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Neo Leadership and Executive Coaching: navigating the awareness of change

In a world in constant transformation, the need for a new concept of leadership becomes evident. Organizational change, the digital age and the advent of artificial intelligence pose significant challenges for companies and their leaders.

In this context, executive coaching emerges as a crucial tool to boost adaptability, creativity and innovation in teams. In this article, we will explore the importance of executive coaching and how it can help leaders face today's challenges.

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The urgency of a new leadership

According to studies, 70% of changes in companies do not achieve the expected results. Furthermore, it is estimated that 51% of time at work is plagued with distractions, while only 40% is spent on truly important tasks. These numbers reveal the need for leadership capable of effectively managing change and staying focused on critical challenges.

The awakening of consciousness

In the digital age, there has been a change of consciousness in the business world. Adapting to change becomes essential in a context where artificial intelligence is transforming the way we work and live.

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In order not to be left behind, people must adapt quickly. It is in this context where conscious leadership acquires key importance.

The role of executive coaching

In this context, executive coaching emerges as a powerful tool for the development of agile and conscious leaders. Although 75% of organizations recognize the importance of coaching as a capacity for fundamental leadership, it is worrying that only 5% of leaders claim to have received training in coaching.

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Neo Leadership and leadership transformation

Neo Leadership is based on the development of a conscious mindset and the ability to adapt to change in an agile way. This executive coaching approach encourages reflection, self-knowledge and empathy, allowing leaders to better understand and motivate their teams.

The Mindfulness Approach for Leaders in the Digital Age

In his best-selling book in four categories Mindfulness for leaders in the digital age, Nieves Rodríguez explores how the mindfulness It can be applied on a day-to-day basis by leaders to improve calm, focus and get mindfulness, nowadays so important for mental health and personal and organizational results.

The importance of mental health in leadership

In addition to addressing the challenges of change and adaptability, effective leadership also requires taking care of the mental health of leaders and their teams. Stress, pressure, and constant demands can have a significant impact on the emotional and mental well-being of leaders.

It is crucial that leaders prioritize self-care and promote an organizational culture that values ​​mental health, fostering a healthy work-life balance. By maintaining good mental health, leaders can make clearer decisions, maintain strong relationships with their teams, and promote a positive and productive work environment.

Liberating from values: transforming individuals and organizations

A fundamental part of effective and conscious leadership is the ability to unleash potential and values ​​at both the individual and organizational levels. Leaders who operate from their core values ​​have greater authenticity and consistency in their decision making and the way they lead.

By allowing values ​​to guide actions and decisions, leaders can establish a strong organizational culture aligned with a shared vision. Additionally, aligning with the individual values ​​of team members creates a sense of belonging and commitment, resulting in higher motivation and performance.


Effective leadership today goes beyond the ability to adapt to change and manage teams. It requires conscious attention to the mental health of leaders and the release of values ​​at both the individual and organizational levels. By focusing on mental health, leaders can maintain a healthy balance and make clearer decisions.

Aligning with core values ​​enables authentic and consistent decision making, creating a solid and committed organizational culture. By combining these aspects, leaders can effectively lead and lead their teams and organizations to success and fulfillment.

For more information on Executive Coaching for Neo Leadership, training and presentations, contact us at this page.

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