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ARGUMENTATIVE texts: most important characteristics

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Argumentative texts: characteristics

When we want convince someone we are trying to give you some arguments that will tip the balance in our favor. These types of speeches can be found both in oral and written format and have a series of peculiarities. Due to the importance that these have in all areas of society, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the characteristics of argumentative texts, its structure and the different types that exist.

The argumentative texts are used as assiduity in any social field, with them it is intended defend a specific idea using our own tools. These, therefore, serve to express opinions, positions and certain ideas on any subject.

These texts They are used oral form, Specially in speeches and debates and in written form and its objective is none other than to give arguments to the reader so that he is convinced of a certain idea, position, opinion or thesis defended by the author of the same.

All argumentative texts will revolve around amain ideavery well defined or to a certain position that is clearly exposed from the first moment so that the reader can understand it and get to share it.

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Argumentative texts: characteristics - What are argumentative texts

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The argumentative texts seek to convince the reader of a certain idea or position and for this they have a clear and defined structure. In general, if we want an argumentative text to be effective, it must have a series of common points. Here is a summary of the characteristics of argumentative texts:

  • It must be built following an objective point of view, that is, the author does not know who the reader of his text is, therefore he must address him in the most impersonal way possible. In this way he will be able to get his text to reach more people.
  • Use of the first person singular: in this way the author, even if he represents this impartiality, clearly shows what his specific opinion is.
  • Impartiality: despite the fact that the text is designed to convince or argue a fact, the author must give a sense of impartiality. Arguments are expressed using a less subjective tone.
  • They should always have a main idea: this must be developed and argued throughout the text and maintained until its final conclusion.

Therefore, we could say that the argumentative texts express the author's opinion in the first place person, but they are based on arguments supported in a tone of impartiality in order to reach an audience heterogeneous. This will allow your premises to reach more people to convince them about the main idea of ​​your text.

Argumentative texts: characteristics - Main characteristics of argumentative texts

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Now that we know the characteristics of argumentative texts, we can focus on what is their structure. Having these two points clear, we can better understand what argumentative texts are and when they are used. Thus we can point out that argumentative texts are divided into three parts:

  • Thesis: it is the introduction of the argumentative text, in it the main idea is defended and expressed. This thesis will be the one that is developed and defended taking into account different arguments throughout the entire text. By stating the thesis as an introduction, the reader will clearly understand the main idea and its objective.
  • Argumentation: It is presented in the paragraphs that follow the thesis and serves to support it. The arguments must be presented and developed with the thesis in mind, that is, they must serve to support it and convince the reader that it is correct. In the arguments you can use different resources such as comparisons or dichotomies that lead the reader to reason.
  • Conclution: is the end of the text. After having defended the initial thesis through different arguments. This reappears in the conclusion, showing itself as the logical path developed by the arguments throughout the text.
Argumentative texts: characteristics - Structure of an argumentative text

Arguments are an essential part when developing an argumentative text, for this reason it is convenient that you know some of them to help you maintain an initial thesis. Using these resources you can defend any idea.

  • Cause and consequence: by means of these resources you can express in your arguments what relationship exists between a cause and a certain consequence in order to be able to support the initial thesis.
  • Exemplification: it is about using arguments based on examples, these can be positive or negative to support the initial thesis. These will help to provide a vision of reality about what is being argued.
  • Argument from authority: It has weight because it has come from a source that has credibility, that is, the information provided comes from official institutions, research centers, witnesses... etc. The important thing about this type of argument is who says it.

Now that you know what argumentative texts are and their characteristics, you can launch yourself to defend your own ideas to convince others.

Argumentative texts: characteristics - Types of arguments

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