What is CONCEPTISM and its characteristics

Conceptism is a current of literature that developed in Spain during the 17th century. This movement is part of the baroque and is traditionally presented as a current opposed to culteranismo. The most important representative of conceptism is Francisco de Quevedo, although there are other relevant artists in this movement.
In this lesson from a TEACHER, we want to explain in detail what is conceptism and its characteristics, so that you can better understand this current of Spanish literature.
As we have previously mentioned, conceptism is a current of literature that developed in the 17th century in Spain and what is located between cancioneril lyric and the most advanced Baroque. It is mainly based on the ingenious association between words and ideas that we call concepts.
Baltasar Gracián, a conceptism theorist, described it in his work The Sharpness and Art of Wit as an act of understanding that highlights the correspondence between objects. That is, it is a type of thinking that highlights the
connection between different things. Conceptism seeks to be clear and concise, trying to convey a lot of meaning with few words.This style can be confusing on purpose to impress people and gain their admiration. It is played with meaning of the words and the interesting relationships that can be established between them. In addition, conceptism values the difficulty of literary language as an important aesthetic element.
In unProfesor we discover the main characteristics of baroque literature.

The main feature for which conceptism stands out is the way in which ideas and concepts predominate, hence its name. We present you the main characteristics of conceptism so that you can understand a little better the way in which their authors communicated:
- The importance lies in the background of the texts and not in the form. Conceptist poetry places its emphasis on content, that is, an ingenious association of words and ideas.
- It is written through Abstract thinking. The authors work on the text using the antithesis, laconisms, paradoxes, double meanings, associations of ideas and words, etc.
- Each work is a complete set of thoughts and associations designed to test the sharpness and the intelligence of the reader.
- Conceptism is always in search of the new and the extraordinary in order to promote intelligence and cause admiration by the public.
- There are some poetic resources that are frequently used in conceptism: ellipsis, zeugma, amphibology, polysemy and equivocation.

Literary movements arise thanks to the authors who are behind and fight to implement a new way of writing. That is why we want to give them the importance they deserve and introduce you to the main artists of literary conceptism.
Francisco de Quevedo (1580-1645)
The critic considers Francis of Quevedo as one of the great Spanish writers. He wrote poetry, narrative, drama, and philosophical texts, addressing political, moral, and historical issues.
His best known work is the life of the seeker, a picaresque novel that tells the life of Don Pablo, a ruffian character. Although Quevedo never admitted having written it to avoid censorship, critics consider it an exaggerated and grotesque satire, typical of the Baroque style.
Quevedo demonstrated a language proficiency and a wide vocabulary, playing with the meanings. For this reason it is recognized as a conceptist work.
Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658)
Balthazar Gracian He is a Spanish Jesuit who stood out as a philosopher and writer of didactic prose. He is considered one of the main representatives of conceptism, using aphorisms, polysemy and puns in his works. His thinking reflects a pessimistic approach, in keeping with the Baroque period.
In his writings, Gracián portrays a deceitful and hostile world, where malice prevails over truth and virtue. His most outstanding work is The Criticon, considered the pinnacle of Spanish Baroque. It is an allegory that encompasses all of human life, represented by two opposite characters: Andreino, impulsive and inexperienced, and Critilo, experienced and prudent. The work focuses on social satire and disappointment, maintaining the structure of a moral epic.
Luis de Gongora (1561-1627)
Luis de Gongora he wrote two types of poems on his work. The popular poems were simpler compositions, with an unadorned language, among which the romances and letrillas stood out. On the other hand, the cultured poems they were more elaborate compositions in high art.
Among his best-known works are The Fable of Polyphemus and Galatea, which narrates the myth of the Cyclops in love with the nymph, and The Solitudes, an unfinished poem that exalts life in nature.

We leave you with a fragment of the work Mr money is a powerful gentlemande Quevedo, a text full of puns and polysemy, two very important resources in conceptist poetry. Take, for example, the word "shield" in the last stanza: it can refer to a coin, a defensive weapon, and also an insignia of nobility.
"...For importing in the deals
and give such good advice,
in the houses of the old
cats keep you from cats.
And then he breaks modesty
and he softens the harshest judge,
Powerfull knight
It's Mr. Money.
And his majesty is so much
(although the duels are fed up with it)
that with having made rooms,
he does not lose his authority;
but, well, it gives quality
to the noble and the beggar,
Powerfull knight
It's Mr. Money.
I never saw ungrateful ladies
to his liking and his hobby;
that to the faces of a doubloon
they make cheap faces out of it;
and then he makes them bravado
from a leather bag,
Powerfull knight
It's Mr. Money.
They are worth more in any land
(Look if he is very clever!)
the shields of him in peace
that surrounds you in war.
And then he buries the poor
and makes the stranger his own,
Powerfull knight
It's Mr. Money."
Now you know a little better literary current of conceptism and what are its main characteristics. If you want to continue delving into this topic or something similar, do not hesitate to consult our section on the history of literature.