Education, study and knowledge

The 7 keys to choosing the best Coaching Master

Coaching is one of the disciplines most in demand today, among other things because of its flexibility to time to provide solutions in the field of team management, professional development and development staff. For this reason, at present there are many benefits of coaching both in the world of work and in the personal world and each More and more areas in which they are applied (personal, professional, educational, leadership, social or groups between others).

But... How to choose the right Coaching Master? When starting any master's degree, it is important to be clear about what type of training we want, what are our needs, specialization preferences and the approaches that may interest us the most in the world of coaching.

  • We recommend you read: "Transpersonal Coaching: what it is and what it is for"

How to choose the best Master's in Coaching: a guide for future coaches

If you are interested in taking a master's degree in coaching, in today's article we briefly present the The main keys that you must take into account to start the best possible master's degree that suits your needs.

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1. Possibility of putting into practice the tools learned

As in any self-respecting master's degree, the best master's degrees in the field of coaching are those that allow their participants the possibility of practicing the tools learned. For this reason, it is very important that during classes there is a space only designed to start practicing.

Without practice, you will not be able to integrate and apply everything seen in the classes, which will also be the basis to be able to implement it in your mentoring processes. These processes are very important to be able to refine and evaluate your skills as a coach, since a certified mentor will analyze the sessions and give you the necessary feedback for improvement. Innerkey takes into account both in-class practices and individual mentoring sessions, undoubtedly adding them to all programs.

2. international certification

Ensure that the training program we choose has one or more international guarantees from one or more quality control organizations (such as the ICF - International Coaching Federation) is another of the keys that we must take into account, since that means that you will be able to have clients all over the world, since your certification will be valid for you in any country.

There are several national or international organizations of great prestige that can tell us if it is worth taking a certain master's degree or, on the contrary, we should choose another one.. Innerkey, in addition to having the highest ICF certifications in their professional programs, are also certified by two other prestigious International associations: IACTM 'International Association of Coaches, Therapists and Mentors' and TCTN 'Transpersonal Coaching Therapy Network'.

3. Clarity and specificity in your training method

Those masters who clarify their specific training method from the beginning will make it easier for us to know their approach and will allow us to consider whether this is the type of study or intervention that best suits us. it suits.

That is why it is so important to observe the structure and methodology of the master's degree curriculum. Innerkey has a transpersonal, executive and team approach and has its own coaching structure, based on the T.R.U.S.T® method. that allows deepening the processes and sessions to achieve effective and sustainable results over time.

4. Has specific career opportunities

The best master's degrees are those that excellently train you to be able to opt for various professional opportunities and have a promising professional horizon, once the course has been successfully completed. Some of the most common options are:

  • own business: being able to create your value proposition and offer your services to individuals, be it life, executive or business coaching, among others.

  • Companies and organizations: Every day more companies hire professional coaches to work with their employees in the skills development, leadership, time management, conflict resolution and other areas related.

  • Educational institutions: Universities, training institutions and educational centers often look for professional coaches to help students students in their personal and professional development, as well as to provide guidance in decision-making and planning of careers.

  • Nonprofit organizations: Some non-profit organizations hire professional coaches to work with populations such as at-risk youth, people in job transition, or individuals facing challenges individuals.

master coaching

5. Specialized teaching team

Another of the most important keys that we must take into account is that the team of teachers or professionals who The masters are taught by certified coaches or highly prestigious psychologists both nationally and internationally. international.

Taking a master's degree taught by proven experts will ensure that we receive the best theoretical knowledge and the most useful tools and techniques in the field of coaching of any modality. At Innerkey all trainers, coaches or mentors are Professional Master Coaches certified by Innerkey and by the International Coaching Federation (minimum PCC certification).

6. Take advantage of the potential of distance training

Distance learning offers a wide variety of advantages compared to classical training and currently there are many master's degrees that are offered online, from the comfort of home. Both the 100% live online classes and the mixed format classes offer greater study flexibility, allow us to self-manage our own time, they save time and money, allow us to study anywhere, learn collectively and allow us to meet people from other countries who are studying the same master.

Innerkey has the most demanded, the 100% live and/or face-to-face online modality, since they are the most favorable for weekly interaction with trainers, colleagues and the school team to have the necessary support for comprehensive training.

7. Allows for support tutors

It is very important to observe if the master's degree offers the possibility of having a personal tutor during the course with whom to be able to resolve doubts and ask any type of query that we have about the contents of the agenda or any other issue.

This tutor is normally one of the professors who are part of the teaching team and his help will be of great help to us in learning and consolidating the contents of the course. In addition to that, it will provide us with a service of accompaniment, guidance and useful advice during the course of the master's degree..

During the master's training at Innerkey, you will have tutors available every week during the classes, as well as solving doubts through email and supporting learning through individual coaching sessions and mentoring.

8. Allows you to specialize in specific fields

Studying a master's degree allows us to specialize and become professional in the area we desire. Coaching is a young discipline, however, it increasingly has more intervention methodologies and uses. That is why, depending on the type of specialization we wish to achieve, it is important to choose one or another master's degree, depending on our preferences.

From Innerkey we observe that today the most demanded are personal coaching or life coaching and also those related to the business world. (teams, executives, systemic, leadership, etc.), which is why we offer it in our different master's specialties.

9. That has quality and closeness in human treatment

Prepare yourself in a good master's degree with an offer to train you in a good deep coaching, should not exist without closeness and human connection. That is the basis of everything. In the same way, for a coaching training to be effective, you must feel comfortable, confident and secure.

From Innerkey, the treatment you would receive from our entire internal team, trainers, coaches or mentors, will always be close and human, it will be real and authentic and profoundly effective.

Do you want to train as a coach?

At Innerkey Coaching we will offer you the best master's degrees with the highest quality and certifications, as well as the accompaniment of a great professional and very close team. Enters here and find out about our master's degree in transpersonal and executive coaching & emotional intelligence.

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