Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Gonzalo Colina Caputto

Do you have any personal and professional goal that you are unable to achieve because of X or Y? Do you feel blocked or stagnant in your personal/professional life and is there something invisible that is not allowing you to move forward? Do you feel stagnant, lost in your work environment and/or would you like to reinvent yourself but don't dare to start over... I can help you!

I guide people on the path of personal and professional development so that they can have a meaningful life and a purposeful activity. With my P.R.P one to one method (Individual Professional Reinvention Program) you will be able to reconnect with your purpose in life and with those attributes that make you unique so that later you can make yourself known and be able to live from your purpose.

I am a transformational learning facilitator on a personal level through Ontological Coaching, Lic. in Labor Relations and Analyst in Human Resources. My purpose is to be a service to the other, to discover with you what it is that you are needing and what internal possibilities/capacities They are within you to be used, put them in your favor and be bigger than your circumstances, solving each situation that comes your way. present. Schedule your appointment!

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The 9 best Psychologists experts in Couples Therapy in Guadalajara

The psychologist Julian Zambrano is one of the most prominent professionals in the field of psych...

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Raise productivity, improve worker autonomy

In a capitalist model like the current one, the dream of many entrepreneurs is to increase the pr...

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The 4 differences between production and productivity

In the world of finance and business it is necessary to know and distinguish between two terms fu...

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