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38 examples of VOCATIVE in Spanish

Examples of vocative

There are many elements in speech that allow the sender interacts directly with the receiver. This is the case of the vocative, which is very important in oral language, to capture the attention of the people who are listening, but also in written texts, since they will keep readers focused on everything moment.

In this lesson of a PROFESSOR we want to give you some vocative examples, in addition to explaining well what this concept is, so that you can start using this useful and necessary discursive resource.

Is called vocative to the resource of the speech that It is used to invoke, call or name a person or thing personified when we address her. One of the most frequent cases, which you surely recognize, is saying the name of the person to whom we direct or indirectly, in order to capture your attention and ensure that you are listening.

For example:Lorena, try not to leave the books in the middle of the hall.

However, the vocatives can also be common names that indicate the relationship that exists between the

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two interlocutors, the profession, the title or a nickname. For example: Mom, today I haven't had time to fold the clothes.

IMPORTANT: It is not a vocative if the mention of a person does not serve to direct us directly to it.

Therefore, we can deduce that the vocative fulfills a appellate function, that is, it directly calls a person or several, who are present in the communicative act.

Examples of vocative - What is the vocative

let's get you some vocative examples so that you understand this lesson better and can see how the theory that we have explained in the previous section is put into practice. It is important that you do not rush and that you read each of the examples little by little to see who each vocative wants to draw attention to.

We have pointed out this resource of the language in bold font To make it easier for you to identify it:

  1. Martha, she closes the door well before you leave.
  1. Today is a very special day, dear students.
  2. I'm worried, doctor. He has had a fever for several days.
  3. And that is why I tell you, friends, that I feel very happy.
  4. Today we have an exam teacher?
  5. ¡Sultan, here is the plate with your food!
  6. Hello, Teresa! You are beautiful!
  7. Come this way pretty. We'll start with the haircut.
  8. And that's it, boys.
  9. Let's see, skinny, show us what you have to sell.
  10. You can't believe it Mari, You've got it!
  11. Companions, we must be more united today than ever.
  12. But, lady, don't touch all the apples.
  13. I told you several times Gabriel, we have to nip this issue in the bud.
  14. I'm sorry I interrupted you Glory, but I'm in a real hurry with that report.
  15. GuysDon't you want to play tag now that it's not so hot anymore?
  16. Do not say foolishness, ClaudiaYou know I'm not leaving this office for that
  17. GrandmotherIn a while we went out to run errands.
  18. Let's see, darling, if you put your batteries and start cleaning this you will finish today.
  19. Have you seen the football game? guys?.
  20. Nursethe patient is not breathing.
  21. Don't forget about the meeting Laura.
  22. ignacioYou have solved the exercise correctly.
  23. LuisHave you done your homework tomorrow?
  24. Manuel, come here with your brothers right now.
  25. Please, Pablo, sit on the chair.
  26. MercedesPlease be careful going down the stairs.
  27. Tomorrow will be an important day valued employees.
  28. I'm worried, doctorI haven't gone to the bathroom for several days.
  29. Don't listen to the rumors friends, I am an honest person.
  30. Today I have to go to the dentist, mother?
  31. ¡My child, take your plate of milk!
  32. Hello, loli! How well you look!
  33. And that has been all for today, guys.
  34. Let me see lady, if your product is in good condition.
  35. Don't risk it Luis, it's very dangerous!
  36. Dear compatriots, we must not silence our thirst for justice.
  37. Good, teacher, proceed to start the work.
  38. I do not understand you well, Eve.
Examples of vocative - Examples of vocatives

We propose you a exercise so you can start practicing with the vocative. However, we recommend that you start thinking about all the times you use it throughout the day, you will see that there are many more times than you thought!

The following sentences may contain a vocative or none and your job is identify it:

  • Manuel, have you finished studying?
  • I told you the whole truth, mom.
  • Sara and José, come here.
  • According to legend, the water in the fountain was blessed.
  • Dad, are we going to the soccer game?

In this section you will find the solutions to the previous exercise about vocatives. We recommend that you do not refer to this section until you have tried to find the solution yourself, as this is the best way to learn. We have indicated the vocative in bold font and, next to it, we have explained what the function of each one of them is:

  • Manuel, have you finished studying?: "Manuel" is the vocative that is used to call his attention and to be able to ask him a question.
  • I told you the whole truth mother: In this case the vocative is "mom" and it is used to reinforce and draw attention to the fact that it expresses the sentence
  • Sarah and Jose, come here: The vocative is "Sara and José". Both are called to come.
  • According to legend, the water in the fountain was blessed: It is not vocative, since "According to legend" is a sentence complement that is not intended to attract anyone's attention, it only serves to introduce the prayer.
  • DadAre we going to go to the football game?: "Dad" is a vocative that calls attention to ask him something.

Now you know some example of vocative and you know how this concept of language works when we introduce it in a sentence. If you want to go deeper into the functions of each of the words, do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section, where we will give you the best tricks to be the best in the language subject Spanish.

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