Education, study and knowledge

The 8 best Psychologists in San Miguel de Salcedo

The psychotherapist Itzel Navas She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Guayaquil and has a specialized Master's degree in the field of Neuropsychology, which was issued to him by the Casa Grande University located in the Latin American nation of Ecuador.

This psychologist is an expert in the treatment of some difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, work stress or very complicated situations of codependency.

the therapist anna rodriguez She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Arturo Michelena University (UAM) and has a Diploma specialized in the area of ​​Positive Psychology, issued by the Venezuelan University of Carabobo (UC).

In the consultation of this specialist, some personal difficulties are very often addressed, such as anxiety disorders, depression, low self-esteem or very high levels of stress labor.

The mental health professional Diego Tzoymaher He graduated in Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and later completed a Postgraduate specialized in the study of Cognitive Neuropsychology through the Argentine University of Belgrano (UB).

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Where this psychologist manages to stand out the most is in addressing some difficulties such as poor management of the emotion of anger, depression, anxiety disorders, or lack of control over one's impulses.

Angel Bolivar Andrade Moscoso He has a degree in Forensic Psychology from the Peruvian Chamber of Commerce and has a Diploma also awarded by this same academic institution, which recognizes him professionally as an expert in the practice of Cognitive Therapy behavioral

This psychologist has extensive experience in treating some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, work stress, smoking or crises that arise within the couple.

Xavier Albúja is a graduate in Clinical Psychology from the Central University of Ecuador and also, it is also important to note that in his consultation usually receive treatment very often both adults and people who are going through the stage of adolescence.

We can contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves going through a possible addiction to a substance, depression during adolescence or a very difficult divorce process complicated.

Sandra Saltos Alarcon She has a remarkable ability both in the treatment of adults and adolescents or children under 10 years of age and also, We should also know that together with this specialist, both couples and individuals can receive therapy without any impediment. individual.

Crises that arise within the couple, depression and anxiety disorders are some of the personal difficulties that are most often treated in this specialist's office.

Daniel Morales She received a doctorate in Psychology from the Technical University of Babahoyo (UTB) and later, she completed a training course focused focused on the practice of Psychological First Aid (PAP) through the Private Technical University of Loja (UTPL).

This therapist can be of great help if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a anxiety, poor management of the emotion of anger, excessive alcohol consumption or a possible addiction to cocaine.

Indira Ullauri She has a degree in Mental Health from the University of León (ULe) and she has a Postgraduate degree focused on the application of Grief Psychotherapy, awarded by the training center located in the Latin American nation of Argentina, Duelum.

Among its most outstanding specialties is the treatment of some difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem or very high levels of stress labor.

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