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The Aeneid: short summary

The Aeneid: short summary

the aeneidIt is a Latin epic written by the Roman poet Virgil in the first century BC. c. and it arose as a commission from Emperor Augustus. The main purpose of the work was to exalt the Roman Empire by inventing its mythical origin. Virgil, through the narrative, presents the founding of Rome in a similar way to the Greek myths.

In this lesson of a PROFESSOR we want to make you a summary of the aeneid, this work that finished writing when its own author died.

the aeneid It is divided into 12 books. which can be grouped into two main parts: from books 1 to 6, the voyages of Aeneas are narrated until he reached Italy (imitating the Odyssey) and from books 7 to 12 the conquests of Aeneas in Italy are explained (imitating the iliad). We are going to present you a very brief summary of each book so that you are able to understand this very old work a little better.

book 1

After the fall of Troy, Aeneas searches for a new land and arrives in Carthage, where Queen Dido falls in love with him. the first book of

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the aeneid narrates the journey of aeneas, the founding of Rome and the meeting with Dido, who is moved by his story. The work culminates with a hunt in honor of Aeneas and the Trojans.

book 2

Aeneas narrates the troy falla, the construction of his fleet and the dangers he faces on his journey west. After stops in Thrace and Delos, he reaches Strofades, where the sibyl priestess helps them found a new city. Despite the obstacles, Aeneas and his group reach the Libyan coast and are greeted by Queen Dido, marking the beginning of their history together.

book 3

Aeneas arrives in Sicily and celebrates funeral games in honor of his father, Anchises, but they are attacked by the Greeks led by King Turno. After the battle, Aeneas decides to leave for Italy, but the winds carry him back to Carthage, where he meets Dido and begins a romance. Meanwhile, in Sicily, the Trojans and the Greeks stop the war to pay homage to the fallen. Aeneas joins his fleet and leaves Carthage, leaving Dido devastated.

book 4

Dido falls in love with Aeneas and tries to seduce him to stay in Carthage, but he feels compelled to continue his journey to Italy. Desperate for his departure, Dido commits suicide on a funeral pyre. Aeneas prepares to leave, but is upset by Dido's death. Despite everything, he knows that he must carry on with his destiny. The story ends with Aeneas leaving Carthage and Dido's fury portending trouble ahead.

book 5

In the fifth book of the aeneid, the Trojans leave Carthage and return to Sicily. Aeneas performs the funerals of his father, Anchises, which include sacrifices and games in his honor. Juno tries to sabotage the Trojans by burning their ships, but Jupiter intervenes by sending rain to put out the fire. Aeneas decides to leave a part of the Trojans on the island, where he founds the city of Acestes.

book 6

the sixth book of the aeneid narrates the Aeneas' journey to the underworld, where he meets his father Anchises and receives visions of the future of Rome. After returning, Aeneas continues his journey to Italy and meets King Latinus, who offers him the hand of his daughter Lavinia. This sparks a war with Turno, Lavinia's rejected suitor. The book concludes with the promise of support from Latinus and the preparation of Aeneas for war with the help of Vulcan.

In a Teacher we discover you what are epics and characteristics so that you can get to know this literary subgenre better.

We continue with the second part of summary The Aeneid.

book 7

the seventh book of the aeneid focuses on the war between Aeneas and Turnus. The gods intervene, with Juno supporting Turno and Venus helping her son Aeneas. The battle takes place on the Tiber coast, and Aeneas wins some victories but does not capture the city of Laurentus. Aeneas tries to make peace, but Turnus refuses. The arrival of Camila, a skilled warrior, adds more challenges for Aeneas. The war continues and the tension intensifies.

book 8

Aeneas receives the help from Vulcan to build weapons and wins a series of battles against the Latinos. The Etruscans join the war on the side of the Latins, and the young warrior Pallas is killed by Turnus, unleashing Aeneas' murderous fury. In a final battle, Aeneas kills many opponents, including Mezentius. Although Aeneas is victorious, Turno remains determined to fight to the end.

book 9

In this book, Turno tries kidnap Lavinia, but Aeneas rescues her. Mezencio, Turno's partner, is killed in the fight. Turno allies with the Rutulos and they take the city of Pallanteo. Niso and Euryalo go on an infiltration mission, but Niso is killed and Euryalo accomplishes his objective before being killed. The war between Aeneas and Turno is becoming more and more intense.

book 10

Aeneas leads the Trojans to a victory in battle against the Rutulians, but he suffers the loss of his wife and his father's illness. Looking for a cure, he consults the god Apollo, who tells him to talk to the goddess Juturna. Aeneas prepares to face new challenges as he searches for solutions for his family and his mission to found Rome.

book 11

the eleventh book of the aeneid narrates the final war between Aeneas and Turno. Juturna, Turno's sister, tries to help him, but eventually gives up the fight. Aeneas and Turnus face off in a deadly duel, in which Aeneas is victorious and ends the life of Turno. Although Aeneas laments the loss of life, he celebrates the victory and prepares for the future and the founding of Rome.

book 12

the last book of the aeneid narrates the founding of the city of rome by Aeneas. After marrying Lavinia, Aeneas establishes the city of Lavinio and later founds the city of Alba Longa. In a final revolt led by Turnus, Aeneas emerges victorious and kills Turnus in single combat. Aeneas establishes a just government in Rome and the work concludes with a request to the memory of history through the centuries.

We hope that our short summary of the aeneid it has been helpful to you. If you want to continue learning about universal literature books, do not hesitate to consult our Reading section.

The Aeneid: short summary - Summary of The Aeneid: Books 7 to 12
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