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Who won World War I

Who won World War I

World War I is considered the first great war in human history, partly because of the number of nations that were part of it, but also because of the important consequences it brought for the world. When talking about such an important conflict, it is always relevant to talk about its victor, and that is why in this lesson by a Teacher we must talk about who won the First World War.

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  1. World War I: summary
  2. Find out who won the First World War
  3. Which countries participated in the First World War

World War I: Summary.

The First World War, also known as the Great War, is a war that took place between the July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918. It is referred to as a "world" war because it took place in various parts of the globe at the same time, and because nations from all continents participated in it.

It is considered as one of the greatest wars of history, partly because of the enormous consequences it brought to the world, being partly the reason for the Second World War, but also because of the enormous number of deaths it brought. The great importance of the conflict lies largely in the fact that all the great world powers of the moment participated in the confrontation, being the last blows of some of them, such as of the

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Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire, which suffered revolutions that ended with their transformation.

Find out who won the First World War.

The end of the First World War took place in 1918 with the signing of peace treaties that gave many benefits to the allies, while drawing various condemnations from the Central Powers. For this reason, the great winners of the conflict were the Allies, although not all had the same benefits.

Within the Allies the victory was especially important for France and UK, since they were the leaders of the Allies, and therefore the ones who had fought the most for the war. On the other hand, the victory was not for Russia, since they had abandoned the Allies shortly before the war, and therefore could not benefit from the end of the conflict.

Within the Allies there were more than a dozen nations, but not all of them participated in the same way, nor did they play the same. Therefore we can say that the big winners and winners of the conflict were the following:

  • czechoslovakia, being a region that until then had been dependent on the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but thanks to the victory in the war it was possible to become independent, thus creating one of the most important regions of Europe during the 20th century, and which played a key role for the new map European.
  • USA, which entered the war late and therefore did not have many economic losses. In addition, the North American nation lent large amounts of money to the combatant nations, for which it earned enormous amounts of money due to the debts they carry. After the war the nation achieved great economic growth, becoming the greatest power in the world. For many people they were the biggest winners of the war, getting many benefits, but few losses.
  • UK and France, that they were the leaders of the Alliance, and, therefore, the main winners of the war, the victory made that their liberal model was imitated by a large part of the European population. The two remained the two great nations of Europe, thereby achieving enormous prosperity, which was stopped short a few years later by the rise of German Nazism.
Who won the First World War - Find out who won the First World War

Which countries participated in the First World War.

Now that we know which country won World War I, we must discuss who the sides that participated in the Great War and, thus, understand the implications of the different nations in the conflict. For this reason, the two great sides that faced each other in the First World War were the following:

  • Central Powers: Made up of the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, being the great empires that existed at the time and that still maintain many of the classic values. This side is made up of the less progressive nations, focused on maintaining the world as always, with governments that are somewhat more outdated than their enemies, generally being monarchical. Some of the most important nations that were part of the Central Powers were Bulgaria, the Sanusis, the Central African Republic, Finland, Poland and Lithuania.
  • allies: The faction that rejected the classical and that sought to evolve in its management, being generally republican nations and very focused on capitalism as the economic engine. The most important nations and leaders of this side were France, the United Kingdom, the Russian Empire and Italy. The rest of the nations that made up the group were generally allies of the English, the most important of these being the United States, Japan, Australia, Portugal and Serbia.
Who won the First World War - Which countries participated in the First World War

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  • Gilbert, M., & Devotee, A. (2005). The first World War. Book Sphere.
  • Renouvin, P., & Translator, V. (1972). The first World War. Oikos-tau.
  • Renouvin, P. (1990). The European crisis and the First World War (Vol. 18). AKAL Editions.
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