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5 literary differences between NATURALISM and REALISM

Naturalism and Realism: literary differences

Even though so much Naturalism as Realism they are literary currents similar for sharing one common base: the realistic and objective description of reality, there are small nuances that differentiate them and that must be adequately explained. In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to teach you some of the literary differences between Naturalism and Realism most outstanding and particular. So, after a brief introduction, let's get started.

When the romantic period, more or less in the year 1850, a new concept of art and the world saw the light. The main features of this new way of seeing things that was later divided between the current Naturalist and the current Realistic are as follows:

  • Faced with idealization and the need for romantic escape, a great interest in observing things and in the description of the world as it is. It is the day to day, the routine and things as they are that become part of the art.
  • In romanticism, the world was explained through the self, with this new vision, things began to try to be
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    as objective as possible and the artists Try to stick to reality the maximum possible.
  • The artist will seek to give direct testimony of the things that lives and therefore, will be even the scientific data the protagonists of the work or the support in which it is sustained.
  • The topics they also keep similarities between the two currents mentioned: in the love, for example, situations become extreme and cause great tensions between the protagonists. Problems such as differences in age, social class, love between siblings, adultery and other situations will be some of the recurring ones in the literature of the moment.
  • The dualistic belief theme will also be common: anticlericalism or clericalism. Furthermore, it will be society itself that experiences this duality in the works.
Naturalism and Realism: literary differences - Brief context of Naturalism and Realism

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We are already fully into knowing the main differences between Naturalism and Realism, two artistic currents that are very similar to each other, but with important differences that must be taken into account. account.

  1. On the one hand, in the Realism includes the social criticism in a way rather superficial. Social issues do appear but not with great interest in the reform. The intention of the authors is really to make known what is happening in the country and defend a specific ideological position. In the Naturalisminstead, a much fiercer social criticism due to the injustices that bourgeois society was carrying out. The main intention is to reform society.
  2. The language in Realism is usually simple While in the Naturalism the language is complex, he uses scientific vocabulary often.
  3. In the Realism the narrator's voice it is rather objective and he is usually in the third person for it. In the Naturalism the monologues interiors and dialogues where the narrator disappears are more common.
  4. In the Naturalism there is a certain pessimistic view of life and it is believed that he is a victim of his environment and therefore is not free. Related to this arises the idea of ​​a biological determinism where the characters are condemned by family inheritance: they cannot flee from what was genetically given to them at birth. In the Realism, on the contrary, it is intended describe reality as it is without making it more or less pessimistic.
  5. We would say that one of the main exponents of Realism is Stendhal, a French author who is followed Balzac with "The Human Comedy" Y Flaubert with "Madame Bovary". It is Emile zola, on the other hand, the one who goes one step further and creates the Naturalism. He does not do it only through his novels but lays the groundwork with essays and scientific articles. "The experimental novel" it is, let's say, the manifest of it all.
Naturalism and Realism: literary differences - 5 differences between Naturalism and Realism
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