Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Caty Prieto López

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THE SAFETY AND TRUST OF AN APPROVED HEALTH CENTER. Specialists in psychological and psychotherapeutic care for children, adolescents and adults. Composed of collegiate professionals with specialized training

General Health Psychologist. Col AN10093. Mention Health Psychology and Intervention in mental and behavioral disorders. Master in third generation therapies University of Almería.

SPECIALIST IN PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC CARE FOR CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS AND ADULTS. The treatments are always personalized, attending to the particularity of each individual. Depression, anxiety, stress, emotional and relationship problems, self-esteem, grief, crisis, chronic pain. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.. Specialist in Neuropsychology and Neurorehabilitation: Neuropsychological evaluation, reporting and rehabilitation. Online neurorehabilitation programs to develop at home. Cognitive stimulation programs in intellectual disability, cognitive impairment and dementia. Training in skills for daily living. Dyslexia and learning difficulties. Personalized reading training with Glifing. CERTIFIED EDUCATOR IN POSITIVE DISCIPLINE. Advice to parents in the education of their children and holding group workshops for parents.

The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in Couples Therapy in Marbella

Maribel del rio she is the director of the well-known Malaga psychological center PsychoAbreu, sh...

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Masks and their impact on body language

Masks and their impact on body language

On many occasions, the content of a gesture, a smile or even a posture not only complements the m...

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What people project onto others

Personal relationships are always a bi-directional process: we do not limit ourselves to interact...

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