Education, study and knowledge

The Mensalus Institute begins its collaboration with Nebrija University

The Mensalus Institute, a reference psychology center in Barcelona, ​​has signed a collaboration agreement with the Antonio de Nebrija University for the development of its Training programs aimed at Psychology professionals.

In the first phase, the Master's Degree in Integrative Psychotherapy will be carried out jointly in its face-to-face version and in a new online version. In the future, new training proposals will be incorporated into this agreement.

The Master in Integrative Psychotherapy, designed for graduates and graduates in Psychology Oriented to the clinical and health field, it offers the theoretical and practical tools to learn the fundamentals of psychotherapy in a real psychological and psychiatric care environment, in constant contact with patients and therapists.

A Master to learn the details of therapeutic practice

The combination between the academic and the practical, the logic of the university and private practice in consultation of therapy, helps students to grasp all the nuances of the profession from a theoretical position integrator.

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In this way, the students of the Mensalus Master's Degree in Integrative Psychotherapy can, on the one hand, observe cases of real psychological intervention in real time (which take place in the Mensalus Institute itself), and by the other, learn by carrying out practices with real cases under the supervision of teaching staff.

Being immersed in an environment that has a large patient base, it is possible to see varied cases and understand the operation of different types of interventions in therapy.

In addition, students have constant advice and guidance from therapist-tutors who focus their main professional activity on therapeutic practice.

Due to its characteristics in terms of the interest of the contents that are taught in it and the tools that they offer to learn the practical facet of psychotherapy, In addition to providing the university degree from Nebrija University, the master's degree is endorsed and recommended by the Spanish Society for the Integration of psychotherapy and It is considered "of interest to the profession" by the Official Col·legi de Psicologia de Catalunya.

Master's Degree in Integrative Psychotherapy: its details

The Master's Degree lasts one school year and offers 60 ECTS credits. There is more information about his approach on the website of the Mensalus Institute.

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