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Descriptive text types

At the time of writing, an author can count on different formulas to get his message across, for this reason there are different types of texts that fulfill a series of functionalities and that have their own characteristics. In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to show you what types of descriptive texts exist, in addition to defining them and how they are used in different areas.

In order to know what types of descriptive texts exist in Spanish, it is necessary to know what are these types of texts. These texts have as their main objective the definition of something, be it a person, a situation, an object or any specific situation. For this it is necessary that provide details and definitions as illustrative as possible to facilitate understanding by the receiver of the same. This description must be close to reality, and therefore as objective as possible.

As we have pointed out, these texts can describe objects or elements that can be captured by some of the senses, in addition to serving as an effective means of expressing feelings in a objective.

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It is necessary that these texts be based on a base that has as its fundamental pillar the analysis of the described object. Therefore, truthfulness and accuracy must be provided in the details provided. To do this, it is necessary to delve into the subject as much as possible to be able to analyze and share all the facts that are necessary to understand the description made.

Now you know the definition of descriptive texts and on what bases they are based when being built. Next we are going to focus on the main topic of this lesson, which are the types of descriptive texts that we can find. These are the following:

Because descriptive texts are looking for a detailed and objective representation of an object, person, animal or feeling It is very effective when writing technical texts. In these, text is made in which only the specifications matter, leaving aside the most creative and literary forms. These texts must have an observation phase by the issuer, in addition to the observation of reality to collect and provide as much information as possible.

After that, you must use the appropriate mechanisms to organize and order the data obtained and be able to transmit them effectively to the recipient of the message. Different techniques can be used for this:

Looking for a aesthetic sense in the description of the object, not so his fidelity with respect to reality. In addition, the sender wants to convey emotion and for this he will resort to different rhetorical figures or explanatory adjectives.

On the other hand, they seek to show the reader those characteristics that interest the writer of the text. We can find many examples of texts of this type in the literary genre. Thus, some work better than others according to what genres:

In order to better understand what descriptive texts are, we are going to see some examples related to the types that we have mentioned above. Below we show you some of them in different areas and with different purposes.

We can find one technical description How is it collected in Wikipedia with respect to the clouds:

A cloud is a hydrometeor consisting of a visible mass made up of microscopic snow crystals or water droplets suspended in the atmosphere. Clouds scatter all visible light and therefore appear white. However, they are sometimes too thick or dense for light to pass through, when this occurs the coloration turns gray or even black. Considering that clouds are drops of water on atmospheric dust and depending on some factors the drops can become rain, hail or snow. Clouds are an aerosol formed by water evaporated mainly from the oceans.

Now let's look at an example of literary character. In this text a description of the clouds is made by Azorín. Let's see the text:

Clouds give us a feeling of instability and eternity. Clouds are — like the sea — always several and always the same. Looking at them, we feel how our being and all things run towards nothingness, while they — so fugitive — remain eternal. These clouds that we now look at were looked at two hundred, five hundred, one thousand, three thousand years ago, by other men with the same passions and the same desires as us. When we want to keep time imprisoned - in a moment of luck - we see that weeks, months, years have already passed. The clouds, however, which are always different at all times, are walking through the sky every day. There are round clouds, swollen with brilliant white, that stand out on spring mornings against the translucent skies. There are them as faint marshlands, which are outlined in a milky background. There are gray ones on a gray distance. There are them of carmine and gold in the endless, deeply melancholic sunsets of the plains. There are them like the same or innumerable little fleeces that reveal a piece of blue sky through some clearing. Some march slowly, deliberately; others pass quickly. Some, ash-colored, when they cover the entire sky, let an opaque, filtered, gray light fall on the earth, which lends its charm to autumnal landscapes.

If you want to continue learning more about different rhetorical figures, types of texts or resources such as types of descriptive texts, visit our sections on Spanish language. These texts will allow you to continue learning and improving your knowledge.

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