossible to find a total author on the texts.

On the other hand, the tradition of authorship has come to say that the author of not only this book, but of all those that make up the so-called Pentateuch were written by Moses, being one of the most important figures in religion and at the same time a being who was very close to God.

Genesis: chapter 1- summary - What is Genesis?

Image: Slideplayer

We already started this summary of chapter 1 of Genesis. The texts begin to speak from the origin of everything, when only God and the rest of the heavenly figures existed; therefore there was nothing on what we call Earth, that is, on our planet. Seeing that everything was empty God decided to create the Earth and the Sky, being the two places that inhabited the beings that were going to begin to create in a short time. The earth was in chaos and the sky was in the most absolute darkness, there were terrible darkness, but then God said to make light and it was made and everything was brighter and beautiful.

  • The spirit of God that inhabited the earth said that the light was good and pure and that it could overcome the darkness, so this light made the darkness disappear that spanned the entire world. But God understood that darkness was part of the world that he had created, so he made it occupy the sky at night, while his light would protect the world during the day.
  • On the second day, God went to the waters, those that formed a large part of his creation and he decided to separate her from the rest of his creation, keeping heaven above, earth below, and water below both. This division into three layers is often seen in classical cultures, such as the Babylonian or Egyptian. In some texts it is said that on this day the creation of hell also took place, but in Genesis there is no mention of it.
  • On the third day, God continued to change the three levels already created, separating the seas so that the land would appear between them. We could say that this moment is when created the seas, oceans and a supercontinent terrestrial that the years would be divided into what we know today as our continents. Then God made the earth create trees and vegetation, populating the planet with its first living beings, plants.
  • On the fourth day, the formation of the celestial bodies, which served to mark the change between seasons and those that affect the change between night and day. In Genesis there is talk of a kind of lordship of these celestial bodies in front of our planet.
  • On the fifth day he saw that the first living beings, the plants, were too immobile and decided that he should create new living beings that would populate his creation. God created the beings that live in the waters and in the heavens, thus originating great sea monsters and numerous kinds of birds.
  • On the sixth day God began to create all species land animals, creating endless animals to populate the world. But God needed a more intelligent species, that he could reason, and so he carried out the creation of human beings. In other lessons we have already talked about how Genesis narrates the creation of man, but to summarize it briefly God created man so that it will multiply throughout the earth and to dominate over the rest of living beings.
  • To conclude Genesis talks about the Seventh day, being the moment when God's divine creation ended. It is said that this was the day that God saw all of his work and break, seeing his work finished, and sanctifying the seventh day as the moment of the end of creation.
Genesis: Chapter 1- Summary - Genesis Chapter 1

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