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3 stages of the NEOLITHIC and their characteristics

Neolithic stages and their characteristics

The Neolithic stages are the Initial, Full and Final Neolithic. In unProfesor we discover them with their main characteristics.

Prehistory is one of the longest periods in human history, being a process of centuries and where human beings were advancing little by little. That is why when talking about the periods that make up Prehistory we must list the various phases into which each one is divided, being essential to understand in greater depth how it left making progress.

One of the main periods of Prehistory was the Neolithic, and to analyze its evolution in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about Neolithic stages and their characteristics.

You may also like: Stages of Prehistory - Brief Summary


  1. What is the Neolithic?
  2. Neolithic Stages: Early Neolithic
  3. Full or middle Neolithic and characteristics
  4. Final or Late Neolithic, the last of the Neolithic stages

What is the Neolithic?

Before talking about the Neolithic Stages, we are going to place ourselves historically in this context.


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Neolithicis the last of Three periods into which the Stone Age is divided, being the moment in which the human being was able to definitively achieve live sedentary that is, having a fixed residence and not having to travel between zones.

The Neolithic is usually placed between 7,000 B.C. C and 3,000 a. c., being therefore the period located between the Mesolithic and the Age of Metals, and therefore the end of the Stone Age

The Neolithic was a turning point in human history since humanity underwent an enormous change in all senses, but especially in the way in which it was organized and in how it related to external peoples. It was in this period that human beings achieved develop livestock and agriculture, Being these, together with the creation of houses, made humanity able to completely adopt a sedentary way of life, in which they did not have to have a fixed residence.

For all these reasons, we can consider that the Neolithic was the period in which the advances that are the foundations of modern civilization and society.

Neolithic stages and their characteristics - What is the Neolithic?

Neolithic stages: Early Neolithic.

To know in depth the periods that make up the Neolithic we must list the stages that make up this period, and thus see how humanity evolved over the years.

The first phase of the Neolithic is known as Early Neolithic, the first period of this part of history, and serving as an intermediate point between the Mesolithic and the fullest part of the Neolithic.

The first phase of the Neolithic or early Neolithic covers approximately from the year 7000 a. c. until 5500 a. c., although we must understand that in prehistoric terms all dates are approximate.

This period is characterized as the time when humans began their transition from the hunter-gatherer economy. to agriculture and livestock. This process is one of the most important in our history, since it laid the foundations of what we understand as society and civilization.

The early Neolithic is also marked because it was when the first fixed human settlements, since several factors came together and allowed human beings to be able to form what we understand as a town.

Full or middle Neolithic and characteristics.

The second of the Neolithic stages is known as Full Neolithic or Middle Neolithic, being the intermediate point of this stage and where most of the main Neolithic characteristics occur. This Neolithic phase extends approximately from 5500 B.C. c. until 4000 B.C. c.

The full Neolithic period is characterized by a further development of agriculture and livestock, being the stage in which human beings were able to create new tools to improve the production of the land, and discover new animal species that could be domesticated.

In the full period is also when the first social classes appear Since more numerous civilizations begin to emerge, with a greater number of differences such as power or wealth, and therefore the first class differences between people.

Especially the phase of the Full Neolithic is characterized by the enormous advance in the aljafería, which made ceramic and handicraft production improve, and also served as the basis for huge trade chains, which improved the economy of human beings in the centuries later.

Neolithic stages and their characteristics - Full or middle Neolithic and characteristics

Final or Late Neolithic, the last of the Neolithic stages.

To conclude this lesson on the Neolithic stages and their characteristics, we must talk about the main characteristics of the last period of the Neolithic, which will help us to better understand this stage of our history.

The last period of the Neolithic is the so-called final or late Neolithic, being the phase that gives directly to the Metal Age and therefore ends with the Neolithic as we know it. The phase is approximately from 5,000 B.C. c. until 3,000 a. c., although we must understand that the end of this period may vary depending on the region, since some of them took more years than others to discover and work the metals.

The characteristics of this period are quite similar to those of the rest of the periods, since it is still the consolidation of all of the above. Among the characteristics of the final Neolithic we can list:

  • The appearance of the first cities
  • The improvements in the aljafería
  • The improvement of economic tasks such as agriculture or livestock
  • And finally the first works with metals, since it was at this time when they began to work.

If you want to read more articles similar to Neolithic stages and their characteristics, we recommend that you enter our category of History.


  • Garcia, J. m. v. (1991). Neolithic. Social and economic transformations. American Anthropology Bulletin, (24), 31-61.
  • Gonzalo, a. h. (1993). The neolithic process, theoretical perspectives for the study of the Neolithic. zephyrvs, 46.
  • Ruiz, a. TO. (2009). The end of the Mesolithic and the beginning of the Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula: chronology and phases. Munibe Anthropology-Arkeology, 60, 157-173.
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