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Linking and predicative verbs

Linking and predicative verbs - with exercises and examples

The linking verbs they are those that express a state or a condition; the predicatives They are those that, by themselves, express a complete idea. We tell you in a Teacher.

Verbs in Spanish are one of the grammatical categories most important, but also the one that brings the most headaches to the students. That's because there are many types of verbs and each of them fulfills a specific function in the sentence in which it is included. Remember that the verb is the nucleus of the predicate and that there are many different conjugations to designate the mood, the time and the person who performs each action.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we want to raise the level a bit to explain in detail what are linking and predicative verbs. In addition, we are going to give you some examples so that you do not have any doubts. Let's go there!

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  1. What are linking verbs
  2. Examples of linking verbs
  3. What are predicative verbs
  4. Examples of predicative verbs
  5. Linking and predicative verbs exercise
  6. Solutions to the linking and predicative verbs exercise
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What are copulative verbs.

The linking verbs They are that express a state or a condition, but they do not fully. By not expressing the totality of the action, linking verbs require that there be an attribute that completes their meaning.

The linking verb par excellence is the verb to be". For example, if someone tells us the phrase "my mother is", it is logical that we expect them to end it with a adjective or a noun construction that reflects a characteristic of the mother, such as "very good".

The linking verbs are "to be", "to be" and "to seem".

In unProfesor we discover what are the semicopulative verbs.

Linking and predicative verbs - with exercises and examples - What are linking verbs

Examples of linking verbs.

we leave you with some Examples of sentences that contain linking verbs. Remember that these verbs are "to be", "to be" and "to seem". Even so, we have marked them in bold to make it easier for you to identify them:

  • Miguel this very happy with the news.
  • No you look like too excited about the idea.
  • Sunday's paella is sacred to me
  • That are crap.
  • The problem are the years I spent teaching them that.
  • Seems older than his brother.
  • Are almost eight o'clock at night.
  • Your age is His best kept secret.
  • HE he was furious with the news.
  • He is Tired of always saying the same thing.
  • Nicholas was the head of the warehouse at that time.
  • Martha was fed up with her bad faces.
  • Car looked like new.
  • I'm used to it.
  • this move be a great challenge for Luis.
  • That lady is my aunt Juana
  • This room is the best I can offer you.
  • They do not were aware of the changes.
Linking and predicative verbs - with exercises and examples - Examples of linking verbs

What are predicative verbs.

The predicative verbs are those who, by themselves they express a complete idea and they do not need an attribute to complement the idea that they are going to communicate to us. These are the majority of verbs that we have in the Spanish language.

For example: walk, approach, smile, pray, etc.

These verbs, by themselves, refer to a concrete action and express a complete meaning. In general, it can be said that the predicative verbs are all those verbs except the copulative ones (to be, to be and to seem).

Linking and predicative verbs - with exercises and examples - What are predicative verbs

Examples of predicative verbs.

Now we are going to put some examples of sentences with predicative verbs so you can see how these words work when we put them in context. Remember that linking verbs are the vast majority, therefore, they are the most used in our day to day. We have marked them in bold so that it is easy for you to find them:

  • Always Friday nights we look films.
  • I couldn't put myself up to date with the project.
  • No you closed the door with a key.
  • I I burned with hot water.
  • The song was interpreted for a chorus
  • The bags for sale separately.
  • for christmas I gave away a bicycle each.
  • The music will listened from my room.
  • Esteban kitchen the best meat pies
  • My brother collect vinyl records.
  • We prepare some sandwiches to go to the plaza.
  • Your telephone rang all morning.
  • Never I learned to play the guitar, even though she had one in my house.
  • Prefer read love novels, not horror.
  • Jamila study to be a teacher.
  • This afternoon i will repair the computer.
  • Juan Martin He touches the piano and the guitar.
  • Anna's father painted that picture.
  • my younger sister sings in the school choir.
  • The teacher told us asked a physical map for tomorrow.
  • Martha traveled to Spain with all her family.
  • Read the news this morning.
  • The teacher doesn't I agree postpone the lesson
  • Have all the books of Mario Vargas Llosa.
  • The teacher advertisement that the final exam has a written and an oral part.
  • at the film festival they will givecinema Paradiso.
  • This Sunday We travel to the mountain.
  • we save very little for our next vacation.
  • When I opened window, saw that it was snowing.
  • Laura I swim all morning.

Linking and predicative verbs exercise.

The exercise that we propose consists of identify the verb of each of the sentences and indicate which of them are copulative and which are predicative. You can use the theory that we have explained to you in the previous sections and ask for help from someone who understands the subject.

  • My brother in law installed an air conditioner in the room.
  • the landscape is magnificent
  • We found the paper in that box.
  • You are calm because you know the truth.
  • The plane landed on time.
  • The exam seems simple.

Solutions of the exercise of linking and predicative verbs.

These are the solutions to the previous exercise of linking and predicative verbs. We have marked the verb of each sentence in bold and then we have indicated to which category each of them belongs.

  • My brother in law installed an air conditioner in the room. - Predicative verb
  • Landscape is magnificent. - Linking verb
  • We find the paper in that box. - Predicative verb
  • You you are calm down because you know the truth. - Linking verb
  • The plane landed on time. - Predicative verb
  • The exam seems simple. - Linking verb

We hope this lesson on linking verbs and predicative verbs It may have helped you to understand a little better how sentences are structured in our language. If you are interested in continuing to delve deeper into the knowledge of this subject, do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section, where we will give you all the answers you are searching.

If you want to read more articles similar to Linking and predicative verbs - with exercises and examples, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Tobón de Castro, L. (1979). The use of linking verbs in Spanish. Thesaurus: newsletter of the Caro y Cuervo Institute, 34(1), 51-71.
  • Hui-Chuan, L., & Cheng, A. c. (2015). Study of linking verbs from apprentice corpus. Porta Linguarum: international magazine on the teaching of foreign languages, (23), 205-220.
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