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7 types of continuous TEXTS

Types of continuous texts

The continuous texts are those that are organized through sentences and paragraphs, so that the reader does not have to go making jumps with the view of it, to be able to capture its content. These texts can be found in most books of Spanish literature and there are different types that you can use in your stories, depending on the one that best suits your needs concrete.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to explain what they are and what are the types of continuous texts, so you have a wider range of writing methods to choose from when you sit down in front of your blank paper.

As we have mentioned above, a continuous text is the one who is seamlessly organized through sentences and paragraphs. This mode of writing is one of the most common at a universal level and is used practically for any type of writing. writing in which we need to express ideas, so that they pass from a sender to a receiver, always speaking in written form.

Continuous texts are built in an orderly manner in which

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the arguments connect with each other through prayers and links. This type of writing is the opposite of discontinuous texts, which aim to convey a large amount of fragmented information, so that the receiver can capture it as quickly as possible possible.

They are just the opposite of discontinuous texts, which are those that have visual support, such as a restaurant menu.

Types of continuous texts - What are continuous texts

there are many types of continuous texts, since, as we have told you, it is the text that currently abounds the most. A single speech can include different kinds of textFor example, a narrative text, such as a novel, can include descriptive and argumentative chapters, without it seeming strange to the reader. That is why we can conclude that the line that separates the different types of continuous texts is so fine that we can be constantly crossing it.

We leave you with an explanation of the types of continuous texts that exist, so that you can know how each of them is used and what function it fulfills.

Narrative texts

The Narrative texts They are that follow a time sequence to tell a storyeither real or fictional. The structure of a narrative is usually made up of an introduction to the topic, the development of the story and the outcome of the events. Within the narrative texts we can find stories, novels, epic poems, myths, legends, biographies, news, letters, chronicles, historical essays, etc.

expository texts

The expository texts are those that present a series of concepts, events or ideas. Usually, in this type of text, the paragraphs are organized placing the main idea at the beginning and developing the exposition through complementary ideas. In expository texts we can find news, school texts, articles, scientific and humanistic essays, etc.

Descriptive texts

They are known as descriptive texts those who point out the properties and characteristics something in particular, be it an object or a situation. Usually, these texts are full of adjectives and comparisons. Within this type of continuous text we can find geographical texts, academic texts, manuals, biographical portraits, tourist guides, taxonomies, etc.

argumentative texts

The argumentative texts They are that they try to convince about a subject specific. In addition, those texts that break down concepts or theories are also recognized as argumentative, with the clear objective that the reader can understand what is being explained. Legal and philosophical treatises, literary essays, advertising texts, monographs, opinion articles and scientific works are considered argumentative.

Instructive texts

We refer to instructive texts when we speak of those who are written as steps to follow to achieve a goal. This type of writing is intended to instruct the reader to learn how to do something correctly. Instructional texts are those found in medicines, prescriptions, manuals, rules and standards of conduct in schools, etc.

Normative texts

The normative texts are the ones set the rules according to what should be done at a certain place or time. Generally, they are texts of an institutional nature and are aimed at regulating the conduct of organized societies. We could classify as normative texts the civil codes and the constitutions of the countries, decrees and laws, statutes of civil associations, etc.


The hypertexts are a new literary concept that has emerged at present. Hypertexts are considered to be a type of continuous text and consist of those links that we find in the middle of a writing on the Internet and that link us to another related article. Usually, these texts are highlighted in blue, green, red or another color, depending on the design of the web page.

Now you know the types of continuous texts that they exist and you know what each of them is for. If you are writing your first texts, it is good that you can soak up the knowledge of Spanish literature, so we recommend that you take a look at our writing section.

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